Newsletter Vol.106: November 2018

Newsletter Vol.106: November 2018


A Message from TICA President Vickie Fisher

VickieFisherAttention TICA friends, the 2018 TICA membership election is open!

I encourage you to exercise your right as a member and make your voice heard.

Voting is an important, meaningful way to advance the issues you care about and is a chance for you to choose the representatives you think will best govern the organization’s future. Elections are underway for a number of Regional Directors and 11 proposed topics. YOU can help decide the rules that shape our hobby and achieve the results you want to see within TICA.

Eligible voters should have received an email on October 22nd with a link to vote. Each link is unique to individual members, do not share your voting link with others. If you have any questions about your ballot, membership or election guidelines email TICA at or call (956) 428-8046. For technical assistance with the voting process or if would like to request a paper ballot, please contact Election-America at or call (866) 384-9978. The deadline to request a paper ballot is Wednesday, November 21, 2018.

Voting will close on December 6, 2018 at 11:59 PM Central time. Remember, a high turnout makes TICA more representative and ensures a strong and solid future for the organization.

Vickie Fisher

2018 Elections are underway for Directors in the following Regions: Asia West, Mid Pacific, Northeast, Northern Europe, South America, Southeast, Southwest and Western Europe Regions. Click here to see candidates and view some of their platforms.

2018 Proposals up for vote include the following: Directors Expenses’, Membership Voting Period, Candidate Announcements, Director Discipline, Combined Format Shows, Congress Definitions, Pet Expos, Show Licenses, Entry Info, Qualifying Finals, and Exhibitor Behavior. Click here to read details, including pros and cons, for each proposal up for review.

In This Issue

Researchers Close In on New Drug to Treat FIPYour Sphynx’ DNA May Hold the Key to an HCM CureTICA Welcomes 7 New Clubs to Our FamilyTICA Bengal Breed Section Calendar Raises Nearly $8KTICA Genetics CornerNew La Quinta Contact Announced for TICA ClubsTherapy Cats Increasing in Numbers at Airports | Regional Updates

ResearchResearchers Close In on New Drug to Treat FIP

Researchers at Kansas State University and the University of California, Davis may be on the verge of a breakthrough in feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) treatment that could potentially extend the lifespan and quality of life for cats suffering from this deadly disease. As a result, they are promoting the commercial development of GC376, an antiviral compound used to treat FIP.

FIP is a progressive and fatal disease caused by a feline coronavirus that can affect both domestic and wild cats. Feline coronaviruses are the cause of viral enteritis, which is typically harmless. But in rare instances, FIP can arise, spread throughout the body and cause death, particularly in cats age 2 and younger.

A licensing agreement coordinated by the Kansas State University Institute for Commercialization with Anivive Lifesciences, a California company whose proprietary software accelerates the discovery and development process of new pet medicines, will have both parties working together to hopefully bring this new drug to market.

The approval process, overseen by the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, requires several steps documenting the efficacy, safety and manufacturing of the compound. While GC376 is still several years from release, if FDA approval is successful, it promises to revolutionize treatment of this fatal disease.

Sphynx HCMYour Sphynx’ DNA May Hold the Key to an HCM Cure

Dr. Kate Meurs and her team of researchers at North Carolina State University (NCSU) College of Veterinary Medicine are on a mission to uncover the genetic causes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in Sphynx Cats.  They are currently researching Sphynx to find the genetic mutations that causes HCM in the breed and need your help.

TICA members who own a Sphynx over the age of 8-years and tested HCM negative via an echocardiogram are encouraged to help by volunteering their cats DNA. A simple buccal swab is all that is needed and can prove very helpful to the continued efforts of Dr. Meurs and her staff at NCSU. Those wishing to contribute can contact TICA Sphynx Committee Chair Shauntay Burris at

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TICA Welcomes 7 New Clubs to Our Family

Please help us welcome the following seven clubs to our growing TICA family –
United Cat Club (Bryantown, MD), Black Eyed Susan Club (College Park, MD), Catwalk Cat Club (Manlius, NY), TICACLUB Vietnam! (Hochiminh City Vietnam), New Era Feline Alliance (Hong Kong), Nordica Cats (Norway & Sweden) and the Purring Cat Club (Beijing, China).

