From the President’s Desk: A Message from TICA President Vickie Fisher
The TICA winter Board meeting took place last month.
I’m excited to announce that during the meeting the Board voted to advance the Toybob to Preliminary New Breed (PNB). This particular change takes effect immediately. Join me in congratulating our Toybob breeders and fanciers on achieving their next step toward a place among our TICA family of Championship breeds. We look forward to seeing them at the shows.
I’m also happy to report that TICA continues to grow as an organization, adding more clubs to our Regions and shows to our calendar. Each month we have been averaging two to three new clubs as our numbers continue to rise making us the world’s largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats and largest registry of household pet cats and kittens.
Thank you for sharing your fabulous felines and helping us create the fun and friendships that make TICA unique!
In This Issue
TICA Welcomes 2 New Clubs into Our Family | Pet And Woman Safety (PAWS) Act Signed into U.S. Law | TICA To Participate in Largest Regional Animal Care Event in the U.S. | From TICA Junior Exhibitor to Future Veterinarian: Meet Tatyana Kalani | TICA Recognizes Dr. Elizabeth Bales with Endorsement of Excellence Award | Dr. Elsey’s Crowns New Scooper Bowl Champ at TNCC TICA International Show | TICA Reinstates Cattery of Excellence Program | Winn Feline Foundation February 2019 Update | Cats Outnumber Dogs as Pets in Japan | TICA Regional Updates
TICA Welcomes 2 New Clubs into Our Family
TICA continues to grow with the addition of three new clubs to our growing family. Please help us welcome the Canuck Cat Club (Innisfil, ON, Canada) joining our Northeast Region, Citrus Cat Club (Inverness, FL) joining our Southeast Region and the Philadelphia Tea Party! (Willow Grove, PA) joining our Mid Atlantic Region.
Pet And Woman Safety (PAWS) Act Signed into U.S. Law
On December 20, 2018, the provisions of the Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act were signed into law as part of the 2018 Farm Bill. The PAWS Act establishes a grant program for entities that provide shelter and housing assistance for domestic violence survivors to enable them to better meet the housing needs of survivors with pets. The new law also takes the important step of including pets, service and emotional support animals, and horses in federal law pertaining to interstate stalking, protection order violations, and restitution. These provisions provide law enforcement with additional tools for protecting victims from their abusers.
Abusers use pets as pawns as victims often remain in abusive relationships out of concern for the welfare and safety of their pets. According to the Rose Brooks Center in Kansas City, Missouri: 71% of pet-owning women entering emergency shelters reported that their batterer had injured, maimed, killed or threatened family pets for revenge or to psychologically control victims, and; 48% of domestic violence survivors report they are unable to escape their abusers because they are concerned about what will happen to their pets when they leave.
While a network of shelters exists to provide victims a safe place, there are too few domestic violence shelters nationwide that are equipped to house and care for pets. Only 3 percent of domestic violence shelters accommodate pets. As a result, victims of domestic violence are forced to choose between their safety and the safety of their pets, often leading to delay in leaving dangerous situations.
The legislation also takes the important step of including pets in federal law pertaining to interstate stalking, protection order violations, and restitution, and urges states to allow pets to be included under protection orders (as 29 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have already done). These provisions provide law enforcement with additional tools for protecting victims from their abusers.
TICA To Participate in Largest Regional Animal Care Event in the U.S.
For the third straight year, TICA is proud to participate in the 10th Annual Texas Unites for Animals Conference (, April 27-29 at the Renaissance Austin Hotel in Austin, Texas. The event is the largest and most successful regional animal care event in the country and is a great opportunity for TICA to lend its expertise and show support for the animal welfare community.
The event is a leading supporter of animal care, rescue and protection in the U.S. and will reach an audience of more than 500 animal welfare professionals. Attendees will include animal control officers, shelter and operations managers, rescue volunteers, non-profit board members, private shelter staff, veterinarians and others in the fields of animal sheltering, care and control. Click here to learn more about Texas Unites for Animals.
From TICA Junior Exhibitor to Future Veterinarian: Meet Tatyana Kalani
From Former TICA Junior Exhibitor to distinguished 2021 candidate for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master Public Health candidate at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, Tatyana Kalani is an excellent example of how TICA can shape young minds for success in the future.
Tatyana began showing Bengal cats more than 17 years ago with her mother. At the age of eight, she soaked up as much of the sport as she could from attending and exhibiting at shows, but at the time didn’t have the benefit of a formal program for kids within TICA.
