How Do I Register a New Breed or Trait

How Do I Register a New Breed or Trait

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Advanced New Breed advancement to Championship

Advancement of a developing breed from Advanced New Breed to Championship status.

Experimental New Breed advancement to Registration Only

Advancement of a developing breed from Experimental Registry to Registration Only status. Registration Only is the second status for a new breed trying to achieve championship status within TICA.

New Trait advancement to Championship

Apply for recognition of a new trait in an established breed for championship status.

Non-Domestic Ancestor Hybrid-Chart

Preliminary New Breed advancement to Advanced New Breed

Advancement of a developing breed from Preliminary New Breed to Advanced New Breed status.

Registration Only advancement to Preliminary New Breed

Advancement of a developing breed from Registration Only to Preliminary New Breed status.

Status Codes and Breed Charts

A registration status code (or codes, in the instance of combined ancestry and hybridization record cats) shall be assigned to each cat registered by the association and will be indicated on the registration certificate.

Transfer New Breed advancement to Advanced New Breed

Apply for acceptance of a breed established in another association to Advanced New Breed status.

Transfer New Breed advancement to Registration Only

Apply for acceptance of a breed established in another association to Registration Only status.