TICA Book Review:

TICA Book Review:

The Cat’s Meow: How Cats Evolved from the Savanna to Your Sofa By Jonathan Losos

No Myths + Latest Science + Verifiable History + Genuine Love of Cats = The best cat book in a decade! 

Remarkably combining the latest in sophisticated science and personal perspective from the African plains to his own backyard, this book by Washington University Professor of Biology and Director of The Living Earth Collaborative is a joy to read.  As one would expect from an accomplished ailurophile academic the book meanders through the empirically based facts about cat and endeavors to understand WHO is doing the work, WHY the research is motivated, HOW it goes from lab or academic journal to specifically WHAT is means for a cat owner or fellow cat lover like himself. 

Jonathan and his family choose to live with cats.  They chose a specific trait they wanted in a cat and in doing so validated the pedigree cat (and their enthusiasts) in a way no other published hardcover has in several decades. It’s not all fawning adoration for cats as the book raises several questions about the future of cats that any individual, group or institution should be regularly asking and answering of their efforts.   The only thing that could have improved this book are photos but that may have limited the imagination of the reader. 

Get this book and see the likes of TICA luminaries Judy Sugden, Karen Sausman and others positively depicted.

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