TICA March 2023 Newsletter

TICA March 2023 Newsletter

Science Newsletter

In This Issue:

From the President’s Desk FDA Approvals| UTIs In CatsEveryCat Grants | AAFP Free Webinar | New TICA Clubs | Cat Fest Colorado | Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Your Cats | Trupanion Spring Safety Tips |EveryCat March Update | TICA GL Regional Update | TICA MA Regional Update| TICA NW Regional Update |TICA SE Regional Update| |SW Regional Update

tica election cat

From the President’s Desk: A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison

Dear TICA Friends,

It’s hard to believe that the end of the show season is almost upon us!

I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the isolated status period we have all been under will end on April 30, 2023.. We will all go back to pre-covid regular rules as of May 1, 2023. The exception is those areas that were under the isolated status rules pre-covid. Those areas will remain under isolated status. Please click on the following link to read about all the important changes that will be happening for the 2023-24 show season from TICA’s winter Board minutes.

Enjoy the rest of the busy show season and start planning your trip to celebrate with all your feline friends at TICA’s 2023 Annual. This year’s event will be held September 2-3., 2023, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, WA and will feature an all-in-one show hall and hotel. Learn more abot the event and reserve your spot now at  https://www.tica2023.com/.

As always, I wish each of you good health. Please stay safe and hug your kitties tight!

Vicki Jo Harrison TICA President

Anthony Science Newsletter

FDA Approves Two Generic Drugs for Use in Cats

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced approval for two new generic drugs for cats in January.

Approved were generic marbofloxacin tablets from two companies, Felix Pharmaceuticals and ZyVet Animal Health. The agency approved the tablets for use in dogs and cats to treat infections associated with bacteria susceptible to marbofloxacin.

The agency also approved generic dexmedetomidine hydrochloride from ZyVet Animal Health for use in dogs and cats as a sedative and analgesic to facilitate clinical examinations, clinical procedures, minor surgical procedures, and minor dental procedures. Dexmedetomidine hydrochloride is also indicated for use as a preanesthetic to general anesthesia in cats and dogs.

Read more about these and other FDA recently approved animal drugs.


Heading Kajon Hutcherson Enkenstedt

Understanding and Resolving Lower UTIs in Cats

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are very common in cats and can make everyday tasks such as peeing uncomfortable and possibly painful. Learn how you can identify the cause and symptoms of UTIs as well as how to resolve them with guidance from Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Clinical Associate Professor, Dr. Johanna Heseltine.

FDA Story

EveryCat Health Foundation Announces Open Request for Grant Proposals

EveryCat Health Foundation, along with Nestlé Purina Petcare and Mars Petcare, is funding another series of grants that address the effect that dietary phosphorus and calcium to phosphorus ratio have on renal health in cats as well as biomarkers to detect early renal disease.

Approximately $400,000 is available to fund proposals of sufficient scientific merit, relevance, and potential to impact feline health.

The overall goal of such research is to provide evidence that will lead to scientific consensus on safe levels and types of dietary phosphorus for feline diets. High priority areas that have been identified and will be given special consideration include:

  • Investigation of factors that influence phosphorus bioavailability and metabolism including source and form of phosphorus in foods.
  • Identification of biomarkers of renal injury (i.e., especially markers that detect early kidney changes before irreversible damage occurs).
  • Identification of in vitro assays that correlate with in vivo function of phosphorus sources.

Most grants will be in the range of $10,000 – $50,000 for 1-2-year projects. Projects must demonstrate their relevance regarding the topic of interest and their benefit to improving feline health, particularly regarding domestic cats. Exceptional grants may be funded up to $100,000.

Proposals must be submitted through the EveryCat Health Foundation Grant Portal. Deadline for receipt of applications is Monday, April 17, 2023 (11:59 pm EDT).

To see the complete Request for Proposal, visit the “Open Request for Proposals” page on the EveryCat Website.


AAFP Webinar to Discuss How to Create a Cat-Friendly Veterinary Environment

We all know that a visit to the veterinarian’s offices is typically a stressful experience for most cats. For those interested in making the experience more comfortable for feline patients, the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) recently published 2022 ISFM/AAFP Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment Guidelines is a must read.

AAFP is also offering a free webinar March 14 at 5PM ET to discuss how the veterinary practice environment can be manipulated to minimize feline patient distress. Presented by Kelly St. Denis, DVM, MSc, DABVP (Feline), participants will learn how to improve a cat’s experience by making the veterinary practice more cat friendly. In this webinar she will help you understand the veterinary experience from the cat’s viewpoint so you can adapt the veterinary environment to improve the cat’s experience without breaking the bank.

