How Do I Apply for the Title Discount Program

How Do I Apply for the Title Discount Program

Knowledge Base – Title Discount Program

There are three title programs listed below. Please choose the one that fits your cat(s):

Prerequisite: Your cat has never been shown before (also not with a pending registration number).

Description: You pay $15 (member price) or $20 (nonmember price). If your cat earns a title, it will automatically be confirmed by the Executive Office. You do not need to do anything else or pay any additional money. The package pays for six titles in one of the following class groups (CH-SGC, CHA-SGCA, MS-SGM) and has a total value of $35. You will not receive a refund if the cat does not earn any titles.

Prerequisite: Your cat has only been shown as a kitten.

Description: You pay $20 (member price) or $25 (nonmember price). If your cat earns a title, it will automatically be confirmed by the Executive Office. You do not need to do anything else or pay any additional money. The package pays for six titles in one of the following class groups (CH-SGC, CHA-SGCA, MS-SGM) and has a total value of $35. You will not receive a refund if the cat does not earn any titles.

Prerequisite: No prerequisite or discounts apply. This is a pre-pay option.

Description: You pay $35 (same price for members and non-members). If your cat earns a title, it will automatically be confirmed by the Executive Office. You do not need to do anything else or pay any additional money. The package pays for six titles in one of the following class groups (CH-SGC, CHA-SGCA, MS-SGM) and has a total value of $35. You will not receive a refund if the cat does not earn any titles.


Adding the title discount to your newly registered cat is quick and easy. Follow these instructions:

  1. Go to “TFMS >> My Cats“. This will require you to log in to TFMS. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one for free.

  2. Open the cat in question & select “Request Service”.

  3. From that menu, select “Title Discount At Registration Program”.

  4. Select from the three options, following the on-screen instructions.

  5. Pay via the shopping cart.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Our Knowledge Base has Step-by-Step Instructions to help you request some of our services. Select a category to see the topics for that category. Click on the topic and you will be taken to the information for that topic. You can use this link to return back to the initial page which also provides a search function. 

Knowledge Base - Register a cattery

Registering a cattery is quick and easy. Watch this video or follow these instructions:

  1. Go to “TFMS >> Catteries >> Register a Cattery“. This will require you to log in to TFMS. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one for free.
  2. Enter the requested information and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Pay for the cattery.

Your cattery will be registered within seconds. You will be notified by the website and via email as soon as the cattery has been registered. You can then find your cattery under “TFMS >> Catteries >> My Catteries”.