TICA November 2021 Newsletter

TICA November 2021 Newsletter

Science Newsletter

 In This Issue

From the President’s Desk: A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo HarrisonTime is Running Out to Cast Your Vote in TICA’s 2021 Membership Elections |  TICA Special Board Meeting Discussed Covid Guidance for Club Events | You Talked, TICA Listened: Updates and New Features Added to TFMS | New TFMS Step-by-Step “How To” Videos Added to TICA YouTube Playlist | TICA Welcomes Three New Clubs into Our Family  | New Hampshire (U.S.) Adds Cats to the Law that Requires Motorists Who Hit Dogs Notify Owners | EveryCat Health Foundation: November 2021 Update | In Case You Missed It… | TICA May Breed of the Month: Pixiebob | TICA Regional Updates

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From the President’s Desk:A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison

Hello My Fellow TICA Members!

In this issue you will find all the information you need to vote in the TICA Fall Election. Please take the time to read the information in the article “Time is Running Out to Cast Your Vote in TICA’s 2021 Membership Elections” and exercise your right to vote. TICA is membership driven organization so let your voice be heard through your vote!

The Annual Awards Banquet for the 2020-2021 International award winners is scheduled for Saturday January 29, 2022, at the Houston Marriott South, Houston, Texas, USA. Visit the official 2021 Annual Awards website and learn more information on the event and how to make both hotel and banquet reservations. Start making your plans to attend!

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As always, I wish each of you good health. Please stay safe and hug your kitties tight!

Vicki Jo Harrison TICA President


Time is Running Out to Cast Your Vote in TICA’s 2021 Membership Elections

Did you cast your vote yet in TICA’s 2021 Membership Election? Your ability to vote ends in just a few days (November 15, 2021, at 11:59 pm CST)!

In addition to elections for Regional Directors in TICA’s Southeast, Southwest, Mid-Pacific, Northeast, and Europe West Regions, there are 11 proposals for TICA members to consider. Among them are proposals for amended complaints procedures, the definition of “actively breeding”, removal of “sale” references, transfer documentation, use of blue slips, registration of outcrosses in the Foundation Registry, new breed reporting, mutation ownership voting, as well as a few proposals on experimental breeds.

Read details of all 2021 ballot proposals and learn who is running in Regional elections before you vote.

TICA members in good standing as of April 1, 2021, and have renewed their membership by June 30, 2021.

Ballots were emailed on or about October 15, 2021, to all members from “TICA Online” with the subject “TICA 2021 Election Open for Voting”. Members who do not have an e-mail address on file with TICA’s Executive Office have been mailed, via U.S. Postal Service, a notification with instructions how to vote online.

Questions about missing ballots, membership, election guidelines, or technical assistance with the voting process can be obtained by contacting YesElections at Help+TICA@YesElections.com or call (866) 384-9978.

Voting is an important and meaningful way to advance the issues you care about most and provides an opportunity for you to choose the representatives you think will best achieve the results you want to see within TICA.

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COVID Guidance for Club Events Discussed at Special TICA Board Meeting

A special TICA Board meeting was held on November 1, 2021.

The Board discussed COVID Guidelines TICA clubs should consider for upcoming events. Suggestions include: the use of “as of” date for recommendations to keep track of changing local laws and guidelines; to always reference local laws & regulations to be adhered to; clubs should decide whether to require masks or recommend wearing masks – this might be dependent on local Covid rates; consider advertising whether there will be visitors allowed as well as entry limitations; establish protocol for notifying judges, vendors and exhibitors if someone becomes ill – this should be kept confidential and names should not be used; consider whether (prior to entering the show hall) you would like those participating to sign waivers and statements that they have not been exposed to Covid recently, etc.; include language on the flyers that if someone is sick, they should stay home; make hand sanitizer and masks available throughout the event.

During the meeting the TICA Board approved monies from this year’s net profits to be used for the next phase of TFMS development. At this point the Board does not see the need to dip into TICA savings for this project.

A motion was also approved to set aside $250,000 for various IT projects, including self-service pedigrees, digital signatures, online breeding listings, among others.

The Board also approved a motion to hire four new full-time employees to assist the EO with TFMS tasks, legacy tickets, and backlogged work.