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TICA Bengal Breed Section Calendar Raises Nearly $8K

Earlier this year, the TICA Bengal Breed Section ran a calendar photo contest that raised $7,990 various Bengal-related activities.

Funds from the calendar will be used to support Bengal research, education and public outreach efforts, including: funding for the Jean Mill Feline Enthusiast TIFF Scholarship administered by The International Feline Foundation; sponsorship of an upcoming feline genetics workshop Co-chaired by Brian Davis, PhD of Texas A&M University and Christ Kaelin, PhD of Stanford University designed to improve, understand and appreciate the Bengal Cat; as well as provide support for Bengal Cat participation in TICA’s major public outreach efforts, including AKC Meet the Breeds and TICA Annual 2019.
The TICA Bengal Breed Section would like to thank all who have contributed to the success of the Annual Bengal Calendar Fundraiser. Calendars will be mailed before the end of the year and will be available at select cat shows.

UntitledTICA Genetics Corner

Q. Dear Dr. Lytle: Why is blood typing cats important? What’s new in feline blood typing?

A. To date, three major blood types have been identified in domestic cats: Type A, Type B, and Type AB (sometimes called Type C).

Despite the similarity in name, they are not serologically related to the human ABO blood groups. The frequency of the blood types found in cats varies by breed and also by region and so should never be assumed without testing. Genetic testing is available to determine which of the blood type gene variants is present in a cat, though serologic testing can also be done.

Knowing a cat’s blood type is important because cats possess naturally occurring antibodies to the blood antigen they lack. Blood type A cats can have some anti-B antibodies, whilst blood type B cats have high levels of anti-A antibodies. Because of these alloantibodies, a cat that is exposed to the opposite blood type can have an adverse reaction.

Blood type incompatibility and subsequent reactions can occur following blood transfusions or queening. The latter condition is better known as neonatal isoerythrolysis (NI) and is an acute life-threatening condition. The effects of NI can be avoided by removing type A or type AB kittens from the queen for the first 24 hours of life to avoid the absorption of the anti-A antibodies present in the queen’s milk. To learn more, click here.

Recently, a group of researchers identified two new blood type B mutations that are helping to further characterize the blood types of domestic cats. One of the mutations described (CMAHc.179G>T) has been independently validated by the geneticists at Wisdom Health™ and has already been added to the Optimal Selection™ or MyCatDNA™ test panels.

Historical results have been updated to incorporate this new information which is most important in the Turkish breeds as well as Siberian cats. The other variant c.1322delT is not yet part of the panel but the study notes it was found in some Ragdolls. Click here to read the complete study.

Dr. Katie Maldonado Lytle, DVM, MPH, MS has a passion for people, pets, and science. In her role with Wisdom Health, she seeks to help breeders, owners, veterinarians, and pet lovers better understand the cats and dogs in their lives through the application of cutting edge genetic testing.

Do you have a question to ask TICA about genetics? No question is too big or small to ask. Just send your question to and we will answer your question in a future issue of the newsletter.

La QuintaNew La Quinta Contact Announced for TICA Clubs

La Quinta has announced that Emily Shoop will be their new sales support liaison with TICA regarding nationwide discounts. TICA club members should contact Emily directly at (214) 997-0080 or with any questions or assistance negotiate rates with La Quinta properties for their club events. Information on the special discounts La Quinta offers TICA members can be found here.

Therapy Cats Increasing in Numbers at Airports

Therapy BengalWhile many airlines are cracking down on certain therapy animals allowed on flights, an increasing number of airports are stepping up by enlisting emotional-support animals to help stressed travelers deal with delays, jet lag, and calm anxieties.

Since 2017, the Denver International Airport has had a Canine Airport Therapy Squad (CATS), the largest airport therapy animal program in the country.

Xeli, the only cat amongst more than 100 therapy dogs help spread cheer and smiles across the terminals. The patient 12-lb. feline works two-hour shifts at the airport. With help from her human companions, she offers pats, purrs and hugs to any traveler who needs a break from the tension of air travel.

