TICA June 2022 Newsletter

TICA June 2022 Newsletter

Science Newsletter

 In This Issue

From the President’s Desk TICA April Special Board Meeting RecapSpring TICA Board MeetingTICA’s 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Update: Meal Options Announced and Sponsors Needed for Forest Cat Congress Rings | California AB 1881 Update | Spring Tips from Trupanion | Purina Cat Chow Teams Up with Pet Partners and Institute on Aging to Provide Free Virtual Therapy Cat Visits for Seniors during Mental Health Awareness Month | EveryCat Health Foundation May 2022 Update | Read About TICA’s May Breed of the Month, The Playful & Energetic Chausie | In Case You Missed It | TICA Regional Updates

tica election cat

From the President’s Desk: A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison

Dear TICA Friends,

Last month TICA’s Board held a special meeting and voted to continue the Isolated Status for titles, showing in region, alternative format shows, and guest judges. Minimum points required for RW/IW still pending (will be 500 or 1000 based on the discussion).

The Board also agreed that PNB/ANB/NT can show with pending registration in 2022/2023 season assuming they can still show proof of eligibility. Read the Special Board Meeting Recap in this newsletter for complete details and learn about TICA’s Spring Board meeting that will be held later this month.

In this issue you find an update from TICA’s Working Legislative Group on the controversial Assembly Bill 1881, otherwise known as the “Dog and Cat Bill of Rights.”

Now that the 2021-2022 show season has come to an end, the TICA Executive Office staff is working overtime to complete the scoring of all the catalogs. The standings will be updated once a week or so until all the scoring is complete. You will get notification of any titles your cat has earned, and the titles will be available for purchase in your TFMS account. Regional Directors will have the list of their respective regional winners on or before June 10, 2022. The international winners list will be published on or before July 10, 2022.

You’ll also want to pack your bags after you read about all the exciting updates to the TICA Annual celebration in Chicago, Illinois, USA, Labor Day weekend-September 3-4, 2022.As always, I wish each of you good health. Please stay safe and hug your kitties tight!

Vicki Jo Harrison TICA President

NewsletterGraphics board news

TICA April Special Board Meeting Recap

The TICA Board held a special meeting on April 21, 2022, that included a lengthy discussion on the continuation of the Isolated Status. The following decisions were taken:

  • Amend Standing rule 901.4.3.2: In order for a cat/kitten to be eligible for a regional award it must be shown at least once in that region. This rule will be suspended also for 2022/2023.
  • Amend Standing rule 207.1.1 Requirements for titles. This will be continued for 2022/2023. So next year the titles will still be scored under Isolated Status
  • Amend 202.2.2 Automatic approval of Alternative Format Shows. This will be continued for 2022/2023.
  • Amend Judging Program 410.1.6.1 The number of Guest Judges allowed to judge shows in Isolated Areas shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. This provision will be extended for any show in any region for 2022/2023.
  • Amend 901.4.3.4: To be eligible for a Regional Award the aggregate points must be at least 1,000 (600 for International Area). The TICA Board did not vote on this proposal yet, as the intended situation was unclear when TICA would vote no (whether or not there is no threshold or 500 points (300 for International Area). This will be decided on via an upcoming Board Ballot.

Preliminary New Breed, Advanced New Breed or New Trait registrations for showingStanding Rule All PNB, ANB and NT must have a TICA registration number prior to entry in any TICA show. No PNB, ANB or NT may enter a show with “registration pending”. In light of the current registration backlog, the TICA Board voted to suspend this rule for 2022/2023.

Guest judges: the question was if the Board could give the Judging Committee a guideline what to do with applications for shows with only guest judges. The TICA Board decided to consider such requests on a case-by-case basis. There might always be very exceptional situations where travel is impossible which could ask for such a solution and if so, the Board will take the final decision to approve such shows.

Scoring update: Currently (as of April 21, 2022) shows until mid-November are being scored and additional manpower and volunteers are helping out to get the scoring done.Don’t forget to claim any titles if you want those titles to be added to the 2021/2022 awards! The deadline for claiming those titles will be extended to 7 days after final scoring is done. But please, please don’t wait till the last minute. Every year I have some disappointed exhibitors who miss the latest title on the certificate because they didn’t claim it. Please let that not be you this year!


