

Breeder Disclaimer

The International Cat Association, Inc.® (TICA®) does not endorse any of the breeders on this page unless otherwise noted. This classified list is provided for convenience to those who wish to know the identities of persons carried on TICA records as being breeders of TICA- recognized breeds of pedigreed cats. TICA makes no representations or warranties with respect to the breeding or business practices of any of the persons listed in classified here. TICA strongly recommends that transactions with breeders be undertaken with the same caution and due diligence as one would devote to any important business matter. The International Cat Association, Inc.® (TICA®) does not endorse the product or service which appear in advertisements on this website (unless otherwise noted) and makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding these products or services. TICA will not accept complaints against an advertiser; and will not attempt to settle disputes between the purchaser and seller. Clicking on any link will take you outside the TICA website. The information presented on these pages is for private use only, and the use of this information, including, but not limited to, the solicitation of catteries listed here for advertising or other purposes, is strictly prohibited.

Product and Services Disclaimer

TICA does not endorse the product or service which appear in advertisements on this website (unless otherwise noted) and makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding these products or services. TICA will not accept complaints against an advertiser; and will not attempt to settle disputes between the purchaser and seller. Clicking on any breeder, service, or product link may take you outside the TICA website. The information presented on these pages is for private use only, and the use of this information, including, but not limited to, the solicitation of catteries listed here for advertising or other purposes, is strictly prohibited.

Photograph Disclaimer

This site is Copyright © 2017 by TICA®, The International Cat Association® Inc, all rights reserved, with the exception of the photographic images which are Copyright © 2017 by the individual photographers who retain all rights to their subsequent distribution. The photographs on our site may NOT be downloaded or duplicated for ANY reason. These photographers include, but are not limited to:

Article Disclaimer

All articles contained on the TICA web site are copyrighted, either by TICA or as noted. Articles on the TICA website may not be reproduced or reprinted without the express written permission of The International Cat Association, Inc. Users may print single copies of articles for their own personal, non-commercial use only, provided all copyright notices are kept intact. Any other copying, redistributing, publishing or duplication online of any part of this site in any manner is strictly prohibited. Many of our articles are available in printed brochures, and individual copies may be requested by sending email to TICA.

Logo Disclaimer

We have developed a series of TICA logos that can be downloaded and placed on any website as a link back to the TICA web site. Please feel free to download and use any of the buttons we have available.

External Link Disclaimer

The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by TICA of the linked websites, or the information, products or services contained therein.

Liability Disclaimer

For documents available from this website, TICA does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information.