Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base - How do I add a show to the calendar?

  1. Make sure you are logged in.
  2. Go to the Show Calendar.
  3. In the right top corner (underneath the menu) you should find a button Add show. If you do not see this button you are either not logged in or you are not set up as a “Show Official” for your club.
  4. Fill in all required information.
  5. Save the show using the buttons at the bottom of the page.

Entering the Show Venue Address

The show calendar uses Google API (Application Programming Interface), e.g. for calculation of distances between shows. In most cases you can just enter the address of your show venue, and it will pick up the correct location.

Unfortunately in some cases it is not that easy. For example, if you look for some hotels on Google Maps, it will find the hotel and give you an address. But if you try to enter that address in the field Search Address, it won’t find anything. In that case you need to find an acceptable address nearby and correct the address information afterwards.

Here is an example:

You want to set up the “Hanover Marriott, Hanover, NJ, USA” as your show venue. Google Maps show the address as “1401 Rt 10 E, Whippany, NJ 07981, USA” – but the Search Address field doesn’t recognize that address. If you look at the map, you will see that “Wing Drive” is very close to the hotel. If you click somewhere on “Wing Drive” near the hotel, it will give you “21-1 Wing Dr, Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927, USA” as the address – and it will accept that address in the Search Address field:

Of course you don’t want your exhibitors to go to that address – so you overwrite the pre-populated information in the different fields:

Now the calendar has the correct geo-location to calculate distances to other shows (plus minus a few yards) and your exhibitors will find the correct address for their navigation system 🙂