As a result, Tatyana and her mother worked with TICA to fill the gap left for kids and thus, developed TICA’s Junior Exhibitors. The Program was submitted and approved by then TICA Board members and the TICA Executive Office. The Junior Exhibitor Program allows kids to learn about the various cat breeds and how to care for them as well as the ins and outs of breeding and showing cats. While working their way through the program, kids acquire the skills needed to become responsible and ethical cat caretakers while earning the TICA Junior Exhibitor’s Award of Excellence.
Through the program, Tatyana worked her way from Head Ring Clerk at the age of 10 to Master Clerk, Entry Clerk, and Show Manager, all while learning TICA rules, breed standards, and animal husbandry along the way. She visited animal shelters and gained knowledge on structural malformations of various breeds as she pursed a path to becoming a TICA Judge.
At 16 she graduated the Junior Exhibitor Program with Distinction. She was accepted as a Judge trainee in 2013 and today she is a distinguished student at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. She is set to graduate in 2021 with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Public Health degrees and is a recipient of the prestigious Dr. Jack Walther Leadership Award from the Western Veterinary Conference.
Tatyana credits the TICA community as her “second family” that gave her the skills, opportunities and knowledge needed to become an informed breeder focused on genetics and health, public speaker, leader, educator, and most importantly, advocate for animals.
TICA’s Junior Program is open to kids 8 to 18 years. Participants are each given a local mentor to help guide and counsel them, answer questions, and oversee their progress in the program. Those without a cat are paired up with mentors who can provide a feline for learning and practicing.
The program is divided into six levels of achievement. The three junior levels emphasize basic cat health and welfare, learning about TICA, and showing etiquette and procedures. While the three senior levels focus on advanced knowledge of cat showings, cat breeds, clerking and TICA. At the higher levels, they may become licensed TICA clerks who actually work at a show and run a judging ring and work with an experienced Show Manager participating in the planning and execution of a show, first as a Junior Show Manager and then as a Co-Show Manager.
To get involved or learn more about TICA’s Junior Exhibitor Program please contact the TICA Regional Junior Exhibitor liaison in your area. A list of Junior Exhibitor Committee liaison contacts can be found at
TICA Recognizes Dr. Elizabeth Bales with Endorsement of Excellence Award
Recognized for transforming the way we feed our cats, TICA bestows its newest Endorsement of Excellence Award to Doc & Phoebe Cat Company Owner, Dr. Elizabeth Bales.
Dr. Bales invented the world’s first and only indoor hunting/feeding system for cats that completely replaces the bowl. The Indoor Hunting Cat Feeder allows owners to fill and hide food in Doc & Phoebe Mice, which a cat must maneuver to get out. The device mimics the feel and movements of mice to allow cats to hunt, catch and play throughout the day, as nature intended.
“Cats instinctively want to hunt for their food, but that’s not exactly practical for most owners,” said TICA President Vickie Fisher. “Dr. Bales revolutionized the way we feed our cats by creating a system that mimics the way they eat in the wild and allows for better portion control and exercise.”
Vet-recommended, Doc & Phoebe’s Indoor Hunting Feeder has won several awards, including the International Cat Care 2017 Cat Friendly Award and has been featured on numerous media outlets, including the BBC’s ‘Trust Me I Am A Vet’.
For more information on Doc & Phoebe’s Cat Company products visit them online at
Dr. Elsey’s Crowns New Scooper Bowl Champ at TNCC TICA International Show
Dr. Elsey’s named Corey Arnold 2019 Scooper Bowl Champion last month during The International Cat Show. Held at the Portland Expo Center in Portland, Oregon, Dr. Elsey’s challenged event participants to show off their best shoveling techniques for the opportunity to become “Certified Litter Box Technicians.” Watch Corey show off his scooping skills in the video:

TICA Reinstates Cattery of Excellence Program
TICA is excited to announce that it is reinstating the TICA Cattery of Excellence Program, renamed Outstanding Cattery Program.
In keeping with the Mission and Policy Statements of TICA, the Outstanding Cattery Program has adopted the Cattery Evaluation Program and the Outstanding Cattery Code of Ethics as requirements for achieving the TICA Outstanding Cattery certificate. The goal is to provide education, information, and guidance to breeders to ensure they are aware of proper husbandry and cattery management techniques.
