What is TICA?

What is TICA?

The International Cat Association® (TICA®) is the world’s largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats, the largest registry of household pet cats and kittens. TICA was the first and now the world’s largest registry to allow household cats of unknown ancestry to compete for the same titles and awards as pedigreed cats. The knowledgable breeding of pedigreed cats preserves the distinct characteristics of individual pedigreed breeds and ensures the continuation of predictable physical and behavioral traits for future generations.

TICA was founded in 1978 and revolutionized the sport of cat competitions with a completely new and different judging system.

TICA is The International Cat Association, Inc.® and the world’s largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats. TICA was the first and is now the largest registry in which household pets compete for the same type of titles and awards as pedigreed cats.

TICA maintains written standards for cats of all breeds, promulgates the rules for cat shows hosted by its affiliated clubs, and trains and licenses judges for those shows. Each year, TICA affiliated clubs host many hundreds of shows in every continent across the globe.

TICA and its members work together to promote the preservation of pedigreed cat breeds and the health and welfare of all domestic cats through education, knowledgeable cat ownership, and proper animal husbandry. TICA currently recognizes 71 breeds of cats including the ever popular Maine Coon Cat, Ragdoll and wild-looking Bengal to newer breeds like Lykoi, the “werewolf” cat.

The knowledgeable breeding of pedigreed cats preserves the distinct characteristics of individual pedigreed breeds, and ensures the continuation of predictable physical and behavioral traits for future generations. Predictable characteristics allow owners to select those that best fit with their family and lifestyle.

The International Cat Association headquartered in Harlingen, Texas, administers the rules for the licensing and management of hundreds of cat shows annually across the globe and in 104 countries. TICA and its members work together to promote the preservation of pedigreed cats and the health and welfare of ALL domestic cats through education, knowledgable cat ownership, and proper care to the owners of millions of cats worldwide. TICA currently recognizes 71 breeds of cats from the ancient Abyssinian to the newer breeds like the Lykoi and including wild-looking domestic breeds like Chausies and Bengals.