TICA July 2023 Newsletter

TICA July 2023 Newsletter

In This Issue:

From the Editor’s Desk Color Doesn’t Affect Personality in Cats| Genetic MS in Cats |  Van Cats and Deafness | The Cat’s Meow Book Review | TICA July President’s Letter | TICA July Board Meeting | Deadline to Declaire Candidacy | TICA GL Regional Update | TICA MA Regional Update| TICA NE Regional Update |TICA SE Regional Update| |SW Regional Update

From the Editor’s Desk

Anthony Science Newsletter

Dear TICA Feline Science Fans:

Discoveries, breakthroughs, a greater understanding of the genes, mechanisms, and more accurate histories of the domestic cat have all taken place since I first took over the role of TICA Science News Editor.

Thank you for continuing this great journey with me and sharing my curiosity and wonder of what comes together to create the completely unscientific, but totally verifiable magic of cats.

I consider the following the most important points in the application of science to breeding cats for enthusiasts:

All the crosses have already happened! There is no need to breed any cat breed to another, one pattern to another, color to another, or physical mutation to another JUST TO SEE WHAT YOU GET. That information is already known (mostly published), has been done, and is not hard to find (easier to find than cleaning dozens of litter boxes).

Every planned breeding should create less inherited disease and fewer behavior problems while ADDING FRIENDLIER, more BEAUTIFUL, and HEALTHIER cats to the world than would be created randomly.

The mutation features/gene for every coloration, pattern, and anatomical features of cats has not been identified. GET INVOLVED with your fellow breeders, researchers, and institutions to figure it out and share new knowledge with the world.

There are no “Natural Breeds” or accurate legends of domestic cats. Domestic cats, as a species, and all domestic cat breeds were created by individual people who chose to give the resources of food, space, and safety to some animals and not others. The accurate histories of the origins, travel, and decisions made by those people are coming to light as feline science continues to progress.

I hope you enjoy the July issue of TICA’s Science News. Thank you for staying curious.

Anthony Hutcherson

Anthony Science Newsletter

Color Doesn’t Affect Personality of Cats

196 domestic cats of various colors had no difference in personality traits based on color or pattern, according to the most comprehensive study on the subject, published in January 2023 issue of Applied Animal Behavior Science.

The study looked at 196 domestic cats in a U.S. shelter identified as black, blue (dilute black), brown, and sex-linked red or orange of striped or classic tabby pattern as well as solid, solid with white, and pointed, were evaluated for personality traits. The result was NO STATISTICAL DIFFERENCE based on color or pattern on the cats scores using the Interpersonal Adjective Survey, Revised (IAS-R) as an alternative to ASPCA’s Meet Your Match® Feline-ality™ behavioral test.

Read the study by Saethra Darling and James C. Ha of the University of Washington, Department of Psychology and published in the January 2023 issue of the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science.


Heading Kajon Hutcherson Enkenstedt

Genetic Muscular Dystrophy Found in Cats

X-linked recessive gene variant (passed by male parent) has been identified in cats responsible for Becker-type Dystrophy causing mild to moderate irregular gait and muscle hypertrophy.

 A family of domestic longhairs referred to as “crossbred Maine Coons” helped scientists identify one of the few non-human examples of inherited Becker-type Muscular Dystrophy.

The variant sex-linked on the x chromosome, meaning carried by the male was identified by researchers in Switzerland and Germany. The condition has been identified in humans, dogs, and pigs previously.

Read the complete study in the special Genetic Basis and Epidemiology of Myopathies 2.0 issue of the International Journal of Molecular Studies published in February 2023.

FDA Story

300 Van Cats Reveal Incidence of Deafness

Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Van Cat Research and Application Center in Turkey demonstrated an average of 14.33% of Van patterned (all or mostly white with coloration on the head) are deaf using Automated Brain Response (ABR) method of screening.

The authors advocated the use of testing and selective breeding to significantly reduce the incidence of deafness in the breed.

A March 2023 article published in the Turkish Veterinary Journal compared the coloration and ability to 300 cats at the Turkish Van Research Center in the Van province of Turkey.

The incidence of deafness was 25% for Van cats with two blue eyes, 6% in those with two amber eyes, and 14% in those with one blue and one amber eye. The mean deafness rate for all three groups was 14.33%.

The article reported 43 out of 300 cats were deaf. The highest rate of deafness was found in Van cats with two blue eyes and the lowest rate of deafness was in those with two amber eyes.