The finishing details were approved last month, during the TICA Winter Board of Directors meeting. TICA would like to extend a special thanks to Laurie Patton for her dedication in helping reestablish this program.
Details on this program can be found online here.
Winn Feline Foundation February 2019 Update
Recent Activity: 2019 has gotten off to a very busy start for the Winn Feline Foundation! The organization is proud to announce that it has participated in the following events during January:
- Gulf Cost Feline Show
- VMX Veterinary Conference
- San Diego Cat Show
- Houston Cat Show
- TNCC- TICA International Cat Show
Having a presence and participating in events such as these allows Winn to build awareness of the organization and the work it does to provide even more potential for support and make significant progress within feline health research.
Two New Scholarships: The Winn Feline Foundation announces it is once again partnering with the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) to offer two scholarships for third- or fourth-year veterinary students enrolled in accredited veterinary colleges or schools in the United States or Canada. A $2,500 scholarship will be offered to a veterinary student with an interest in feline practice and another $2,500 scholarship will be offered to a veterinary student with an interest in clinical scientific research.
The $2,500 awards are based on academic achievement, financial need, leadership and dedication to and excellence in the study of feline medicine, health, and welfare.
Winn’s Chronic Kidney Disease Campaign reached its goal of $50,000. Winn would like to thank contributors for all the support the organization received during 2018 and help it will provide for all cats throughout the world.
Help Wanted: Persian & Himalayan Breeds: Dr. Kathryn Meurs from North Carolina State University has uncovered a very suspect DNA marker for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in some (not all) affected Persians and Himalayan cats. Her lab is seeking additional samples from affected cats of these breeds. Buccal swab kits will be provided to all those who participate by providing samples. To learn more or volunteer to participate, contact Dr. Meurs at
Cats Outnumber Dogs as Pets in Japan
For the second year in a row, the number of cats being kept as pets in Japan outnumbered dogs, according to the Japan Pet Food Association (JPFA).
According to the Association, there are approximately 9,649,000 pet cats in Japan compared to 8,903,000 pet dogs. The estimated number of pet cats increased in 2018 by 123,000, while the number of pet dogs fell last year by 17,000.
JPFA began documenting the number of pet dogs versus cats in 1994. Their 2018 survey is based on answers submitted online by 50,000 people ages 20 – 79 throughout Japan.
TICA Regional Updates:
Click here to read updates on the following TICA Regions:
- TICA Europe North Regional Update
- TICA Great Lakes Regional Update
- TICA Mid Pacific Regional Update
- TICA Northeast Regional Update
- TICA South America Regional Update
- TICA South Central Regional Update
- TICA Southwest Regional Update
TICA Europe North Regional Update:
TICA Europe North Welcomes Our Newest Club, Cat Friends of Germany! We are excited to announce that they will hold their first TICA show May 11-12 in Niederhausen, Germany. For more information go to
CEU Fest Coming Soon! The TICA EN Region is excited to announce there will be a CEU Fest, May 24-25 in Frankfurt, Germany. Stay tuned for more details.
Mark your calendar for these upcoming shows/events:
- TICACats, February 23-24 in Holzminden, Germany
- TICA Club Crystal, March 2-3 in Moscow, Russia
- BE TICACats Club, March 2-3 in Ath, Belgium
- Neva, March 16-17 in Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Klub Kota X-treme, March 23-24 in Warsaw, Poland
- Esticat, March 30-31 in Tallinn, Estonia
- Lord Cats, March 30-31 in Yaroslavl, Russia
- FINTICAt ry, April 6-7 in Riihimaki, Finland
- JetCat, April 13-14 in Moscow, Russia
- CatsandTulips, April – 13-14 in Asperen, The Netherlands
- Be TICACats Club, April 20-21 in Halle, Belgium
- Lord Cats, April 27-28 in Saint Petersburg, Russia
TICA Great Lakes Regional Update:
The TICA GL Region is excited to announce that our new website is now LIVE! Hyperlink to Many thanks to Carol Lemke for her many, many years of service as webmaster to the region! A big thanks also goes to Kelli Hallifax for volunteering her time and talent as the GL Region’s new webmaster/designer. Thoughts on the new design and any corrections/suggestions can be sent to
The TICA GL Region Congratulates Approved Allbreed Judge Rick Hoskinson on his advancement during the Winter 2019 Board meeting.
