TICA September 2023 Newsletter

TICA September 2023 Newsletter

In This Issue:

From the President’s Desk | TICA 42nd Annual Photos Online | Connie Webb Named TICA Treasure | Edith-Mary Smith Named Judge of the Year| 2023 Judging Program Announcements | 2023 Annual Board Meeting Report | New Member-Only Scoring and Standings Feature | New Europe North Club | EveryCat Health Foundation September UpdateTICA GL Regional Update||TICA MA Regional Update | TICA NW Regional UpdateTICA SE Regional Update | TICA SW Regional Update

tica election cat

From the President’s Desk: A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison

Dear TICA Friends,

Earlier this month, TICA held their 42nd Annual Show & Awards Banquet, hosted by SeaCats and TICA Northwest at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, WA.

During the event, we honored 2023 Judge of the Year, Edith-Mary Smith (see Judge of the Year article in this issue) and named Connie Webb our newest TICA Treasure (see TICA Treasure article in this issue).

Help me congratulate all our 2023 top award recipients. Among them:

2023 International Cat of the Year:  IW BW SGC Nudawnz Dobutsu No Mori, Black Tortie/White Japanese Bobtail LH, Owned by S/J/L/K Friemoth/J/L/L Gallion, Breeder SJLK Friemoth/J/L/L Gallion.

2023 Best Longhair Cat of The Year: IW BW SGC Nudawnz Dobutsu No Mori, Black Tortie/White Japanese Bobtail LH, Owned by S/J/L/K Friemoth/J/L/L Gallion, Breeder SJLK Friemoth/J/L/L Gallion.

2023 Best Shorthair Cat of The Year: IW BW SGC Batifoleurs Oringo, Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby Bengal, Owned by Irene Van Belzen, Breeder Irene Van Belzen.

2023 International Kitten of the Year: IW BW LibertyBengals Illuminati, Black Silver Charcoal Spotted Tabby Bengal, Owned by Jessica Petras, Breeder Jessica Petras.

2023 International Alter of the Year: LA BW SGC Faerietail Rubicon of Catsanhata, Red Classic Tabby Manx, Owned by Honey Gilmore/Charles Haynie/Lyssa Paull, Breeder Trisha Carson/Lyssa Paull.

2023 International Household Pet Cat of the Year: IW SGM Fritz Fryes of Thaityme, Black/White SH HHP, Owned by Lisa Byrd.

2023 Best Household Pet Kitten of the Year: IW Rolling in the Clover, Brown (Black) Mackerel Tabby/White SH HHPK, Owned by Judith Milling.

See the full list of the 2023 Top 25 Winning Cats and Kittens. Congratulations once again to all the winners and all of you who showed your cats this year.

A big thank you to all those who made this fabulous evening possible. TICA has a tremendous legacy and bright future thanks to all our members, breeders, and exhibitors!

Thank you to all who attended! We encourage you to reserve your calendar for 2024, hosted by the TICA MA Region and will take place next September in Chantilly, Virginia. Annuals are always memorable in the very best way, TICA members celebrating and fabulous felines!

As always, I wish each of you good health. Please stay safe and hug your kitties tight!

Vicki Jo Harrison TICA President

[Editor’s Note: It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of John Harrison, the beloved husband of TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison. The TICA Family offers our sincerest condolences. Please keep Vicki Jo and her family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.]

announcementPhoto Courtesy of Larry Johnson

TICA 42nd Annual Photos Posted

Do you wish you could relive the magical moments from TICA’s 42nd Annual Awards Banquet? Look no further, Larry Johnson captured the most precious moments of the event, and now you can own them forever.

Don’t wait any longer to get your paws on these stunning photos – they are available for purchase online now!

Also online is the TICA 2023 Annual Awards Booklet 2023 and

photos from the TICA MA Regional and TICA SE Regional.


Valentines Day 95Photo Courtesy of Larry Johnson

TICA Board of Directors Names Connie Webb the Newest TICA Treasure

Earlier this month, the TICA Board of Directors named Connie Webb the newest TICA Treasure during the TICA 2022-2023 Annual Awards Banquet in Tacoma, WA. From time to time, the TICA Board of Directors selects a member to be honored while living with the title “TICA Treasure.” The title is an old Japanese custom of honoring those who have contributed beyond measure to their chosen art, craft, or profession. Connie joins an esteemed group of 15 honorees. See the complete list here.