No gene associated with deafness has been identified in cats or dogs although it has a close association with the W (white) gene. All cats with a copy of the gene are not white.

Read more in the complete article.


TICA Book Review:

The Cat’s Meow: How Cats Evolved from the Savanna to Your Sofa By Jonathan Losos

No Myths + Latest Science + Verifiable History + Genuine Love of Cats = The best cat book in a decade!

Remarkably combining the latest in sophisticated science and personal perspective from the African plains to his own backyard, this book by Washington University Professor of Biology and Director of The Living Earth Collaborative is a joy to read.  As one would expect from an accomplished ailurophile academic the book meanders through the empirically based facts about cat and endeavors to understand WHO is doing the work, WHY the research is motivated, HOW it goes from lab or academic journal to specifically WHAT is means for a cat owner or fellow cat lover like himself.

Jonathan and his family choose to live with cats.  They chose a specific trait they wanted in a cat and in doing so validated the pedigree cat (and their enthusiasts) in a way no other published hardcover has in several decades. It’s not all fawning adoration for cats as the book raises several questions about the future of cats that any individual, group or institution should be regularly asking and answering of their efforts.   The only thing that could have improved this book are photos but that may have limited the imagination of the reader.

Get this book and see the likes of TICA luminaries Judy Sugden, Karen Sausman and others positively depicted.

TICA July News Briefs

tica election cat

Dear TICA Friends,

I am thrilled to announce that TICA is on the fast track to achieving significant growth and success in the world of feline fancy. Our track record from the last three years is nothing short of exceptional, and we are not slowing down any time soon. TICA had another banner year! With great pride and enthusiasm, I would like to share some of the new projects we are working on. We are immensely proud of the development of near-real-time scoring and standings in TFMS, which will be released soon. This new feature will provide TICA members with the most current and detailed scoring information at your fingertips, enabling you to stay on top of your cat shows’ standings.

We are also excited about the new TFMS/TOES integration, which will transform how we manage and score our cat shows. This integration will dramatically reduce the time and effort required to complete scoring while increasing accuracy. That means less time spent on manual data entry and processing and more time spent on fostering a great show and exhibitor experience.  Lastly, TICA will soon provide self-managed breeder listings, giving breeders more control over their listings, breeding information, and contact details. This new feature allows breeders to showcase their cats to a broader audience while maintaining access and control over their information. As we continue to drive TICA’s growth and success, we remain committed to providing exceptional services, the best possible cat breeding, and showing experience. I, along with TICA’s COO, am working consistently towards ensuring the continuous growth of our organization, developing our services, and providing cat-fancy enthusiasts with the best possible services. Thank you for your continued support and loyalty to TICA. We are excited to embark on this journey with the TICA community and achieve great things together.

As always, I wish each of you good health. Please stay safe and hug your kitties tight! Vicki Jo HarrisonTICA President

RD Holiday Greeting

TICA Special Board Meeting

A special TICA Board meeting will be held on July 21, 2023, online. Additional information about the meeting will be posted on tica.org a few days prior to the meeting.


Don’t Miss Out!


July 31 Deadline to Declare Candidacy for TICA President/VP/Breed Committee

This fall, TICA will hold elections for President, Vice President, and Breed Committee members.

The power is in your hands to effect change. If you are considering running for office, the deadline for filing to declare your candidacy is July 31, 2023.

Read more about the duties and responsibilities required for each role and how you can help advance the issues within TICA you care about the most.

Voting will begin at the end of October and results will be announced in December.

Regional updates

TICA July Regional Updates

  • TICA Great Lakes Regional Update
  • TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Update
  • TICA Northeast Regional Update
  • TICA Southeast Regional Update
  • TICA Southwest Regional Update

TICA Great Lakes Regional Director, Liz Brown:

GL Bank Balance: $6020.18 ($495 recent payment to TICA for yearbook and $100 domain). Junior Exhibitor sponsorship of $145 for JE trip to be paid.

2022/2023 Great Lakes Regional Winner (and OS/OD/LA) DEADLINES!  July 15, 2023, for pictures for the Powerpoint presentation. Contact Chris Unangst with pictures.

Donations for the GL “Suitcase” (Annual Raffle) Needed: Please contact Angela Ng or Mary Hudec with items to be taken to Seattle if you aren’t going.

Yearbook Orders and Ads: Contact Chris Unangst.

