TICA April 2021 Newsletter

TICA April 2021 Newsletter

Science Newsletter

 In This Issue

From the President’s Desk: A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo HarrisonCalifornia Introduces Bill to Regulate Breeding Statewide: TICA Calls for Members to Take Action | TICA Welcomes Three New Clubs into Our Family | TICA’s Mentor Programs Offer Members the Opportunity to Learn from the Best Exhibitors and Breeders | American Association of Feline Practitioners Releases Feline Life Stages Guide  | Professional Cat Groomers Association of America Offer Certification for Groomers  | Pet Partners Celebrates National Therapy Animal Day with Nationwide Virtual Treats & Sweets Day Event   | Missing Cat Returns After Six Years to Comfort Nurse Battling COVID-19 | Check out TICA’s top social media posts you may have missed… | TICA April Breed of the Month: Bengal | TICA Regional Updates

tica election cat

From the President’s Desk:
A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison

Hello My Fellow TICA Members!

I’m happy to announce that earlier this month the International awards were sent out. All awards should have been, or will soon be, received by winners.

Congratulations to all the 2019-2020 Award Winners!

Special congratulations to our TICA Treasures: Leslie Bowers and Yvonne Patrick

Our new Hall of Fame members: Gloria Mahan and Pascale Portelas

And Congratulations to our 2019-2020 Judge of the Year: Steven Meserve

The 2019-2020 Virtual International Awards Presentation is in production. Stay tuned for the release date.

Until then, please stay safe and well.

Vicki Jo Harrison
TICA President


California Introduces Bill to Regulate Breeding Statewide: TICA Calls for Members to Take Action

Last month, California Assembly member Miguel Santiago introduced a bill intended to regulate all cat or dog breeders in the state.

What it is: Assembly Bill 702 would prohibit a person from establishing or maintaining a dog kennel or cattery for breeding purposes, as specified, without a breeder permit, as defined. The bill would require an application for a breeder permit to contain specified information requested by the local jurisdiction and would require a local jurisdiction to issue a breeder permit if the owner provides specified proof that various conditions are met, as specified, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program. The bill would authorize the local jurisdiction to assess fees pursuant to these provisions but would prohibit those fees from exceeding the reasonable costs of administering the provisions. The Bill can be found in Committee on Business and Professionals. Read any updates to the Bill online.

What You Can Do: Contact Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, author of AB 702
This is an opportunity for all TICA cat fanciers both who breed cats or own pedigree cats living in California to reach out to their Member of the Assembly to express concerns and educate them on the negative impact this could have on knowledgeable breeders in the state. Those who wish to act are encouraged to Contact Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, author of AB 702.  Let him know you are a knowledgeable breeder or someone who supports the ability to obtain pedigree cats, in California and respectfully ask that he not allow this bill to move forward.  Be sure to mention if you live in his district of Los Angeles when contacting his office:
Sacramento Office Phone: (916) 319-2053

Los Angeles District Office Phone: (213) 620-4646

Or, find your own local California representative to contact directly. You can also submit a position letter here.

When contacting Assemblyman Santiago or your Assemblyperson, you may want to educate them on the following:

  • The steps TICA cat fanciers and members take when breeding a litter to ensure the health of the mother and the kittens.
  • The steps you take when selling a kitten (do you offer a contract, etc.? What do you do to make sure cats do not end up in shelters?
  • Review and offer breeding practices you follow that are found in TICA Breeder Code of Ethics.
  • Remember to add that the proposed measure, as introduced, will be extremely difficult for communities to enforce and it will divert scarce resources oversight from enforcement of serious animal issues such as true animal cruelty. Knowledgeable, law-abiding hobby breeders will be harmed by the measure, while irresponsible individuals already in violation of the laws are unlikely to comply with the law.