Connie has been a TICA member since 1985. She was TICA’s first Mid Atlantic Regional Director, serving from 1994-1999.

Currently serving as an Assistant Judging Administrator, Connie became a Distinguished Judge, Approved Allbreed Judge, and Ring and School Instructor over the years. She served as acting JA during the transition between Gloria Stephen and Bobbie Tullo in 1998. She was elected to two terms as a JC member, coordinating records, grading judge’s exams and refresher tests, guest judging, and serving as Deputy Junior Administrator. Connie has also judged all the continents representing TICA, including Australia and New Zealand.

In 2011, she was voted TICA’s Judge of the Year, and honored at that year’s Annual Awards Banquet.

Connie has bred Birmans and has showed Scottish Fold Longhair and Cornish Rex cats. Congratulations Connie!

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The Late Edith-Mary Smith Named TICA 2023 Judge of the Year

Every year we honor one of our judges who embodies the spirit of TICA. This year, TICA members voted the late Approved Allbreed Judge Edith-Mary Smith the 2023 TICA Judge of the Year posthumously. The honor was bestowed upon her during the TICA 2022-2023 Annual Awards Banquet.

Licensed as a TICA Judge in 1986, Edith-Mary became a Distinguished Judge, Approved Allbreed Judge in 1988, and Ring and School Instructor over the years. She has judged in Canada, USA, Mexico, South America, South Africa, Japan, Russia, Malta, Australia, New Zealand, and throughout Europe. She judged the World Cat Congress show in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2005, and again in Miami, Florida, in 2014.

She always shared her knowledge and passion for cats and TICA. Behind the judging table she was known for her gentle handling of cats and always seemed to make them feel secure and special. She was an example of how a judge could be beautifully and professionally dressed at shows.

Edith-Mary has been a member of TICA since its formation in 1979 and was a member of the TICA Board of Directors from 1994 to 2004. Her many contributions over the years helped make TICA the best Association.

She attended her first cat show as a little girl of five and raised British Shorthairs for many years under the cattery name Smith Avenue. She has shown British Shorthairs, Maine Coons and household pets throughout various regions in TICA. She was known for her special interest in educating the public in the care of household pets and in promoting neutering and spaying.

Her British blue tortie, Quintessa Bedmole, won three International Awards, including Third Best International Alter in 2002.

TICA 2Photo Courtesy of Helmi Flick

TICA Annual 2023 Judging Committee and Judging Program Announcements

TICA Judging Administrator Carlos Lopez announced during the TICA 2022-2023 Annual Awards Banquet that Mary Arnold has been moved to Judge Emeritus by the TICA Board of Directors.

Mary has been a judge since 1986. Since then, she has taught and trained many of TICA’s current judges as a Ring and School Instructor. The seminar Malocclusion and Asymmetry in the Persian breed group was developed by Mary and presented numerous times over the years. She has judged all over the world, both for TICA and for other organizations.

She has had many International Winners as well as TICA Kitten of the Year, with a brown tabby & white Persian. Thank you, Mary, for all of your many contributions to TICA.

The following 2023 Judges’ Service Awards were bestowed during TICA’s 42nd Annual in Tacoma, WA:

5-Year – 2018:

Johary Gomez

Bonnie Wilson

10-Year – 2013:

Steven Corneille

Lorraine Shelton

15-Year – 2008:

Mimi Tsuruoka

20-Year – 2003:

Harley DeVilbiss

Tamami Hamano

Ana Maria Sosa

25-Year – 1998:

Robin Austin

Amanda Bright

Carlos Lopez

30-Year – 1993:

Luiz Paulo Faccioli

Vickie Fisher

Massimo Picardello

35-Year – 1988:

Debbi Brown

D’Ann Kovic

Aline Noel-Garel

Motoko Oizumi

Haruyo Tomonari

40-Year – 1983:

Hisako Yamada

Annual 23Logo

Update from TICA’s 2023 Annual Board Meeting: Presentations & Rule Proposals 

TICA Financial Report: TICA Treasurer Vicki Fisher reported that TICA’s financial year ended on June 30, 2023, with a positive balance and that TICA is growing. She also announced that hotel and per diem rates were set for the upcoming year.

TICA Breeds:

  • Advancements: A to advance the Caracat breed from Experimental to Registration only was not accepted.
  • Standard Changes: Savannah breed standard changes were unanimously accepted and will go into effect May 1, 2024.