The webinar will also be available for free on-demand viewing a week after the conclusion of the live event. Register for this event or download the AAFP guidelines.

TICA March News Briefs


TICA Welcomes Two New Clubs 

 Wherever you are, you are in TICA’s world! TICA continues to grow in 2023 with the addition of two new clubs — PacifiCats (Auburn, CA) in the Mid Pacific Region, and Crystal Palace Siamese Society (Perrysburg, OH) in the Great Lakes Region. Welcome!

TICA has clubs around the world and are a great way to mix and mingle with people who love cats as much as you do. There are more than 160 clubs in TICA’s world with a diverse array of backgrounds, interests, and professions. By joining a TICA club you can make new friends with amazing people while attending TICA cat shows, participating in club activities, and volunteering.

If you’re not already a member, then find a club near you and start the fun! Find a list of TICA clubs here: https://tica.org/clubs/find-a-club.

RD Holiday Greeting

TICA to Host Cat Show and Breed Meet & Greet at Two Widely Popular Cat Fest Events

TICA is excited to announce that along with Dr. Elsey’s, TICA will sponsor two Cat Fest Colorado events this year and host a TICA cat show at each event.

In addition to the annual November Cat Fest in Denver, CO, TICA and Dr. Elsey’s will sponsor a new July 29 event in Colorado Springs, CO.

Last November’s Cat Fest drew more than 5,250 attendees and featured more than 80 cats at TICA’s cat show. The event provides an opportunity to celebrate all things cat and inform a large audience of all TICA has to offer. In addition to the cat show, TICA will also host meet and greet opportunities for the public to learn about and interact with TICA’s breeds.

Once again, the event promises an entertaining lineup including celebrity cats ‘That Cat Pluto’ and ‘Adventure Cat Liebchen”.  Also featured at the event will be a cat video café, feline adoptions, cat-themed vendors, ​face painters, a cat costume contest, “The Fantasy Felines” dance troupe, a cat trivia bowl, and feline crafts, including toys, masks, charms, among others.

Cat Fest Colorado 2023 will take place on July 29, 2023, at the Colorado Springs Event Center and the Annual Cat Fest will take place on November 12, 2023, at the National Western Complex in Denver, CO. Admission to Cat Fest is $20. Family 4-packs are just $65 until Nov. 10. Children ages 2 and under are admitted free. Learn more information about the event or purchase tickets online.


Don’t Miss Out!

TICA Facebook/Instagram Followers to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Custom Cat Cards

After last month’s hugely successful Facebook and Instagram follower Valentine’s Day cat cards, TICA once again is helping our followers celebrate the holiday with a chance to show off your lucky charm this St. Patrick’s Day.

To have TICA create a St. Patrick’s Day card with your cat’s image, go to the TICA Facebook or TICA Instagram page and submit an image of your cat on the custom card post. Due to the overwhelming success, you must be a TICA Facebook or Instagram follower.

Not a TICA Facebook or TICA Instagram follower? What are you waiting for? Sign up now so you don’t miss out on all the fun of sharing your cat. Also, check out TICA’ s special Valentine’s Day tribute designed especially for you and your cat(s).

Welcome Clubs

Enjoy a Stress-Free Spring with Safety Tips from Trupanion

As the warmer months roll in, so do the reasons to be proactive when it comes to pet care. Our friends at Trupanion, medical insurance for the life of your pet, have outlined a few tips to help you identify potential safety concerns as you spring into the new season.

Play it safe with plants. Most pet owners know that certain plants are poisonous to cats, but even your pet-safe blossoms can be troublesome. Cat lovers, remember that lilies can cause kidney failure if ingested by cats. Learn more and find a full list of common plants and flowers that are toxic to cats.

Use pet-friendly cleaning supplies. It’s spring-cleaning time, but household cleaning products introduce a number of toxins to the home. Soaps, bleach, polishes, and cleaners can irritate your cat’s skin and damage their gastrointestinal tract. Cleaning supplies, like a sponge or pipe cleaner, can also present problems when ingested by a curious cat. To thwart troubles before they start, opt for pet-safe cleaning supplies, store unsafe chemicals out of paws’ reach, and keep your pet away from where you’re cleaning.