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TICA Welcomes Three New Clubs into Our Family

Please help us welcome the following three clubs to our growing family – The Chatty Cat Club (Thornton, CO) in the TICA South Central Region, Great Cats of Great Lakes (Oshkosh, WI) in the TICA Great Lakes Region, and the Thailand Diversity Cat Club (Saransiri Nonthaburi) in the TICA International Region.

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TICA’s Mentor Programs Offer Members the Opportunity to Learn from the Best Exhibitors and Breeders

Are you new to showing or breeding cats and not sure where to get started? TICA’s Mentor Programs allows members to learn the ropes from the best and most experienced breeders and exhibitor show veterans.

The TICA Mentor Program was established to promote TICA through qualified exhibitor & breeder mentors. Experienced members are available to anyone interested in showing and/or breeding cats. TICA’s goal is to encourage knowledgeable and ethical breeding practices and animal husbandry as well as get members more involved with opportunities to meet new friends.

TICA’s Exhibitor Mentor Program: Entering a cat show can be overwhelming for a newcomer. TICA’s mentor program allows novice exhibitors to learn from experienced show veterans. Protégés have a mentor available to answer questions and teach them about TICA and the inner workings of showing cats. Find out more information and download the request form for an exhibitor mentor to get started.

TICA’s Breeder Mentor Program: Breeding cats takes dedication, money and most importantly the knowledge to do it right. TICA’s mentor program allows those interested in breeding a true understanding of what is involved from experienced breeders. Protégés have a mentor available to answer your questions and educate themselves on the care and attention needed to deliver healthy kittens as well as share their experiences on how to find a good home for their litter. Participants are not obligated to breed cats and this program is not a source for finding breeding cats. Find out more information and download the request form for a breeder mentor to get started.

TICA is always looking for new exhibitor and breeder mentors. Members who enjoy helping others and teaching the basics can learn more about TICA’s Mentor Programs and download the Mentor Manual or download an application to become an Exhibitor Mentor or Breeder Mentor.


American Association of Feline Practitioners
Releases Feline Life Stages Guide

To assist cat owners through the different care approaches needed for each stage of a feline’s life, the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) recently released the brochure Your Cat’s Life Stages.

The brochure breaks down four life stages a cat advances through – Kitten, Young Adult, Mature Adult, and Senior – and concentrates on how to best support them in each stage. The information is meant for owners to use to observe their cat at home and discuss with their veterinarian during checkups.

For more information, on feline life stages or to download the brochure, go to www.catfriendly.com/life-stages.


Professional Cat Groomers Association of America Offer Certification for Groomers

TICA considers grooming safety to be a top priority for cat owners. Finding a groomer who is properly trained is essential for the health, well-being, and overall comfort of our beloved felines.

Recently the International Professional Groomers, Inc. (IPG) announced a partnership with The Professional Cat Groomers Association or America’s (PCGAA) to offer certification for cat groomers. The program includes a series of three learning tracks – Certified Cat Groomer, Certified Advanced Cat Groomer, and International Certified Master Cat Groomer – that teaches proven techniques and provides stand-alone certification for groomers.

When taking your cat to be groomed, TICA strongly encourages owners to find a groomer who has been certified by IPG and PCGAA. The IPG is one of only three organizations in the United States that certify pet groomers for competency and skill. Their certification program teaches and certifies proven techniques to handle cats gently and get the job done safely and with a happy cat.

Learn more about the IPG/PCGAA Certification program. To find a certified groomer near you, Contact Linda Easton at linda@ipgicmg.com.


Pet Partners Celebrates National Therapy Animal Day
with Nationwide Virtual Treats & Sweets Day Event

April 30 is National Therapy Animal Day™. Join Pet Partners, one of TICA’s approved therapy cat organizations, for their annual fundraiser ‘Treats & Sweets Day.’

This April join hundreds of bakers from around the country whip up sweet treats to raise money to support the human-animal bond. Since 2015, Treats & Sweets Day has raised more than $70,000 to register therapy animal teams and bring the love of animals to those in need. You can participate in Treats & Sweets Day as a TICA member. For more information go to www.treatsandsweetsday.org.