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You Talked, TICA Listened: Updates and New Features Added to TFMS

TICA has recently made numerous updates and added many of new features to TFMS since its launch in mid-September. See the list of current known issues and new features we are excited to see come to fruition that will make your experience quicker and more efficient. If you are experiencing an issue in TFMS please be patient and check our list of updates and new features as we continue to iron out the glitches and implement new features.

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New TFMS Step-by-Step “How To” Videos Added to TICA YouTube Playlist

TICA now has 21 instructional videos available to help complete most tasks in TFMS. Each video includes step-by-step instruction as well as dos and don’ts that will save you time and help you accomplish your transactions quicker than calling the executive office.

Videos include:

New videos are being added daily, so please refer to TICA’s TFMS YouTube page if you have trouble completing a transaction and before you call TICA’s executive office.

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TICA Welcomes Three New Clubs into Our Family

TICA continues to grow with the addition of three new clubs to our growing family. Please help us welcome AbbaTICA (Bexhill on Sea, E. Sussex, England) joining our Europe West Region, Cat Lovers of New England Cat Club (Cambridge, MA) joining our Northeast Region, and the Celebrity Cat Club (Victorville, CA) joining our Southwest Region.

TICA Sponsorships

New Hampshire (U.S.) Adds Cats to their Law that Requires Motorists Who Hit Dogs to Notify Owners

Starting next year, drivers who hit a cat in the state of New Hampshire (U.S.) will be required to stop and report the collision to the pet’s owner or police. Signed by Gov. Chris Sununu last July, cats now have equality to dogs that get struck by a car. Currently, drivers must stop and contact the owner or police when they hit dog. Starting in January 2022, the same will apply for cats.

House Republican Rep. Daryl Abbas sponsored the bill (HB 174) earlier this year, adding cats to the legal requirement after his wife tragically found their 5-year-old cat dead on the road outside their home. While the absence of cats in the original law seems minor relative to other animal laws, it reflects the continued treatment of animals as mere property under the law. Abbas’ bill went even further, elevating the act of killing a beloved cat beyond damaging a lawn ornament (which would be reportable as property damage in New Hampshire).

New Hampshire now joins five other U.S. states that have similar laws, including Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island.


EveryCat Health Foundation: November 2021 Update

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Upcoming Webinar: Join EveryCat Health Foundation on November 17, 2021, at 1:00 PM ET for the webinar “Cannabinoids in the Feline Practice” with Stephen J. Cital RVT, SRA, RLAT, VCC, CVPP, VTS-LAM (Res. Anesthesia).

The clinical data for companion animals with the use of cannabinoids, like CBD, has been mounting. This lecture will discuss the current and relevant literature and dosing for safe and effective use in practice specifically geared for feline patients. The lecture will cover the basic principle of the endocannabinoid system and the difference between using cannabinoids in cats versus dogs. Mr. Cital will also discuss reading and understanding the labeling for safe and effective dosing. RACE approval is pending.
Although primarily directed at the veterinary professional, this lecture will also provide useful information for cat owners.

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Giving Tuesday: With the holidays just around the corner, Everycat Health Foundation invites you to kick off the season on Giving Tuesday (November 30th)! Every year, on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, millions of people around the world join for a global day of giving to support causes which speak to their hearts. For Everycat Health Foundation, it’s a day to celebrate our fuzzy, four-legged friends who make the world a little brighter. Join us on Tuesday, November 30th to help advance the science of better feline medicine through research and education. Your support paves the way for a brighter future for every cat, every day, everywhere. Please mark your calendars, spread the word, and stay tuned for more details!


In Case You Missed It…

Check out TICA’s top social media posts you may have missed…

On TICA’s Instagram:Members Observed National Cat Day.

On TICA’s Facebook: TICA Celebrated Black Cat Appreciation Day.

On TICA’s Twitter:  Check out TICA in Action at American Association of Feline Practitioners.

On TICA’s YouTube:  How to Register a Cat in TFMS.

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TICA November Breed of the Month: Pixiebob

The Pixiebob is TICA’s Breed of the Month! Often called a “dog in disguise” these intelligent cats are loyal and devoted to their family. They resemble the wild Coastal Red Bobcat, but have the loving personality of a domestic cat. Pixiebob’s make great companions for children and get along well with other pets. Short or longhair, the Pixiebob’s coat is easy to groom with weekly combing or brushing. Find out more about this breed and if a Pixiebob is right for you and your family.

