New Features & Updates in TFMS

New Features & Updates in TFMS

Top Known Issues  | Fixing the Backlog 

We are aware of the frustration with the length of time it has taken to receive your requested work. The backlog has been building over the past several years and when the Covid shutdowns hit, TICA grew by nearly fifty percent and the growth continues. Forty percent of the accounts created in TFMS are coming from first time customers. While this is good news for TICA, it also contributes to slower turnaround times initially.

As with any business platform change of this magnitude, we have been working on ironing out the bugs since TFMS launched in mid-September. Below is a list of current known issues/bugs and a list of new features we are excited to see come to fruition that will aid in more efficient customer service. As we continue to iron out the bugs and implement new features, our turnaround time will improve. If a problem you are experiencing is listed below, you do not need to report it again. Thank you for your patience.


  • Membership Extension – Done
    • Extension Issues have been solved, however the Breed Section and Trend Expiration dates are not updated automatically, so this is still In Progress.  Updates are happening manually until the fix is in.
  • Scoring bugsIn Progress
    • The EO is working with Summit on a few remaining bugs in the scoring system that are ready for testing. Standings are on hold until testing is finalized and approved.
  • Unable to register a BLH from BSHDone – Deployed 11/15/21
  • Unable to Pay EO generated invoices with PayPalDone
    • Expected Deployment on or before November 30, 2021
  • Date of ownership  On going
    • researching a global fix to correct current cat registrations where the date of ownership is producing a Not Owned at time of Mating Error.
  • Trend and Breed Section Dates – Done
    • New or renewed membership the Trend and Breed Section dates not auto updated.
  • Deposit reports that we use to close the month – Done
    • There are several fixes needed with the accounting aspect of TFMS.  All are solvable and are being worked, this is preventing us from closing the month and is top on the priority list.

Fixing the Backlog:

  • Legacy Backlog – Done
  • More Staff – Done 
    • The EO has 4 new temporary staff in the office from the temp agency in Harlingen. The temp staff are assisting with the backlog and fixing data errors.  All are classified as temporary and may be interviewed for a full-time position depending on performance and aptitude to understand our rules.
  • 3 and 5 generation certified pedigrees –  Done
    • This feature will be ready for testing by November, 10, 2021.
    • Pedigrees are currently manually checked for odd breeds and blanks in the lineage, however many of them are correct.
    • Developing code logic for basic checks so pedigrees that meet these basic checks can be issued immediately upon payment. This will be self-service moving forward. Note, not all pedigree requests will pass the initial basic check and will be routed to the EO as a case.
  • Determine Prefix Codes for Other Litters  In Progress, very close!
    • EO is manually applying the rules to each litter registration to determine the prefix code.
    • Lorraine Shelton provided the first draft of the rules
    • This will be started after our deposit and accounting bugs are fixed.
  • Internal EO Automation –  Done
    • Automates the transfer of ownership, issuing refunds and credits for the EO.
    • This feature provides consistency and speed.
  • Digital Signatures –  In Progress
    • Automate Transfer of ownership
    • Remove PDF Requirements
    • Digital signing Code of Ethics

Danny Nevarez 
Chief Operating Officer, The International Cat Association

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