Spring TICA Board Meeting

The TICA Spring 2022 Board Meeting will take place May 20 – 22, 2022 in Harlingen, TX. View the full agenda and contact your Regional Director with any questions or comments.

 May Newsletter TICA Annual Image

TICA’s 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Update: Meal Options Announced and Sponsors Needed for Forest Cat Congress Rings

The much-anticipated TICA 41st Annual Awards Banquet, hosted by Showcats Columbus, will take place September 3-4, 2022, at the Hilton Chicago. The hotel block is open, and the entire event is located all in one facility, so exhibitors never have to leave the location.

The club will host Friday congresses for RD, BG/BGL and MC/NF/SB). This will be 2 judging rings for MC/NF/SB, 2 rings for RD and then 3 rings for BG/BGL with that at On Safari. Open to kittens, cats and alters with special awards to follow. Friday morning educational seminars are being organized. Stay tuned for more!

Sponsors are needed for the 2022 TICA Annual Forest Cat Congress Rings, just $25! We are going to have beautiful rosettes and best of the best awards for the two congress rings on Friday (Kitten, Cat & Alter). These congresses will run regardless of count and include Maine Coons, Maine Coon Polydactyls, Norwegian Forest Cats and Siberians. If you were at the Maine CoonVention a few years ago you’ve seen the work of Connie Hazel (or the TNCC shows in Portland). They are beautiful!! We’re still finalizing details for the best of the best awards and will share that when we have it. Sponsors need not be entered. Each sponsor will be listed in the catalog, on signs in the two rings, and on a label on the back of a portion of the rosettes. Complete the form (and pay) to secure a sponsorship today!

Meal options have been announced. See what’s on the menu and reserve your table today.

There are already over 250 entries. Current entry price specials are good through June 30, 2022. The hotel block is open, and rooms are filling up quickly!

Signups and sponsorships opportunities are now available online. Keep up on the latest news about the event at www.ticaannual.com.

CA Legislation

California AB 1881 Update

California Assembly member Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) introduced Assembly Bill 1881, otherwise known as the “Dog and Cat Bill of Rights,” that would grant cats and dogs with a bill of rights, similar to the rights and protections of American people. TICA opposed the original version of the Bill.

California AB 1881 was substantially amended on April 27, 2022, to eliminate much of the “animal rights” language in the Bill. It is now in Assembly Appropriations (which will complete its work by May 20). The hearing date is scheduled for May 11, 2022. Read the current version of the Bill.

If you submit a letter in opposition, refer to the amended version. Information on how to submit a position letter can be found in last month’s TICA April newsletter.

Trupanion May 22 Story

Spring Tips from Trupanion

As the warmer months roll in, so do the reasons to be proactive when it comes to pet care. TICA worked with Trupanion, medical insurance for the life of your pet, to outline a few tips for keeping your cats happy and healthy as you spring into the new season. Among them:

Play it safe with plants. While indoor plants can filter the air, reduce stress, and beautify spaces, they’re often toxic to cats. Even cat-safe plants can cause stomach irritation if your cat ingests too much. Do your research before bringing any new plants into the house and closely monitor your cat’s behavior. Signs of ingestion may include decreased appetite, vomiting, and lethargy.

Use pet-friendly cleaning supplies. It’s spring-cleaning time, but household cleaning products can introduce several toxins to the home. Soap, bleach, and other cleaners can irritate your cat’s skin and damage their gastrointestinal tract. Cleaning supplies, like a sponge or pipe cleaner, can also present problems when ingested by a curious pet. According to Trupanion, cases of ingestion of foreign material result in average veterinary costs of $600 to $1,700 per year based on cats enrolled in their policy from 2020-2021. To thwart troubles before they start, opt for pet-safe cleaning supplies, and store them out of paws’ reach.

Lose any winter weight. It can be common for our pets to gain weight during the colder winter months. Overweight cats are more likely to develop serious conditions like diabetes, respiratory and heart diseases, and joint problems. In fact, Trupanion has found diabetes to be one of the leading causes of veterinary expenses amongst cats enrolled in their policy from 2020-2021, with the annual cost for this condition ranging from $1,000 to $1,600.