Enter the Great Lakes Regional Fundraiser! Buy tickets to win a free entry to most of the 2019-2020 GL shows and a new, large black Sturdi carrier. Your first chance will be at the Maumee show in February. Thanks to all of the clubs who have donated an entry!! Tickets can be purchased for $1/ticket, $5/6 tickets, $10/15 tickets, $20/40 tickets and $50/100 tickets. Those who would like to contribute to the fundraiser with a donation or to buy tickets, please contact Liz at
Mark your calendar for these upcoming shows/events:
- Showcats Columbus in conjunction with the All American Pet Expo present All About Cats Expo, March 8-10 in Columbus, OH
Great Lakes Friends of Felines’ Hello Kitty Show, March 15 – 17 at the Arlington Heights Racetrack in Arlington Heights, IL.
Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers, April 13-14 in Racine, Wisconsin - The TICA Great Lakes Region is taking donations in memory of longtime rescue volunteer Ann Grenier and veteran Siberian and Ragdoll breeder and exhibitor Bev Metz Donations for Ann can be made here and donations for Bev can be sent to the Siberian rescue
TICA Mid Pacific Regional Update
Mark your calendar for the following show:
- East of Eden Cat Fanciers is excited to host an Allbreed cat show, February 23- 24 in Monterey California. The show includes 12 rings with two Bridesmaid Congresses and a potluck with true TICA-Family Spirit!
TICA Northeast Regional Update:
Membership Report: The TICA NE Region is proud to announce that as of December 2018 the Region has 773 members and growing!
Congratulations: The TICA NE Region would like to give a special shout out to the Toybob Breed Group for advancing to PNB status and to Margo Hill for accepting the responsibility of new Working Breed Group Chair.
Reminder: The TICA NE Region is asking members to take pictures of NE moments and memories at upcoming shows/events to help prepare for a special surprise at the Regional Show in July. Members will be asked to submit candid shots soon, stay tuned for details.
NE February Member Spotlight – Gordon Pugh: The NE Region is proud to feature Vermont resident Gordon Pugh, who is 87 years young. In 1937, Gordon was introduced to his first cat at the age of six, and became fascinated with genetics in his high school biology class breeding fruit flies. He went on to become a licensed professional engineer and in his personal time has flown a commercial instrument seaplane, enjoys photography and has worked as a WMTW transmitter on Mt Washington in NH.
His history with cats began with fostering bottle feeder kittens found in garbage cans for the North Shore Animal League, where he fell in love with a Maine Coon with extra toes. He has worked with Dr. Solveig Pflueger and the Polydactyl Maine Coon and is currently working with Tennessee Rex breeds.
Always ready to help, you can usually find Gordon at a Northeast TICA show Master Clerking. Thank you, Gordon – for your commitment to feline health and welfare, help in the show hall, continued friendship, and dedication to TICA!
TICA South America Regional Update:
Last month, the TICA SA Region’s De la Monarquía Cat Club held their first event in San Jose, Costa Rica. The show was the third attempt in 15 years to introduce Costa Rica to the cat fancy. The stakes were high, as all previous attempts had not been successful. However, with a new club, fresh ideas and committed members the event was a huge success.
Creative tweaks, such as holding the show in a mall to allow more exposure, resulted in the largest gathering of visitors for the club both days, with a steady line of people waiting to get a glimpse of the cats. Three international rings set up in the middle of the mall, hosted by Steven Savant (United States), Luiz Paulo Faccioli (Brazil) and Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiczek (Germany) left participants cheering as if they were at a South American soccer game! The TICA SA Region believes this event is exactly what the country needed to begin a cat frenzy and anticipates continued success and growth in the Region. Stay tuned…
TICA South Central Regional Update:
The TICA South Central Region is very excited to announce that our very own Caroline Fralia has been appointed as TICA Clerking Administrator! Congratulations, Caroline!!
Mark your calendar for these upcoming shows/events:
- TICA de Mexico, February 23-24 in Mexico City, Mexico
- Garden of the Cats Cat Club, March 23-24 in Colorado Springs, CO
- Mission City Cat Club, April 6-7 in Seguin, TX
- Feline Paw Foundation, April 13-14 in Mesquite, TX
TICA Southwest Regional Update:
Mark your calendar for these upcoming shows/events:
- San Gabriel Valley Cat Fanciers, February 16 – 17 in Arcadia, CA
- Katknappers Cat Club, April 26, 27 & 28 at the Pet Expo in Costa Mesa, CA
The Southwest Region’s website is located at If you would like to be listed in the “Members” section, please send your information to Canie Brooks @