The four-legged animals, brought in by volunteers, wear blue vests emblazoned with the words “pet me.” Other airports using therapy pets include Calgary International Airport (therapy cat), Los Angeles International Airport’s Pets Unstressing Passengers (PUP) program, Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (trained miniature horses, brought in by volunteers from a local farm) and the “Wag Brigade” at San Francisco International Airport, which features dogs and a pig named LiLou.

Volunteer animals go through an interview process to see how they interact with people in the airport and have to present documents showing they’ve undergone therapy training.

Regional UpdateTICA Regional Updates:

TICA Great Lakes Regional Update:

TICA Great Lakes Region Webmaster & Website is Changing! The TICA Great Lakes Region would like to thank Kelli Hallifax for volunteering to create and maintain the new site. The Region would also like to thank Carol Lemke for her hard work and dedication over the years on the current website and wish her well in her retirement.

GL Regional Fundraiser: Ideas needed to help increase the balance in our treasury.

Mark your calendars for the following upcoming shows/events:

  • Buckeye Ohio Rollers, November 24-25 at the Medina County Community Center, Medina, OH
  • Glass CiTICATs, February 8-10 at the Lucas County Rec Center in Maumee, OH
  • Showcats Columbus, March 9-10 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, OH
  • Great Lakes Friends of Felines, March 15-17 at the Arlington International Racecourse in Arlington Heights, IL
  • Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers, April 13-14 in Wheaton, IL2022 TICA Annual will be in the GREAT LAKES Region! Proposals and bids are due by the 2019 Annual in Las Vegas, August 31- September 1, 2019.

TICA Mid Pacific Regional Update:

Mark your calendars for the following upcoming shows/events:

  • 2019 TICA Annual Update – The Mid Pacific region and Jazzy Cats Cat Club is honored to be hosting the 2019 TICA Annual in Las Vegas, Nevada August 31 – September 1, 2019. Be on the lookout for show advertisements that offer Entry Specials on Facebook and Yahoo Groups and TOES (
  • 9th Annual Wine Cheese and Kitties Please” – hosted by the Wine Country Cat Club, March 23 – 24, 2019, in Lone, California. Super Early Bird pricing until January 25, 2019, and more information can be found online at This event is not only fun but also includes a free wine and cheese tasting!

TICA Northwest Regional Update:

Mark your calendars for the following upcoming shows/events:

TICA South American Regional Update:

The TICA South American Region hosted their two Regional Banquets, their most important events of 2018. The TICA SA Region is a continental Region and therefore holds two Regional Banquets each year.

During the ceremonies held last month, the TICA SA Region membership named Carlos Cardenas (Colombia) and Danilo Sanchez Roitman (Chile) Members of the Year.

The TICA SA Region membership also named Luiz Paulo Faccioli SA Judge of the Year.

TICA South Central Regional Update:

Voting in the 2018 TICA election ends December 6th, 2018. The TICA SC Region encourages you to vote. If you have issues locating the ballot, please contact Vicki Jo Harrison at

The last TICA SC Regional show of the calendar year is in Waxahachie, TX on December 8-9, 2018. The TICA SC Region encourages you to mark your calendar to attend.

Check out the new SC website at The TICA SC Region would like to thank Stormi Nell for all her hard work in getting the website up and running.

TICA Southwest Regional Update:

Mark your calendars for the following upcoming shows/events:

  • Socal ExoTICA Annual Title Match, January 19 & 20 at the Masonic Lodge
    in Arcadia, CA
  • San Gabriel Valley Cat Fanciers hosts their Valentines Show, Feb 16 &17 at the Masonic Lodge in Arcadia, CA.
  • Special for Phoenix! A combined CFA & TICA show weekend – CFA show March 9 and TICA 10 ring show March 10. Hosted by Cactus Cats (C4) at the Shriners in Phoenix, AZ.
    A list of all TICA SW Regional shows can be found online at
  • Watch for “Regional Raffles” at upcoming local shows and participate! All funds will go towards the cost of Regional awards plaques and rosettes.
  • Give a Helping Hand – The TICA SW region is raising funds to help care and place the cats bred by longtime SW Ragdoll & Siberian breeders Cynthia and Peter DeWolfe after their recent passing. Donations will go help Mark and Peggy Schidler care and place all the cats, including vetting, spaying/neutering, registrations, and locating each cat’s appropriate paperwork.  Donations are being accepted in any monetary denomination can be made online at

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