TICA is the first cat registry where teams of cats and owners can earn titles, certificates, and badges for their feline by registering as a Therapy Cat and volunteering as a team.

Volunteering with your cat as a Therapy Team is a rewarding way to make a difference in the lives of hospital patients, nursing home residents and even neighbors who are no longer mobile. Learn more information on TICA’s Therapy Cat Program or learn how you can get involved.

siberian cat

Missing Cat Returns After Six Years to Comfort Nurse Battling COVID-19

A cat missing for six years is back home just in time to comfort his owner, a nurse who is battling COVID-19.

Nurse Ashley Orians first found Charlie in 2010 on her college campus when he was just a kitten with a broken tail.

Charlie disappeared in 2015 while Ashley was living near Charleston, South Carolina. She searched her neighborhood and put up fliers, but could not find him. Even after she moved back to New York, she never gave up hope and still searched for him.

Perseverance paid off. She spotted an orange tabby with the unique characteristic of a broken tail on a Facebook page dedicated to missing pets. Ashley discovered that Charlie had been living outside a dentist’s office and was being fed by staff and patients for the past six years.

Unfortunately, around the time she located Charlie, she also contracted COVID-19 and was under quarantine, which meant she couldn’t go and pickup Charlie. Thankfully, Michael Morgan and his pet transport company stepped in and made the 900-mile trek from South Carolina to New York.

Charlie now is back home with Ashley and is helping her overcome Covid while giving her and us all hope that good things are on the horizon in 2021.

cute kitten TICA

In Case You Missed It…

Check out TICA’s top social media posts you may have missed…

On TICA’s Instagram:
TICA Welcomed Anthony Hutcherson as TICA’s Science Newsletter Editor

On TICA’s Facebook:
Many TICA Members Agree: Cats are in Charge

On TICA’s Twitter: 
TICA Explored a Swiss City Full of Cat Ladders


TICA April Breed of the Month: Bengal

Known for their exotic looks yet attentive and loving nature, the Bengal is one of the most recognized breeds of cat. Bengals are very social and people-oriented and thrive in the company of other people. They are an active, inquisitive breed that loves to be up high. Read more about the Bengal and find out if it is the right breed for you and your family.

Regional Update

TICA Regional Updates

TICA Great Lakes Regional Update
TICA Northeast Regional Update
TICA Northwest Regional Update
TICA South Central Regional Update
TICA Southwest Region

TICA Great Lakes Regional Director Liz Brown:

June HCM Clinic – A HCM clinic with board-certified cardiologist Dr. Heidi Kellihan will be held on June 5, 2021 in Madison, Wisconsin. Cost is $250/cat for the exam and a $10/cat fee for the space (The TICA GL Region will be renting a conference room at a local hotel). $10 is paid in advance and non-refundable. Contact Liz Brown at drlizhansen@gmail.com to sign up.

First Regional Show – Join the TICA GL Region for the first show July 17-18, 2021 in Wooster, OH. Keep an eye out on TOES for the show to be open for entries.

GL Regional Awards Show and Banquet Update – The GL Regional (2019/2020 and 2020/2021) awards show and banquet will be August 14-15 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  A new club has been formed of active GL members and is hard at work preparing for this event. Stay tuned on Facebook and TOES for show details & banquet info.

Members Showing Support – While we haven’t had any GL shows due to the pandemic, I am thrilled to see our members at each and every out show out of our region being hosted in North America. Kudos to those clubs who are in areas where this has been possible. Please know the GL thanks you all!

Yearbooks Hot off the Press – The 2019/2020 TICA Yearbook has arrived and as always, TICA GL Region’s very own Chris Unangst has outdone herself yet again. If you haven’t ordered your book yet, there is still time to order the 2019/2020 yearbook as well as a limited number of older editions. You don’t want to miss it! Contact Chris chris.unangst@gmail.com to order today.

TICA Northeast Regional Director Tania Antenucci:

TICA Northeast Region’s 2019-2020 Regional Winners – Help us congratulate our Best of the Best!