Regional Update

TICA Regional Updates

TICA Great Lakes Regional Update TICA Northwest Regional Update TICA South America Update TICA Southwest Regional Update

TICA Great Lakes Regional Director Liz Brown:

TICA GL Treasury Balance: The GL treasury balance is $3803.92 (pending $492.00 in PP transfer). Thanks to the clubs who donate $1/entry.

Remember to Order Your Yearbooks – It’s time to order your 2020-2021 Yearbooks. There are also a few 2019-2020 Yearbooks left for sale, but hurry! Contact Chris Unangst at chris.unangst@gmail.com to place your order before it’s too late!

Mark your calendars for the following shows and remember to check for early bird specials:

  • January 15-16, 2022, pracTICAl cats in Gray Summit, MO (early bird special for those PAID by November 15).
  • March 11-13, 2022, Showcats in Columbus, OH (early bird special for those PAID by February 1).
  • April 23-24, 2022, Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers in in Racine, WI. (Keep an eye open for full show details, including any possible early bird specials).

December or January HCM Clinic: To be held in Madison, WI, with a board-certified cardiologist. Cost will be approximately $260/cat.  Please email Liz Brown at TICAGLRD@gmail.com with your interest.

TFMS is live! You must use the same email from TDS for your cats to be shown. You create a new account and password reset the first time you login.

TICA 2021 International Awards will be held January 29, 2022, in Houston, Texas. The theme is “Celebrating the Bright & Shining Stars of TICA.” The website is now live with full details and is open for banquet reservations.

Fall Ballots are Out! There are 11 proposals for TICA members to consider. Vote now through Nov 15, 2021. Ballots were emailed on or about October 15, 2021, to all members from “TICA Online” with the subject “TICA 2021 Election Open for Voting”. Members who do not have an e-mail address on file with TICA’s Executive Office have been mailed, via U.S. Postal Service, a notification with instructions on how to vote online. Questions about missing ballots, membership, election guidelines, or technical assistance with the voting process can be obtained by contacting YesElections at Help+TICA@YesElections.com or call (866) 384-9978.

2022 41st TICA Annual in Chicago, hosted by Showcats Columbus, will take place September 3-4, 2022, at the Hilton Chicago. The hotel block is open!  Keep up on the latest news about the event at www.ticaannual.com.

TICA Northwest Regional Director Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz:

As we turn our attentions from the pandemic and other stressors in our lives to the upcoming holiday season, it is a good time to reflect on our families and friends.

Whether you are the giver or the receiver, this is a time of love, joy and peace; it’s a time for the warmest holiday wishes to one and all. And, although this is usually a time for fun and partying, it can also be a time for introspection or meditation, a moment to truly appreciate what we have in life.

Even if you are alone on an upcoming holiday that you cherish, even if no one stops by or calls, remember that we are all together regardless of where we live and we are just a phone call away from one another.

Mark your calendars for the following in-person cat shows:

  • December 11-12, 2021, It’s Reigning Cats in Portland, OR.
  • January 28-30, 2022, The New Culture Club in Portland, OR.
  • February 12-13, 2022, The Evergreen Cat Fanciers in Ferndale, WA.
  • March 12-13, 2022, CanAm Cat Club in Abbotsford, BC.
  • April 9-10, 2022, Calgary Cat Association in Calgary, AB.
  • Apilr 29-May 1, 2022, SeaCats (tentative) in Issaquah, WA.
  • May 14-15, 2022, Cat Fanciers of BC in Sooke, BC

For more information on these shows, please visit https://tica.org/events/show-calendar.

TICA South America Regional Director Luiz Paulo Faccioli:

After two long years, TICA del Plata is excited to host a one-day show, November 28, 2021, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The event, sponsored by Royal Canin, will include a Christmas theme and plenty of beautiful advertising. Among the judges will be Carlos López and Ana Ferreyra from Argentina and Lourdes Duhalde will debut at the show as judge from Uruguay. Don’t miss this great opportunity to join old friends and cats! Read more information about the event.

TICA Southwest Regional Director Canie Brooks:

Mark your calendars for upcoming Southwest shows:

  • January 15 -16, 2022, Socal ExoTICA Cat Club presents Title Match! in Arcadia, California.

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