World Cat Congress (WCC): TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison recapped her recent trip to the World Cat Congress (full minutes are available on the WCC website).

Establishment of TICA in China:

  • Motion 1: Allow the setup of a TICA Representative Office in China – passed unanimously.
  • Motion 2: Cover the one-time filling fee to establish a TICA Representative Office in China up to $6.000 – passed.
  • Motion 3: Approve funds for the initial setup for the TICA Representative Office with a budget up to $ 39,000 – motion failed.
  • The committee working on the establishment of a TICA China Office will come up with the more detailed budget outline plan of the funds needed for the initial setup.
  • TICA ‘s Judging Committee will work on a proposal to start a remote program to establish local judges in China.

Proposal By-Laws:

Amend By-Laws Article 14 (Absolute majority) – passed.

Amend By-Laws 123.1.8 to 123.1.10 (honorary Judge Titles) – passed unanimously.

These rule changes will go to the members for a vote in the fall.

Proposal Show Rules:

Amend Show Rule 21.73 (Congress Judging Formats) – no action taken; proposal is sent back to Rules.

Proposal Standing Rules:

Amend Standing Rules 105.2.2 and 1014.2 Candidate Fees – passed unanimously and will go in effect directly.

Add Standing Rules 308.1, 309.3, 309.9, 309.4 and 309.17 Age restrictions – no action taken; proposal will be re-worded.

Proposals Junior Exhibitor Program:

Amend JE Program (Co-own/Co-lease) – no action taken; proposal will be re-worded.

TICA COO Update: GL Regional Director Liz Brown will start a social media working group to help TICA clubs and Regions promote shows and TICA on social media. This working group will pull together the synergy from all TICA Regions to combine individual efforts by clubs to reflect a stronger more cohesive effort and outcome.

TICA Marketing Report: The reprinting of the 2019 TICA Coloring Book has been completed and copies are available at the EO upon request. The TICA coloring book is available online for Regions and Clubs to request local printers to print mall batches for club use. The TICA World of Cats Visitor Guide received minor updates and will be going to print very soon.

TICA now has four key brochures – TICA Therapy Cat Program, Finding the Purrfect Pedigreed Kitten, Register Your Cat with TICA, An Introduction to TICA Cat Shows, and Spay & Neuter Facts — now available with a fresh look and feel. There is a very limited supply at the EO, and for the most appropriate use, these can also be downloaded via tica.org and clubs can print copies.

Update on 2024 TICA Annual (TICA MA Region):

Location: Chantilly, Virginia

Show Hall: Dulles Expo Center

Show Hotel: Westfields Marriott

Airport: Dulles International Airport (IAD)

The show opened for entries on September 4, 2023.

Proposal for 2026 Annual (TICA NE Region):

Toronto – Ontario – CPE Cat Club and Montreal – Quebec – Club TBD

The Board voted for Toronto!

TICA Committee Updates:

Standards Committee: Goal: To aid breed committees with changes they would like to make to their standards. This Committee has started and aided three breed committees already.

Legislative Committee: Please contact the Legislative Committee with news of upcoming legislative changes affecting felines or if you would like to help with the Committee.

Mentorship Committee: This Committee was started this past May. Please let your Regional Director know If you would like to volunteer for this Committee.

everycatPhoto by Helmi Flick

Cat Lovers Rejoice! New TICA Member-Only Benefit Lets You Track Your Cat’s Achievements in Real-Time

It’s never been a better time to be a TICA member!

Have you heard the news about TICA’s hottest new member-only benefit: the TFMS dashboard’s official Scoring and Standings feature.

Now, for the first time, members can view their cat’s standings and scores, allowing them to keep track of the progress their cats have made, and the titles they’ve earned in almost real-time.

No more checking and re-checking emails or waiting for a monthly PDF update. Members can now not only monitor their cat’s scores but also gain access to in-depth insights like ring scores, cat counts, and award points. Plus, you can dive deeper into specifics like Color, Division, Breed, and Final placements.

Want to learn more? Check out this video that will introduce you to TICA’s scoring and standing features and unleash your cat’s potential to take their show success to the next level.

Now, more than ever, being a TICA member gives you the ultimate edge over your competition. These member-exclusive features allow you to become part of a transformative experience that celebrates cats and those who adore them.