Secure your window screens. It’s that time of year when you can finally open your windows to experience warmer weather. Keep in mind, after the long winter months, you won’t be the only one welcoming sunshine and warmth. Your pets are just as eager! As you open windows, make sure your cats aren’t at risk of sneaking out or falling. Install sturdy screens with a snug fit and supervise your pets around any open window.

Lose any winter weight. Overweight pets are more likely to develop serious conditions like diabetes, respiratory and heart diseases, and joint problems. According to Trupanion’s claim data, diabetes treatment costs an average of $1,900 for cats. Check with your veterinarian if you suspect your pet has gained weight.

Schedule a teeth cleaning. Did you know that February was National Pet Dental Health Month? In case you missed it, now is still a good time to get your cat’s teeth cleaned. Periodontal disease is the most common disorder that affects cats and dogs. Dental disease can cause much more than just bad breath for your pet; it can cause tooth, bone, and gum loss and lead to heart disease.

Prepare for Spring Litters. U.S. and Canadian breeders, ensure you are fully prepared for any litters coming this season by signing up for Trupanion’s Breeder Support Program. This free program allows you to provide your buyers with a special Go Home Day Offer that lets them try out a full Trupanion policy with no waiting periods. That way, you can rest easy knowing your kittens are protected should they get into any mischief in their new home.

Members also receive access to an exclusive Facebook group, marketing materials for their kitten packs, and a dedicated Trupanion account manager. Sign up now!

Trupanion Feb 22 Article Image

EveryCat Health Foundation March 2023 Update


Join EveryCat Health Foundation at the annual Animal Care Expo April 36, 2023, at the New Orleans Convention Center.

Regional updates

TICA Regional Updates

  • TICA Great Lakes Regional Update
  • TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Update
  • TICA Northwest Regional Update
  • TICA Southeast Regional Update
  • TICA Southwest Regional Update

TICA Great Lakes Regional Director, Liz Brown:

GL Bank Balance: $6120.18 ($495 recent payment to TICA for yearbook pics for region).

Make your plans now to attend upcoming shows in the next show season!

  • May 6-7, 2023, Great Lakes Friends of Felines in Franklin Park, IL, hosts their annual all specialty show & HCM Clinic. Closing is May 1.
  • June 17-18, 2023, PracTICAl Cats is hosting their annual summer show in Gray Summit, MO.
  • July 15-16, 2023, Buckeye Ohio Rollers in Wooster, OH.
  • July 28-30, 2023, PracTICAl Cats hosts the GL Regional Show & Banquet. This is a very busy weekend for the area (Six Flags) so make your hotel reservations early!
  • Sept 16-17, 2023, Cats Rule Cat Club is again hosting their FELINE GROOVY themed show in Racine, WI.
  • Oct 7-8, 2023, Buckeye Ohio Rollers in Wooster, OH.
  • Nov 18-19, 2023, Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers is hosting their NFL themed show in Racine, WI.
  • Jan 14-15 (2024), PracTICAl Cats is hosting their annual winter show in Gray Summit, MO.

GL Webmaster (Word Press) Volunteer Needed: Contact Liz if you are interested in volunteering to do maintenance for the regional website and have experience in Word Press.

TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Director, Brenda Russo:

TICA MA Reminders/Updates:

  • If your club is organizing a show, please send me your flyer/links and I will post them to the regional MA Regional Director website.
  • Dr. Elsey sponsorship funding is available to clubs hosting a show.  Please contact me for additional information.
  • Unfortunately, my comcast email is not as reliable as it once was, so my new email is BRussoTICA@gmail.com
  • I would love to hear from MA members regarding initiatives that I can introduce to the board for discussion.  My “homework” is areas/suggestions/ideas that could be attained to help TICA be successful. Please include:

1.     Description

2.     Justification – how will this benefit TICA.

3.     Identify the groups that would benefit from this initiative, ex: breeders, exhibitors, junior members.

Please email me at BRusssoTICA@gmail.com with your suggestions and thoughts!  Thank you!

Make your plans now to attend upcoming shows in the TICA MA Region:

  • ​​​March 10-12,2023, Central Jersey Cat Fanciers in Phoenixville, PA.
  • March 17-19th, 2023, United Cat Club in Chantilly, VA.
  • March 25-26th, 2023, Tea Party Cat Club in Lebanon, PA.
  • April 21-23rd, 2023, Karousel Kats Club, Inc. in Exton, PA.
  • Mid Atlantic Regional and Awards Presentation: September 9- 10, 2023 in Chantilly, VA.

