Judge Emeritus

Honoring Excellence: TICA Judge Emeritus

At The International Cat Association (TICA), we recognize and celebrate the outstanding contributions of individuals who have significantly shaped the world of feline judging. The title of Judge Emeritus is a prestigious honor bestowed upon retired judges who have demonstrated exemplary dedication, knowledge, and service in advancing the standards of feline beauty and health.

The Judge Emeritus page is dedicated to acknowledging the careers and lasting impacts of these remarkable individuals. Each Judge Emeritus has not only adhered to the highest standards of judging but has also contributed to the education and mentorship within our community, helping to foster the next generation of TICA judges.

Arnold, Mary JE, DJ

('86) MRY, SJC, SFO

California (USA)

Bailey, Richard JE, JM


Mississippi (USA)

Barnes, Dewane JE, DJ

('88) ORD

Illinois (USA)

Caruthers, Don JE, DJ

('85) DFW

Texas (USA)

Coleman, Mark JE, DJ

('88) ORD

California (USA)

De Araujo, Erica Knielng JE


Porto Alegre RS (Brazil)

DeVilbiss, Margaret (Kay) JE

('99) AUS

Texas (USA)

Fisher, Vickie JE, DJ

('93) ABQ

New Mexico (USA)

Hogan, Cheryl JE


Texas (USA)

Lamoureux, Odette JE, DJ

('94) YUL, BTV

Quebec (Canada)

Lewis, Dorothy JE, DJ


California (USA)

Lindsey, Linda JE, JM


Texas (USA)

McInchak, Karen JE, DJ

('84) SFO, SJC, MRY

California (USA)

Meins, Betty JE, DJ


California (USA)

Nolen, Nancy JE, DJ

('84) DFW, ACT

Texas (USA)

Parkinson, Nancy JE, DJ

('86) AUS

Texas (USA)

Ray, Joan JE, DJ


Arizona (USA)