Know the signs of spring allergies. Cats can have allergic reactions to one or more environmental substances, including pollen, dust mites, and mold. Environmental allergies can affect the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. The following symptoms may be a sign that your cat is being affected by spring allergies:

  • Excessive scratching/licking/rubbing
  • Red/irritated skin/ear(s)
  • Rash
  • Hives
  • Hair loss, especially in combination with other symptoms
  • Watery, red, or itchy eyes
  • Sneezing

With Trupanion pet health insurance, you can be prepared for any unexpected changes in your cat’s health this spring. Trupanion offers one simple coverage plan with no payout limits and can even pay your vet directly at the time of checkout. That way, you can focus on what matters most – the health of your cat.

If you’re a breeder, Trupanion offers a free Breeder Support Program that allows you to provide your buyers with a special offer to try Trupanion coverage with no waiting periods. That way, you can rest easy knowing your kittens are protected should they get into any mischief in their new home. Members also receive one-on-one support, professional marketing materials, and access to an exclusive breeder Facebook group. Sign up now!

Trupanion is a registered trademark owned by Trupanion, Inc. Underwritten in Canada by Omega General Insurance Company and in the United States by American Pet Insurance Company, 6100-4th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108. Please visit AmericanPetInsurance.com to review all available pet health insurance products.

 Cat with big eyes

Purina Cat Chow Teams Up with Pet Partners and Institute on Aging to Provide Free Virtual Therapy Cat Visits for Seniors during Mental Health Awareness Month

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month this May, Purina® Cat Chow® has announced a partnership with Pet Partners® and the Institute on Aging (IOA) to help more senior adults experience the therapeutic benefits of cats.

During the month of May, seniors over age 60 can call Institute on Aging’s 24-hour toll-free Friendship Line to schedule one of 50 free virtual therapy cat team visits with Pet Partners. To schedule a visit call 800-616-5152.

Therapy cats have been found to provide affection and comfort to seniors in retirement homes, nursing homes, hospices, and other human service care facilities. Not only do they provide comfort, but they can also lower blood pressure, help people feel safe and relieve loneliness and depression. Visits from therapy cats have also been found to stimulate both memory and forgotten emotions in Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

EveryCat Health Foundation Logo

EveryCat Health Foundation May 2022 Update

EveryCat Health Foundation/University of Florida Feline Health Symposium Update: Registration is open now for the EveryCat Health Foundation/University of Florida feline health symposium, “Health Breakthroughs for Every Cat: FIP and Beyond” July 8th and 9th, 2022 in Gainesville FL. This symposium is available in-person or virtually. In-person seating is limited to 150 attendees, so get registered early if you plan to attend in Gainesville. Register or learn more about the symposium. TICA and Dr. Elsey’s Cat Products are sponsoring the Saturday evening events and reception and will have six of the top registered breeds present to interact with attendees.

“Let’s Get CAT-Letic” 5K fundraiser Registration is now open! EveryCat Health Foundation is hosting a virtual 5K during the month of May. Run, jog, walk, roll or treadmill, whatever works for you! Register as an individual or gather your friends and family and register as a team then get started raising money to support funding for feline specific health studies! And don’t forget to sign up for your commemorative T-shirt or medal. A complete step-by-step tutorial and tips for successful fundraising can be found on the EveryCat Health Foundation YouTube Channel.

Scientific Review Committee Update: The EveryCat Health Foundation Scientific Review Committee met on March 24th to review 40 grant proposals. Eleven projects were selected for funding. A complete list of these studies will be available in the coming weeks. Be on the lookout for updates on EveryCat Health’s social media channels.

Chausie May Breed of Month

Read About TICA’s May Breed of the Month, The Playful & Energetic Chausie

Curious and intelligent, Chausie (pronounced chow-see) cats like to explore cupboards and be in the middle of everything. Their playful demeanor often lasts well into adulthood making these domestic cats intriguing companions. They are easy to groom and are best suited for adults and families without young children. Due to their high activity level, Chausies don’t like to be left alone for long periods of time and do well with a companion cat. Despite their high energetic traits, they are still affectionate and form strong and loving bonds with their families. Find out more about this breed and if the Chausie is right for you and your family.


In Case You Missed It… Check out TICA’s top social media posts you may have missed…

Regional updates

TICA Regional Updates:

TICA Great Lakes Regional UpdateTICA Mid Atlantic Regional UpdateTICA Northeast Regional UpdateTICA Northwest Regional UpdateTICA South Central Regional UpdateTICA Southeast Regional Update

TICA Great Lakes Regional Director Liz Brown:

Treasury Balance: $4040.19. Thanks to all the GL clubs who donate $1/entry! Pending $296.68 PayPal transfer into account and $3900 check out of account as pre-payment for RW 2022 rosette awards.

