TICA August 2020 Newsletter

TICA August 2020 Newsletter


In This Issue

Vickie Fisher Announces Plans for Digital TransformationTICA Candidates for President/Vice President Announced | TICA Appoints Jeff Shi as Interim Regional DirectorTICA Announces Agenda for Annual Board MeetingTICA Licensed Shows Resume | Kitten Webinar Workshops Now Accessible to All Online  | TICA Sphynx Breed Committee Offers Free August 15 Webinar | Felis Historica Launches as the First International Magazine Dedicated to the History of CatsTICA Seeks Nominations To Thank Coronavirus Heroes TICA Hero SpotlightWINN Feline Foundation August 2020 Update | TICA Regional Updates | In Case You Missed It…

Virthal Cat Shows

Vickie Fisher Announces Plans for Digital Transformation

TICA President Vickie Fisher is pleased to announce the exciting beginning of a digital transformation project to upgrade and restructure both TICA’s website and IT infrastructure. The Board of Directors voted unanimously to approve the digital transformation project during the Special July 25 Board Meeting.

The website redesign will implement best practices, easier navigation, and roll out new services for members and clients. As part of TICA’s goal to be the world authority on cats and promote proper care for cats, the website will be organized in a way that speaks to not only the members and clients of TICA, but to cat lovers in general.   The IT infrastructure project will convert TICA to a modern technology, provide more self-service opportunities to our members and clients and make TICA more agile to implement new ideas and adapt with the market.  The projects are expected to take 8-10 months at a cost of approximately $400,000.

Many thanks go to President Vickie Fisher, Vice-President Ralph Stadter, Chief Operating Officer Danny Nevarez, and TICA’s Board of Directors for moving these changes forward on behalf of TICA’s Members. Stay tuned for updates and additional details.


TICA Candidates for President/Vice President Announced

This fall, TICA holds elections for President, Vice President, and Breed Committees. Voting begins the end of October and results will be announced in December. Please be sure to vote because a high turnout makes TICA more representative and ensures a strong and solid future for the organization.

Your vote is an important, meaningful way to advance the issues you care about and a chance for you to choose the representatives you think will best achieve the results you want to see within TICA. Candidates for TICA President and Vice President include:

2020 Voting Ballot: Presidential Candidates:

2020 Voting Ballot: Vice Presidential Candidates:

Find the latest updates and news related to the election on the TICA Candidates for President, Vice President 2020

TICA News Briefs


TICA Appoints Jeff Shi as Interim Regional Director

The TICA Board of Directors has appointed Jeff Shi as Interim Regional Director for our Asia West (AW) Region. Please help us welcome Jeff to the TICA Board.


TICA Announces Agenda for Annual Board Meeting

The Agenda for the TICA Board’s Annual Meeting has been posted. A considerable number of proposals, many of which may become part of the Fall Membership Ballot, are included. Please take time to review them and let your Regional Directors hear your thoughts.

kitten webinar general

Kitten Webinar Workshops Now Accessible to All Online

In June, TICA partnered with Dr. Elsey’s Cat Products and the National Kitten Coalition to host a series of three webinars to keep members informed on issues that impact young felines. Those webinars — topics include: Panleukopenia, upper respiratory infections and diarrhea in kittens, and Fading Kitten Syndrome – are now available to watch online with the password TICANKC2020. Recordings will only be accessible until January 15, 2021.

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TICA Licensed Shows Resume

As areas of the world open in various stages a few TICA clubs have begun to license shows. Dr. Elsey’s Cat Products is proud to sponsor the following shows set for the coming months. Please note, all shows listed below are not open to the public and adhere to state and local government guidelines.

  • Cattyshack Cats, September 12-13, 2020 at the North Augusta Activities Center in North Augusta, SC
  • San Gabriel Valley Cat Fanciers, September 19-20, 2020 at the Arcadia Masonic Lodge in Arcadia, CA
  • It’s TICA Time, October 3-4, at the Simpsonville Activity and Senior Center in Simpsonville, SC

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TICA Sphynx Breed Committee Offers Free August 15 Webinar

TICA has recognized the Sphynx breed for more than 20 years, but aside from its hairless coat what do you really know about the breed?