TICA Northwest Regional Director, Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz:

TICA 2023 Annual: The TICA International Awards Show & Banquet, commonly known as the “Annual” will take place this year in Tacoma, Washington on September 2-3, 2023. The event is coming along nicely. Did you know you can:

  • Enter the show,
  • Reserve your hotel room,
  • Make banquet reservations,
  • Make your travel plans (the sooner the better),
  • Sponsor the show,

Go to: https://www.tica2023.com/ for more information.

Make your plans now to attend upcoming shows in the TICA NW Region:

  • April 15-16, 2023, Calgary Cat Association in Calgary, AB.
  • April 29-30, 2023, Elma, WA – And A Mouse Cat Club.
  • May 13-14, 2023, Cat Fanciers of BC in Sooke, BC.
  • June 10-11, 2023, Commencement Cat Club in Chehalis, WA.
  • July 1-2, 2023, The Maine Event in Monroe, WA.
  • July 15-16, 2023, It’s Reigning Cats in Portland, OR.
  • August 12-13, 2023, Cat Fanciers of BC in Langley, BC. (Regional Awards Show/Banquet)
  • September 2-3, 2023, TICA 2023 Annual International Awards Banquet hosted by SeaCats in Tacoma, WA.
  • October 14-15, 2023, The Evergreen Cat Fanciers in Ferndale, WA.
  • November 25-26, 2023, The Maine Event in Ferndale, WA.
  • December 16-17, 2023, And A Mouse in Centralia, WA.
  • January 20-21, 2024, It’s Reigning Cats Location TBA.

TICA Southeast Regional Director, Rene Knapp:

Three New SE Shows: March and April bring three new shows to TICA’s SE Region. We started March off with an additional show by one of our established SE clubs, Cattyshack. They added a great March 4-5, 2023, event in Augusta, Georgia at the Augusta Shriner Club.

This show will be followed at the end of this month by a show being put on by one of our newest clubs, Sunshine and Magic Cat Club. Their debut show will be held in Largo, Florida on March 25 -26, 2023, at the Largo Event Center.

The last show of the season in the SE region will also be hosted by a new club, Kool Cats and Karens Cat club. They will hold their first show in Crystal River, Florida on April 15-16, 2023.

These three clubs are taking a leap of faith by hosting these shows and I hope everyone will support them. This is a great time to finish up those titles while we are still in isolated status because as of May 1, 2023, we will be back to pre-covid rules for earning titles.

SE Regional Update: We have spent a lot of time planning our all in one Regional in Kissimmee, Florida.  All six Florida clubs have banded together and formed the Celebrations Cat Club to put on a memorable regional show on August 19-20, 2023.  Special rates were negotiated for three days prior and three days after the show, making it the perfect time for a visit to Disney. The Wyndham Orlando Resort & Conference Center is literally minutes away from Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park.

We urge everyone to make their reservations early if they are even thinking about coming to the show – we have listed the banquet on toes and we are ready to take your entries.  At this time, we are working on a special barbecue for Friday night at the pool, featuring a special drink created just for our group.

SE Regional Volunteers Needed: There are a lot of opportunities to work on making this regional a true Celebration. We are looking for volunteers with special skills to help with various tasks, including creating sponsor signs, those who have a relationship with rescues in the Orlando area, and those involved with 4-H clubs or other groups who might steward.

Fund raiser head

TICA Southwest Regional Director, Laurie Schiff:

Regional Fundraiser: Beautiful custom rosettes (pictured above) are currently available as a fundraiser for the TICA Southwest and Mid-Pacific Regions. This is a limited edition, and you must be a member of either the TICA SW or MP region to purchase.  Ordering instructions are available on the SW Region website: https://www.ticasw.com/

Annual Raffle Basket: Time to start getting ready for this year’s annual in Seattle! Our region is donating a raffle basket full of neat stuff from our region, so please let me know if you have anything to include or any ideas. I’d love someone (other than me) to be in charge of this project, so if anyone would like to coordinate our basket, please let me know.


Make your plans now to attend these other upcoming shows in the TICA SW Region:

  • April 15 -16, 2023, America’s Finest Felines, in Arcadia, CA.
  • July 29-30, 2023, Regional Show and Awards hosted by Socal ExoTICA Cat Club in Arcadia, CA.
  • November 18-19, 2023, America’s Finest Felines, in Arcadia, CA.

Thanks to all our great regional members for being helpful, nice, and generally wonderful!

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