Take advantage of these features, tailor-made for cat lovers like you. Become a member today and be at the forefront of the international cat community.


TICA Welcomes a New Club in the Europe North Region

Wherever you are, you are in TICA’s world!

TICA continues to grow in 2023 with the addition of the new club – The Ukrainian Cat Alliance (Kiev, Ukraine) in the Europe North Region. Welcome!

TICA has clubs around the world and are a great way to mix and mingle with people who love cats as much as you do. There are more than 160 clubs in TICA’s world with a diverse array of backgrounds, interests, and professions. By joining a TICA club you can make new friends with amazing people while attending TICA cat shows, participating in club activities, and volunteering.

If you’re not already a member, then find a club near you and start the fun! Find a list of TICA clubs.

EveryCat Health Foundation Logo

EveryCat Health Foundation September Update

EveryCat 2023 Cures4Cats Giving Campaign: EveryCat Health Foundation’s 2023 “Cures4Cats” Giving Campaign, focusing on Feline Diabetes, is in progress! EveryCat is highlighting this disease to help inspire further commitment to cat health research since there is still so much to learn. And Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. is matching $40,000 of donations in support of the campaign! Help us maximize their match! Make your gift on or before October 1, 2023.

Sept. 27 Webinar Caring for the Diabetic Cat: What’s New in 2023Dr. Cynthia Ward will present an in-depth exploration of feline diabetes mellitus and common challenges when managing patients in a webinar on September 27, 2023, at 7PM EDT. She will share the latest insights on pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of feline diabetic patients. Case examples will be utilized to emphasize crucial aspects of the disease, treatment options, and potential outcomes. She will also explore advances in feline diabetes and how these will impact feline care in the future. This webinar is RACE approved for 1 CE credit.

2024 EveryCat Grant Cycle is Open for Proposals: The 2024 EveryCat Health Foundation Annual Grant Cycle Request for Proposals is open! The deadline to submit proposals is Monday, December 11, 2023, and awards will be announced in May 2024.

EveryCat Health Foundation has a new, on-line system for grant submissions. All proposals must be submitted through the on-line portal.

For additional information on EveryCat Health Foundation’s Grant Programs and research funding, please visit the Grants page. For questions about submitting grant proposals, contact grants@everycat.org.

EveryCat Information & Swag Available for TICA Cat Shows: EveryCat information and swag is available to show organizers to give out at their events. Items available include: EveryCat brochures, printed research updates, can lids, ‘Save Our Cat’ window clings, and fun stickers for kids!

To request items, email vrud@everycat.org with the following information:

  • Date(s) of show and expected number of exhibitors/attendees.
  • Contact email, physical mailing address, and “required by” date.

Please send requests at least 3 weeks in advance of “required by” date!

Regional updatesPhoto by Helmi Flick

TICA Regional Updates:

TICA Great Lakes Regional Update

TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Update

TICA Southeast Regional Update

TICA Southwest Regional Update

GL Regional Update ImageThe Great Lakes goes to TICA Annual: Photo by Larry Johnson

TICA Great Lakes Regional Director, Liz Brown:

Please mark your calendar to attend these remaining shows for this season in the TICA GL Region:

  • October 7-8, 2023, Buckeye Ohio Rollers in Wooster, OH.
  • November 18-19, 2023, Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers is hosting their NFL-themed show in Racine, WI.
  • January 14-15, 2024, PracTICAl Cats is hosting their annual winter show in Gray Summit, MO.
  • February 10-11, 2024, Toledo RusTICAts is hosting their 1st SHOW in Bowling Green, OH.
  • March 8-10, 2024, Showcats Columbus in Columbus, OH.

TICA MA BQT 23 048TICA MA Regional: Photo by Larry Johnson

TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Director, Brenda Russo:

TICA MA Judge Named TICA Treasure: This year at TICA’s annual, our very own MA Judge, Connie Webb received the well-deserved honor of TICA’s Treasure. It was wonderful to see her hard work and dedication to TICA recognized and celebrated. This award and achievement are a true testament to her talent, enthusiasm, and perseverance to TICA. If you haven’t already, read the article on Connie in this issue.