2023 TICA Elections: Breed Committees & VP/President. The filing is until July 31. Read more details.

$1/entry from clubs: With clubs struggling and the regional treasury being so solvent, this will be optional for the 23/24 season. Contact Liz for a PayPal invoice If your club would like to donate.

Make your plans now to attend upcoming shows in the next show season!

  • July 15-16, 2023, Buckeye Ohio Rollers in Wooster, OH.
  • July 28-30, 2023, PracTICAl Cats hosts the GL Regional Show & Banquet. This is a very busy weekend for the area (Six Flags) so make your hotel reservations early!
  • August 25-27, 2023, Showcats Chicago’s Great American Cat & Dog Show, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL.
  • Sept 2-3, 2023, TICA Annual in Tacoma, WA. Regional Basket items needed. Contact Angela.
  • Sept 16-17, 2023, Cats Rule Cat Club will host FELINE GROOVY themed show with HCM Clinic, in Racine, WI.
  • Oct 7-8, 2023, Buckeye Ohio Rollers in Wooster, OH.
  • Nov 18-19, 2023, Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers will host their NFL themed show in Racine, WI.
  • Jan 14-15, 2024, PracTICAl Cats will host their annual winter show in Gray Summit, MO.
  • Feb 10-11, 2024, Toledo RusTICAts will host their first show in Bowling Green, OH.
  • March 8-10, 2024, Showcats Columbus in Columbus, OH.

TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Director, Brenda Russo:

MA Member Participates in PA State Working Animal Foundation Event: On June 6th,  2023 TICA MA member Gwyneth Hayes (Caring Hearts Pet TherapyAltai Cats) and her therapy cats Chase and Gus participated in an event for the Pennsylvania State Working Animal Foundation at the Harrisburg Capital.

According to Gwyneth, the event was a great way for the community to meet all the working therapy animals in the Pennsylvania Commonwealth. She also learned that Senator Doug Mastriano (R-PA) likes cats.

Thank you, Gwyneth, for educating the public about the wonderful work therapy cats do for the community. To share an event in the TICA MA Region, contact Regional Director Brenda Russo.                 

Upcoming Regional Show and Awards Presentation: The TICA MA Regional Show, hosted y the Mid Atlantic Regional Cat Fanciers, will be held September 9-10, 2023, in Exton, PA. Please remember to make your reservations for the MA Regional Banquet.

Awards Sponsorship: A gentle reminder to sponsor awards for your friends in the Mid Atlantic region.

Special Regional Awards: Don’t forget to vote for your favorite judge, ring clerk, member, and show of the year.

Regional Show and Awards Volunteer Opportunities: the TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Cat Fanciers is a “MEMBERS” club.  Everyone is invited and encouraged to help.  This will be an excellent way for members to understand how a show club functions and the process from day 1 of show preparation through to the end! We are looking to assemble a “banquet decorating committee”.  Please contact Brenda if you would like to show off your artistic talents!

Make your plans now to attend upcoming events in the next show season!

  • September 9-10, 2023, Mid Atlantic Regional Club MA REGIONAL Show & Awards Program in Exton, PA.
  • September 30 – October 1, 2023, Northern Lights Cat Club in Morgantown, PA.
  • October 20-22, 2023, United Cat Club in Fredericksburg, VA.
  • December 9-10, 2023, Carnivorous Winos in Lebanon, PA.

TICA Northeast Regional Director, Christian Cherau:

Stay Connected on Facebook and Instagram to the Northeast Region!

The TICA Northeast Region has an Instagram page – be sure to give a like to keep up with us there! https://www.instagram.com/tica.northeast.cats/

Be sure to join our Facebook group too! https://www.facebook.com/groups/ticane

2022-2023 TICA Northeast Regional: Now is the time to make your plans to join us at the TICA Northeast Regional Show and Awards ceremony, August 12-13, 2023, in Binghamton, NY!

The show will be held by the Northeast Regional Feline Fanciers, featuring 14 rings of judging, Junior Exhibitor Ring, Emerald Snow as show photographer, lots of vendors, and more. Entries via TOES..

The Banquet and Awards Ceremony will be on Saturday August 12, 2023, at the Airport Inn restaurant, featuring a Buffet Dinner and Business Casual Dress Code. Banquet Registration deadline is August 3, 2023, sign up.

Make Plans to Join us for our Fall Northeast Shows!