2021/2022 Regional Sponsorships (Awards and Rosettes): I challenge all who earned a RW to sponsor the equal number of cats as to what you’ve earned awards for PLUS ONE. Please help us get all the cats sponsored. Contact Chris Unangst to reserve a sponsorship.

TICA Yearbook: Contact Chris Unangst for TICA yearbook ads and orders.

Mark your calendars to attend the following Great Lakes Regional shows and remember to check for early bird specials:

  • May 14-15, 2022, GLFOF (merged with Prairie State) in Franklin Park, IL.
  • June 18-19, 2022, PracTICA Cats in Gray Summit, MO.
  • July 16-17, 2022, Buckeye Ohio Rollers in Zainesville, OH. (GL Regional)
  • September 2-4, 2022, Showcats in Chicago, IL. (TICA Annual)
  • October 8-9, 2022, Buckeye Ohio Rollers in Wooster, OH.
  • November 12-13, 2022, Cats Rule Cat Club, in Racine, WI.
  • January 14-15, 2023, PracTICAl Cats, in Gray Summit, MO.
  • March 10-12, 2023, Showcats Columbus in Columbus, OH.

HCM Clinic at the Franklin Park May show, with board-certified cardiologist is currently full, but contact Liz to be added to the waiting list. Cost will be approximately $250/cat.

Highlights from the April 2022 Special Board Meeting:

  • Continuation of Isolated Status for titles, showing in region, alternative format shows, and guest judges. Minimum points required for RW/IW still pending (will be 500 or 1000 based on the discussion).
  • PNB/ANB/NT can show with pending registration in 2022/2023 season assuming they can still show proof of eligibility.

See article in this newsletter for complete details.

2022 TICA Annual in Chicago: See article in this newsletter for information on fundraisers & sponsorships, banquet information, and next level entry specials through June 30. The hotel block is open read more details @ www.ticaannual.com.

TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Director Brenda Russo:

Whew! We have all made it through another year! Accolades to everyone on their well-deserved success and wins! I celebrate with each one of you. Congratulations, mark your accomplishment with incredible joy!

MA Region Cookbook Fundraiser Update from Vicki White: I have been getting more recipes and photos, but still need more. C’mon MA members, give up that recipe to raise money for our region! For more information or to send your recipes to abylover@verizon.net. We are planning on winding this up and printing the books to be available in early December. Any questions, please give me a shout. They will be available to purchase at an event in the planning stages now.

Quilt Raffle Update from Robin Berman: Due to my inability to attend the Richmond show, the quilt raffle will be held Sunday, June 26th, 2022, at the Lebanon show. Anyone attending will have the opportunity to participate in the raffle of the quilt. If you cannot attend, please email me and I will add a ticket(s) for you to the drawing.

Thank you, Jessica Petras and United Cat Club for Donations to Mechanicsville Animal Hospital: Jessica Petras and United Cat Club worked with their local VA veterinary clinic, Mechanicsville Animal Hospital that supports rescues and ethical breeders. Jessica commented, “Together we can make a difference promoting the health and welfare of all cats. We are so proud of Anna and all her hard work, it’s a pleasure to have her with us”! United Cat Club worked hard asking for donations of money and supplies for the animal hospital. The donations were presented at the last show of the season, in Richmond, VA. It is truly extraordinary when dedicated people work together for the benefit of animals in need! It is beautiful gift for all involved.

Mark your calendars to attend the following Mid Atlantic Regional shows:

  • August 19-21, 2022, Mid Atlantic Regional Show, Plymouth Meeting, PA. Hosted by New Jersey Cat Fanciers. Stay tuned for more information.
  • June 25-26, 2022, Carnivorous Winos Cat Club in Lebanon, PA.

TICA Northeast Regional Director Christian Cherau:

Happy end of the show season Northeast Members! Time for a bit of relaxation before we gear up for a whole new year with a full slate of shows! It also will be time soon to think about regional award sponsorships – that time will come at the middle of June, once awards are finalized!

NE Regional Banquet: We are currently looking to hold the Regional Banquet in conjunction with the Catsachusetts Pet Expo show in September. The banquet is tentatively planned for Friday, September 23, 2022, and the show is September 24-25, 2022, in Wilmington, MA.