MA Regional Awards: Everyone had a fantastic evening at the Mid Atlantic Regional Awards Presentation. We had a great time celebrating everyone’s achievements and spending time with good friends. Member’s choice awards were the following:

Judge of Year:  Connie Webb

Member of the Year: Jay Davis

Show of the Year: Carnivorous Winos

Clerk of the Year: Vicki White

2023 Best Cat-Best Longhair Cat of the Year:  IW BW SGC Coonalley Harvest Moon, Breeder/Owner: Elaine Magee.

2023 Best Kitten of the Year: IW BW Liberty Bengals Illuminati, Breeder/Owner: Jessica Petras.

2023 Best Alter of the Year:  LA BW SGC Ojus1 Chocoalte Fantasy of Glor-Ee, Breeder: Donna Hamon, Owner: Elke Duncan & Tom Ferguson.

2023 Best Household Pet of the Year: IW SGM Shiawasena Jiko, Owner: Jenny Wickle.

2023 Best Household Pet Kitten of the Year: RW Gandalf, Owner: Rebecca W. Colbert.

Please mark your calendar to attend these shows in the MA Region:

  • September 31 – October 1, 2023, Northern Lights Cat Club in Morgantown, PA.
  • October 21-22, 2023, United Cat Club in Fredericksburg, VA.
  • November 4-5, 2023, Tabby Tales Cat Club in Lebanon, PA.
  • December 9 -10, 2023, Carnivorous Winos in Lebanon, PA.

After the close of the TICA 2023 Annual in Tacoma, it is now official that the TICA 2024 Annual, hosted by the Mid Atlantic’s New Jersey Cat Fanciers in Chantilly VA, is now open!  T-Shirts will be available at the Northern Lights Cat show at the end of September. Volunteers will also be taking t-shirts to various shows throughout the USA and International shows. Anyone who would like to volunteer their talents and expertise to help make this show the greatest ever, please contact Susan Adler or Lisa Dickie.

TICA Northwest Regional Director, Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz:

The Northwest Region would like to thank all of you that attended the 2023 TICA Annual event in Tacoma, Washington. It took over 3 years of preparation and hours upon hours of work to make it happen. It was our pleasure to host the event.

The Northwest region is carrying on with many activities in the next few months. Please mark your calendar to attend these shows in the TICA NW Region:

  • September 30, 2023, Meeting in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for people in Alberta and Saskatchewan provinces to get together and strategize how to promote TICA. This meeting is for groups wanting to form TICA cat clubs and/or to host TICA cat shows.
  • November 25-26, 2023, “Thanksgiving Cat Parade” show, hosted by The Maine Event, in Ferndale, WA.
  • Dec 16-17, 2023, And A Mouse Cat Club, in Elma, Washington.

Sept SE Image IIPractical Cats July show, Judge & TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison, Lisa McDonald Elkins, Devon Rex AlafiaSky Stewie Griffin

TICA Southeast Regional Director, Rene Knapp:

TICA SE Regional: The SE regional was the complete success we had hoped for.  Our Junior Exhibitors had an amazing time at Disney World, and it was so well received that we will be holding the 2024 regional in the same place and planning another amazing adventure for the Juniors. And a big thank you to all our Florida clubs and members who help make the Regional such a success.

Right after the regional I was off to the Annual Board Meeting and then judged the Annual.

The month was a total whirlwind of cat shows and awards. I was able to get some help and we brought all the SE international awards back with us. I will be getting everyone their awards at the next few shows.

Cattyshack was the first SE show in September and the next Southeast show, It’s TICA Time, is on September 23-24, 2023, in Simpsonville, South Carolina. This show is always a lot of fun and made special by Donna Maddox and her crew!

October brings us the return of an old established TICA club. Hurricane cat club Presents ‘The Calm after the Storm’ October 7-8, 2023, at the

Largo Event Center (6340 126th Avenue N, Largo, Florida).

TICA Southwest Regional Director, Laurie Schiff:

The TICA SW Region won the Best Raffle award at the Annual!  Congratulations and thank you to all the Southwest Members who donated to the raffle.

Make your plans now to attend these other upcoming shows in the TICA SW Region:

  • November 18-19, 2023, Surf-N-Turf & America’s Finest Felines, in Arcadia, CA.
  • March 16-17, 2024, Surf-N-Turf in Arcadia, CA.
  • April 13-14, 2024, Celebrity Cat Club in Arcadia, CA.
  • June 22-23, 2024, Socal Exotica Cat Club.
  • July 27-28, 2024, Southwest Regional Awards show and Banquet.

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