Those who want to learn more about this inquisitive and extremely friendly breed can join TICA Sphynx Breed Committee Chair, Shauntay Burris, on August 15 at 1PM (PDT) via Zoom for a free, in-depth webinar that will equip Sphynx enthusiasts with a better understanding and interpretation of the TICA written breed standard. Shauntay will also discuss the unique features of the breed and what judges look for in the breed during a show.

Space is limited, so sign up now so you don’t miss out. Register here

The webinar is free, but organizers are accepting donations that will be applied in full to funding HCM research. Donations can be made to the PayPal account ticasxcommittee@gmail.com.


Felis Historica Launches as the First International Magazine Dedicated to the History of Cats

TICA is pleased to endorse the launch of Felis Historica, an impressive 82-page first issue online magazine that celebrates every aspect of the history of cats, both before and during the start of cat shows 150 years ago. The creation of Editor John G. Smithson and Co-Editor Karen Lawrence, it is the first international magazine dedicated exclusively to everything cat. It is also the first publication to include every major feline registry worldwide. All contributing columnists and correspondents have each shared their lives with cats, either as breeders, judges, writers, artists, historians, line-chasers, veterinarians, geneticists, scientists, and technicians.

International Correspondents, such as TICA’s own past Regional Director Ellen Crockett and current Board members and Regional Directors Steven Meserve, Luiz Paulo Faccioli, and Liesbeth van Mullem will join others from an array of Associations and Regions that make up the cat fancy from around the world.

Subscribe now to make sure you don’t miss an issue.

Check out TICA’s full-page color ads in the August, September, and October issues as well as ads over the next nine months.

Yearbook Survey

TICA Seeks Nominations To Thank Coronavirus Heroes

TICA wants to hear about members who are helping us get through the coronavirus pandemic. Whether they’re a doctor, nurse, grocery store clerk, delivery person, teacher, or other essential employee. Tell us about everyday heroes who are TICA members. Contributions both big and small are important and valued. Complete the form for the chance to have them honored and featured in TICA’s newsletter and on tica.org.

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TICA Hero Spotlight:
TICA Thanks Great Lakes Regional Member Chris Unangst for Going to Great Lengths to Keep Our Kids Educated and Helping TICA Thrive

While not on what is traditionally thought of as “the front line” as a health care worker or first responder, TICA Allbreed Judge Chris Unangst has been working in a field that has increasingly become our new front line during the pandemic, education!

Last spring, many parents learned the important lesson that teachers are irreplaceable and essential to learning and education. TICA would like to Thank Great Lakes Regional member Chris Unangst for helping kids thrive amid school closures during the coronavirus pandemic.

As one parent put it, “at the end of the first day of my kids being out of school after our attempts at learning at home, my conclusion… teachers are superheroes, the end.”

Chris has worked as a teaching assistant in a special education classroom at McCord Junior High School in Ohio. Working with a visually impaired teacher, Chris not only assists with helping the students learn, but is also literally the eyes of the teacher.

As you can imagine, teaching remotely added additional obstacles to her already challenging job. As a result, Chris quickly adapted to the situation and became a “technical resource” by helping set up virtual learning sessions and handling other technical support issues for her teacher and class. Throughout the school closure, she spent countless hours each day helping keep her class connected and guiding them through their coursework.

Chris has been a TICA member for more than two-thirds of her life. During that time, she has been a member of four different TICA regions, has bred different breeds, rescued cats in need, and achieved international wins in TICA’s five main competitive classes.

Best known for helping members celebrate their wins and history each year by creating TICA’s Annual Yearbook, with the help of Vanadis Crawford, Chris works each year to create the beautiful PowerPoint presentation of winners at the awards banquets (both Regionally or Internationally). She helps numerous clubs host successful shows by working diligently as clerk, master clerk, entry clerk, and show manager, as well as serving as one of TICA’s esteemed Allbreed judges. This summer, she worked around the clock to secure sponsorships for all Great Lakes awards (rosettes, plaques and trophies).

Extra work in the classroom didn’t stop Chris from organizing both the Great Lakes awards & sponsorships as well as sponsorships for the IW awards. And if that wasn’t enough, she also served as the entry clerk for both the Great Lakes and International Virtual Cat Shows where she processed more than 2000 entries (and 6000 images). She worked tirelessly to fundraise for TICA and engage our members in the virtual shows.