Mark your calendars to attend the rest of the Northeast Region shows this summer and fall!

  • July 30-31, 2022, Cats on the Beach in Auburn, Massachusetts. An all-new summer show at the Horgan Ice Arena!
  • September 17-18, 2022, LCWW in Mississauga, Ontario. In conjunction with Canadian Pet Expo’s Fall show!
  • September 24-25, 2022, Catsachusetts in Wilmington, Massachusetts. NE Regional Show, in conjunction with Family Pet Show’s First Boston Pet Expo.
  • October 1-2, 2022, Nauticats in Sherbrooke, Quebec. In conjunction with SNAC’s Sherbrooke Pet Expo.
  • October 15-16, 2022, Nauticats in Quebec City, Quebec. In conjunction with SNAC’s Quebec City Pet Expo.
  • November 5-6, 2022, Nauticats in Montreal, Quebec. In conjunction with SNAC’s Montreal Pet Expo.
  • November 12-13, 2022, Cat Lovers of New England 3rd Annual Harvest Festival Show in Seekonk, Massachusetts.
  • November 19-20, 2022, LCWW in Mississauga, Ontario. In conjunction with Canadian Pet Expo’s Christmas show!

TICA Northwest Regional Director Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz:

NW Regional Awards Banquet: The 2021-2022 show season is now in the history books. Congratulations to all the regional and international winning cats and their owners. We will be celebrating the region’s accomplishments at the 2022 Regional Awards Banquet on Saturday evening, July 30th in conjunction with The Maine Event’s show at the Olympia Hotel at Capitol Lake in Olympia, WA. Go to: https://maineevent.org/jul for more information about how you can make your banquet reservation.

Mark your calendars to attend the following Northwest Regional shows:

  • May 14-15, 2022, Cat Fanciers of British Columbia in Sooke, BC.
  • June 11-12, 2022, Commencement Cat Club in Chehalis, WA.
  • July 9-10, 2022, It’s Reigning Cats in Portland, OR.
  • July 30-31, 2022, The Maine Event in Olympia, WA.
  • August 13-14, 2022, Cat Fanciers of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC.

TICA South Central Regional Director Jim Armel:

Hello South Central! A few quick updates…

First of all, Congratulations to all of our Regional Winners!! And those of you who were able to capture an International Win Big Congrats to all of you also!!

Don’t forget our Spring Board Meeting: May 20-22, 2022 which will be in-person at the Courtyard by Marriott in Harlingen! More updates on our Regional Facebook page.

Membership Dues and Club Charters: This month Membership dues need to be paid as well as Clubs need to renew their Charters.

Our first regional show of the new show season will take place in Temple Texas hosted by Austin Cat Fanciers! Date of their one-day show is June 25th followed up by Thunderkatz return to the show schedule in Stillwater Oklahoma the weekend of July 2-3! The end of July Yellow Rose Cat Club will be back in Amarillo on the 30-31!

SC Regional Show and Banquet: All of these shows will be leading up to our Regional Show and Banquet hosted by the Feline PAW Foundation this year in Garland Texas! Date is August 12-14, 2022! I know the club has been working on this show for three years, so I’m positive this is one Regional you will not want to miss!!

As always, questions or concerns you can contact me by cell, email or text. See all of you soon, somewhere in TICA’s world!Jim

TICA Southeast Regional Director Rene Knapp:

It’s the Beginning of a New Show Season: Exhibitors are ready to celebrate their wins at the regional as well as begin the process all over again with our first show of the season on May 7 and 8, 2022, in Clearwater, Florida.

New TICA SE Website Has Launched! The site is user friendly, and our goal is to add something new every month. We had a lot of great ideas from exhibitors, and we will be making some of those ideas reality in the coming months. Visit us at http://www.seregiontica.org

New Treasury Set Up in Florida: We will be posting a detailed Treasurer’s report during May on the website. We have 50 show year calendars left and these are all profit for the region, so we ask if you haven’t bought one yet to please do so. We have started our Junior Exhibitor fund and are planning some surprises this year so we need to sell those calendars!

Special Skyway Awards and Banquet Update: The event will be held Saturday evening June 18, 2022, in conjunction with their show that weekend. It’s the first of our year end celebrations so please join us in Clearwater Florida.

Mark Your Calendars: The end of June (25 and 26) gives us the North Alabama Feline Fanciers in Huntsville, Alabama

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