We have 7 shows to keep us busy this fall, after regional in August! Prepare yourselves and get busy entering – including a whole new show in New Hampshire! We continue to encourage every member to show at least once a year, and we are working on opportunities across the Northeast to enable you to get to a nearby show!

  • August 12-13, 2023, Northeast Regional in Binghamton, New York.
  • September 16-17, 2023, CPE Cat Club in Mississauga (Toronto), Ontario.
  • October 14-15, 2023, DOUBLE HEADER WEEKEND!
  • CPE Cat Club (16 rings, 2-day alternative format show, with Best in Show presented) in Ottawa, Ontario.
  • Nauticats in Quebec City (15 rings, 2-day alternative format show), Quebec
  • November 4-5, 2023, Nauticats (15 rings, 2-day alternative format show) in Montreal, Quebec.
  • November 11-12, 2023, Cat Lovers of New England Cat Club (12 rings, 2-day show, featuring 2 championship congresses, Junior Exhibitor Ring, and Best in Show) in Seekonk, Massachusetts.
  • November 18-19, 2023, CPE Cat Club (12 rings, 2-day show, featuring a parade of breeds, Junior Exhibitor Ring, and Best in Show) in Mississauga (Toronto), Ontario.
  • December 2-3, 2023, Cat Lovers of New England Cat Club (12 rings, 2-day show, featuring Parade of Breeds daily, Junior Exhibitor Ring, and Best in Show) in Newington, New Hampshire.

2026 TICA Annual: The Northeast Region is due to bid on the 2026 TICA Annual! We have several groups working on proposals, in Canada (Ontario and Quebec) and in the US (Massachusetts). If you are interested in being involved with one of the bids being prepared or are a club that is preparing a bid, please feel free to reach out to me, regional.director.ne@tica.org!

Help Wanted! The TICA NE Region is looking for people who may be interested in helping with some region-wide activities. Please contact regional.director.ne@tica.org if you are interested in any of the following:

  • Regional Rescue Coordination, responsible for helping network with rescues and jumping in when members may need assistance.
  • Regional Legislative Representative, U.S. We have two great members who have stepped up from Canada to assist us in staying aware of and advocating for TICA’s mission in synchrony with legislative efforts in Canada and would welcome equally interested folks from the U.S. side of the border to keep ears to the ground.

Enjoy the beautiful summer i

n the Northeast and look forward to seeing everyone in central New York to celebrate our wins!

– Christian, TICA NERD

 TICA Southeast Regional Director, Rene Knapp:

TICA SE Regional Update: Currently, it’s all about preparation for the regional show and banquet!  We have 109 banquet reservations and can only take a total of 130!

Our early bird expired July 1, 2023, and we already have 109 entries. We are looking forward to having a great count at this show as we still have about six weeks until closing.

We have a lot of social media advertising going on to bring in spectators and our vendor list keeps growing!

The Friday night barbecue by the pool is an added plus to start the celebrations early and we will be unveiling the exclusive drink prepared just for our group, appropriately called Celebrations.

Our award letters have gone out, our special awards have been voted on, and we had a good response to our sponsorships for the award plaques.

We are still hoping the regional clubs and members will come through with rosette sponsorships to help defray some of the costs.

So please, enter this destination event (who doesn’t love Disney) and let’s celebrate our beautiful cats together. Please support this Regional and enjoy everything the Florida clubs will be putting forward to make this weekend memorable.

Don’t Miss the First Show After our Regional: The first show after our Regional in the southeast will be Cattyshack Cat Club in North Augusta, South Carolina on September 9 and 10, followed by Its TICA Time in Simpsonville, South Carolina on September 23 and 24.  We are looking forward to a season of many successful shows.

TICA Southwest Regional Director, Laurie Schiff:

TICA SW Regional Awards Update: The Southwest Region and Socal Exotica are hosting this year’s Regional Awards show and Banquet – Top Cats & Tails!

Pictures Needed! Please send a photo of your Top 25 Regional Winning Cat, Kitten, Alter, HHP kitten, HHP, LH Cat or SH Cat, LA/OD/OS, and any candid shots taken at shows during the season. Email photos to SW Regional by July 20, 2023.

  • Please send one photo per email by July 20, 2023.
  • Please label the subject of the email with the category and number of the award, for example: CAT22, Kitten12, Alter3, etc.

Special Awards: Member of the Year, Judge of the Year Vote Now:

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