Join us in thanking Chris! 

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WINN Feline Foundation August 2020 Update

Winn Feline Foundation’s Monthly Webinars: Winn’s Education Committee has designated monthly webinars thru March 2021. All webinars are recorded and are accessible on the WINN website to view at your convenience.

Following is a list of upcoming events. Stay tuned for more details as they become available on the Winn website, social media, and email notifications.

  • Decoding Your Cat: Feline Elimination Problems – Dr. Meghan Herron August 20, 2020 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm EDT.
  • Pain Management – Dr. Robin Downing and Steve Dale, September 10, 2020 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm EDT.
  • Kitten GI Issues – Dr. Jody Gookin, October 15th, 2020 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm EDT.
  • Diabetes – TBD, November 2020

Winn Feline Foundation is Hiring! Winn is looking for a Development Director to join the team. Learn more about the position.

Cures4Cats Update: Cures4Cats is around the corner and will launch October 17th, 2020. This year’s campaign will focus on raising funds for feline diabetes research. Stay tuned for more details.


Regional Update

TICA Regional Updates

TICA Great Lakes Region
TICA Mid Atlantic Region
TICA Northeast Region
TICA Northwest Region
TICA South Central Region
TICA Southwest Region

TICA Great Lakes Regional Update:

TICA GL 2019-2020 Regional Award Banquet Updates – The regional awards show and banquet is currently on hold due to COVID-19. Once plans are finalized, an email will be sent with all of the details.

The Top 25 Regional Winners and Best of Breed Winners will be presented with awards at the Regional Banquet on the Saturday night of the event. If your cat earned a best of color or second or third of breed, you will be receiving an electronic certificate from TICA.

Pictures Needed! Please send a photo of your Top 25 Regional Winning Cat, Kitten, Alter, HHP kitten, HHP, LH Cat or SH Cat, Best of Breed, LA/OD/OS, In Memory Cats, and any candid shots taken at shows during the season. Please note, pictures do not have to be professional. You are welcome to take pictures at home and remember that if you do not send a photo, we can use a funny photo instead.

 Extended Deadline: September 10, 2020
Please, send only one photo per e-mail and indicate your cat’s name and award.
Send to: chris.unangst@gmail.com

Added bonus – If you send a photo to Chris, she will also include your winning cat’s photo in the TICA Yearbook. If your cat is also an International Winner, Chris will also use the pictures in the presentation at the TICA Annual Awards Presentation.

Order Your Yearbook Now – 2019-2020 yearbooks can also be ordered through Chris. The TICA yearbook is a keepsake of the outstanding cats that have won at the Regional and International Level during the 2019-2020 year.

Sponsors Needed! Please consider helping our Region by taking advantage of one of these sponsorship opportunities. Extended deadline for all sponsorships is September 10, 2020.

  • Sponsor your favorite cat or friend receiving a Regional Award by completing this form.
  • Sponsor TICA GL rosettes and/or award plaque and be listed in the program by contacting Chris Unangst directly at chris.unangst@gmail.com.

Special Awards Voting: Judge, Clerk, Member & Show of the Year

  • Only GL Members as of June 1, 2020, are eligible to vote.
  • Deadline for voting is September 10, 2020.
  • Vote Here – 2019-2020 Great Lakes Special Awards

TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Update:

Sponsors Needed: Please consider sponsoring an award for the MA Region’s 2019-2020 winners!  Follow the link https://ticama.org/2020/awardsponsor.htm and sponsor any that do not have a red line through them. Deadline is August 31, 2020.

MA Power Point Presentation and Yearbook Photos Due: Remember to send photos of your cats to Megan Gallaher at mlgallaher0192@gmail.com to be added to the MA Region power point presentation. Megan can also forward the images to Chris Unangst to be added to this year’s TICA Yearbook. The deadline for the Yearbook is September 1, 2020.

MA Regional Show:  The MA Region is putting the finishing touches on the Karousel Kats Regional show. Stay tuned for a post from MA EC Donna Maddox, our EC.

Mark Your Calendar!  Enter the United Cat Club’s show, August 28 -30 at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, VA www.UnitedCatClub.com . Contact Jessica Petras at UnitedCatClub@gmail.com with questions.