Best Kitten/Best Maine Coon Kitten: IW BW Chemicoons Helium of Concordance, Breeders: Emmons Brown/Liz Hansen, Owners: Tereasa Brainerd/Liz Hansen

Best Allbreed Cat/Best Longhair Cat/Best Persian: IW BW SGC Anouchka Champagne On Ice, Breeder: Brigitte Pouliot, Owner: Brigitte Pouliot

Best Shorthair Cat/Best Singapura: IW BW SGC Singville Emerald, Breeder: Margo Hill, Owner: Margo Hill

Best Alter: IW BW SGC Beauchador Diamonds, Breeder: Andre Grenier, Owner: Andre Grenier

Best Household Pet Kitten: RW Louis Strongarm, Owners: Audrey Hobbs/Armand Couillard

Best Household Pet Adult: RW SGM Orville, Owners: Christian/Emilie Cherau

See the awards presentation online at https://www.ticane.com/regional-awards-presentation.

All rosettes, plaques and trophies have been ordered and are being assembled as we speak! Although a regional show and banquet are still pending, we will keep everyone posted on next steps.

Save the Date – Northeasters! Catsachusetts Cat Club is hoping to host their annual Boston show June 12th & 13th, 2021. Stay tuned for additional announcements and entry information. The show theme: “CAT You Feel a Brand New Day”. How fitting!”

TICA Northwest Regional Director Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz:

VirtualCatShowNW Has Begun – Clean off those camera lens’ and get ready to take some great photos of your cats! The show opened for entries on April 1st and will go through May 15th, with class judging taking place May 22-25, and Best of the Best judging taking place May 26-28, with all awards announced on May 30, 2021.

In addition to the traditional show classes, people will be able to submit entries in the six fun classes: Tiny tots, Cat-In-A-Bag (or Box), Napping Cats, Best Buds, What’s my Cat Saying? and Rainbow Bridge.

The show is open to anyone in the world that would like to participate! People can enter any or all of the competition classes as long as the entry meets the eligibility requirements of that specific class and the corresponding fees have been paid.

In addition, this is a great opportunity for vendors and sponsors to support this event. If you are interested in participating as a vendor or sponsor, send an email to vendors-sponsors@VirtualCatShowNW.com.

Save the Date – Upcoming In-Person NW Regional Cat Shows:
June 12-13, 2021 – Commencement Cat Club in Chehalis, WA
July 24-25, 2021 – It’s Reigning Cats in Longview, WA
August 7-8, 2021 – The Maine Event in Olympia, WA

For more information on these shows, please visit https://tica.org/events/show-calendar.

TICA South Central Regional Director Jim Armel:

SC Regional Awards Show and Banquet – March was another month for all of us to get back just a little bit closer to normal. As a bonus we’re the only region so far in TICA to be able to celebrate our 2019/2020 Regional Banquet in person with each other! Vicki Jo was able to host and carry out her last duties as our RD for that season, and with members from the Executive Office able to join in we celebrated a wonderful laid back two hours of fun, felines and friendship we have all so desperately missed at the TIFS show in Corpus Christi! Congratulations to all of our regional winners!

Last Show of the Season – This month the SC Region has our last show scheduled for this show season. It is being hosted by the Gulf Coast

Feline Foundation in Houston. I know the region will support the club and their efforts to add one more show as always.

Reminder – If your club has any thoughts about putting on a show in the next season or even two, please get them listed on the TICA Show Calendar. Don’t forget when clubs from other regions are looking to schedule their show if you’re not on the calendar they automatically assume there’s no issues with conflicts.

Enjoy the last month of this crazy 2020/2021 season and be kind to everyone! See you at a show soon.

TICA Southwest Regional Director Canie Brooks:

Show News – Great news, the area in Los Angeles County is opening up. The Arcadia show hall may be opening in June. The Southwest clubs are also coordinating upcoming shows.

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