TICA Northeast Regional Update:

Regional Winners & Award Sponsorships – The TICA Northeast Region is pleased to honor our Regional Winners together! Award sponsorships are now available for purchase. Please visit the NE regional website (www.ticane.com) to sponsor your favorite cat(s) with a congratulatory message. Stay tuned for more information regarding the NE Region’s upcoming virtual awards presentation!

Mark Your Calendar!! The following regional shows are currently still scheduled to take place in 2020. Please refer to our FB page and/or our regional email list for updates:

  • Nauticats, October 3-4, 2020 at the Centre de Foires in Sherbrooke, Quebec.
  • Nauticats, October 17-18, 2020 at the Quebec Centre Foires – Expocite in Quebec City, Quebec.
  • Nauticats, November 7-8, 2020 at the Parc Olympique in Montreal, Quebec.
  • NOW CANCELLED: Clawsome Cats, November 14-15 in Seekonk, MA.

NE Regional Spotlight: Our 2019/2020 Regional Winners – A champagne toast and a big congratulations to the TICA 2019/2020 NE Regional Winners! Although the Regional Show and Awards Banquet has been postponed, a virtual celebration that will feature the region’s top felines is being planned!  In the meantime, please join us in honoring and congratulating our best in each class:

  • Best Kitten: IW BW Chemicoons Helium of Concordance
  • Best Cat: IW BW SGC Anouchka Champagne On Ice
  • Best Shorthair Cat: IW BW SGC Singville Emerald
  • Best Longhair Cat: IW, BW, SGC Anouchka Champagne on Ice
  • Best Alter: IW BW SGC Beauchador Diamonds
  • Best HHP Kitten: RW Louis Strongarm
  • Best HHP Adult: RW SGM Orville

A Message from TICA NE Regional Director Tania Antenucci: “Please continue to stay safe and well until we meet at a show again – hopefully soon!”

TICA Northwest Regional Update:

The 2019-2020 regional awards presentation, originally planned for August, has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be held on February 13, 2021 at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel in Bellingham, Washington. It is hoped the US/CA border will be open by then to allow the entire region to attend. More information about the banquet and show will be posted on the Northwest Region’s website www.ticanw.com and Evergreen Cat Fanciers website www.evergreencatfanciers.org.

TICA South Central Regional Update:

Virtual SC Regional Awards – A virtual presentation of the 2019-2020 South Central Regional Awards will be held on Saturday, August 15, 2020 at 7 pm CST. This will be a preview of the SC Region’s in-person awards ceremony that will be held on January 16, 2021.

Vote for Your Favorite SC Personality – Go to www.ticasouthcentral.com and click on the words “Personality Award Ballot” to vote for your favorite South Central personality. The deadline for voting has been extended to October 18th.

Sponsor Your Favorite Feline or Young Human – Go to www.ticasouthcentral.com and click on golden trophy to sponsor your favorite feline or young human. The deadline for sponsorships is November 1st.

Mark Your Calendar!

  • Gulf Coast Feline Foundation, September 26-27, 2020 at the Jimmy Burke Activity Center in Deer Park, TX.
  • Mission City Cat Club, November 7-8, 2020 at the Seguin City Coliseum in Seguin, TX.
  • Turkish Van Connection, December 12-13, 2020 at the Ellis County Youth Expo Center in Waxahachie, TX.

TICA Southwest Regional Update:

The TICA SW Region Awards Banquet Update: The SW Region is planning to hold a Regional Awards Banquet when things look better, preferably in conjunction with one of the Arcadia shows. The Region currently has shows scheduled for September, November, and December.  Stay tuned for more details.

TICA Southwest 2019-2020 Regional Awards have been posted! Learn more about this year’s winners.

Calling all Sponsors! Award sponsorships are now available for purchase at https://www.ticasw.com/reg_win20.php. Please look for the button to sponsor an award on the page.

Remember to Vote for SW Member and Judge of the Year! Look for the link to vote for Member and Judge of the Year on the SW Region website at www.ticasw.com.


In Case You Missed It…

Check out TICA’s top social media posts you may have missed…

On TICA’s Instagram: Meet Thriller, the first Championship Toyger to become an International Winner.
On TICA’s Facebook: Check out some of TICA members’ favorite show moments.
On TICA’s Twitter: Science Times did a deep dive on the domestication of cats.

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