TICA July 2020 Newsletter

TICA July 2020 Newsletter

July 13, 2020

In This Issue

TICA Concludes Virtual Show SeasonTICA News BriefsTICA Publishes 2019-2020 Season WinnersTICA Awards Banquet & Presentation UpdateThe TICA Board Approves Judges  | Take TICA’s Yearbook SurveyTICA July Breed of the Month: MinuetTICA Website Shares HABRI Pets for Healthy Aging Infographic In Case You Missed It… | TICA Hero SpotlightWinn Feline Foundation July 2020 UpdateTICA Regional Updates

Virthal Cat Shows

TICA Concludes Virtual Show Season:
Shows Raised More than $40,000 to Help TICA Regions

TICA’s virtual cat show season culminated June 27-28, with its International Show. Ted E. Bear Fleuff, owned by Kitti Ruttan (California, U.S.) was named the Best of the Best in Show. In addition to winning the top prize, the cat was also the recipient of a Sleepypod Pet Carrier, a $100 gift card from Sturdi Products, and an array of Zymox Products. See results from the individual classes, including ‘Best of the Best’, for each class.

The event drew more than 900 entries and raised more than $10,000. Ten percent of the funds raised from the International show will go to the South Central Region for having the largest number of entries in the International Show as compared to any other region. A $250 donation from the proceeds of the International Show was also made to both the WINN Feline Foundation and National Kitten Coalition in honor of the judges of the show. The remaining 90-percent of funds will be donated to a TICA Annual fund.

The International Show was the culmination of 11 Regional virtual shows that began April 4-5 with the South American Region. In total, more than 5,835 people entered Regional shows and more than $40,000 U.S. dollars was raised by all virtual events. TICA Regional Directors Vicki Jo Harrison and Liz Brown served as co-organizers for International Finale Show.

“The huge success of the virtual shows proves that not even a pandemic can stop TICA members and the cat fancy from continuing to share their fabulous felines, fun and friendships,” said TICA Virtual Show Co-Organizer Vicki Jo Harrison.

In addition to the traditional TICA competitive classes (kittens, cats, alter, HHPK, HHP, PNB/ANB/NT) the show hosted a Junior Exhibitor ring and five fun rings, including: Rainbow Bridge HHP, Rainbow Bridge Pedigreed Cats, Litter Match (two or more kittens under four months from the same litter), Funny Feline pictures with humorous captions or bloopers-type images, and Amateur Photographers (judged by a panel of celebrity judges, including Helmi Flick, Ken Flick, Larry Johnson and Diana Starr). Each class was judged by nine different judges (with the exception of the Amateur Photographers fun ring and Junior Exhibitor).

A huge thank you goes out to event sponsors Dr. Elsey’s Cat Products, Zymox Products, Sleepypod, PawTree, Sturdi Products, and Zaphyr Solutions, Inc. Virtual shows would not have been a big success without their generous help and support.

TICA’s virtual cat shows started as an idea by South Central Regional members Jonna Inman and Jackie Rose to keep members engaged amid stay-at-home orders earlier this year and raise funds to help those who were forced to cancel shows due to the coronavirus.

Each TICA Region set up their own virtual show under established TICA guidelines and were held on each Region’s Facebook page or website. Events did not count as an official show for points or titles. All entry fees for the individual, regional shows, went directly to each Region’s treasury.

TICA News Briefs


Special TICA Board Meeting Set for July 25

A special TICA Board meeting will take place July 25 via Zoom. Please note that for security reasons, only authenticated users can participate in the meeting. This means that you must log on to Zoom in order to be able to access the meeting. View the full agenda and obtain the link and meeting ID to participate.


TICA Publishes 2019-2020 Season Winners

Congratulations to all the winners of the 2019-2020 season!

See the official final standings published by TICA’s Executive Office were updated on June 17 and posted on tica.org.

Scores are based on the List of shows scored by the Executive Office (PDF).

Estimated Standings are based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters. Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown may not be accurate.

The TICA EO is sending out regional breed and color certificates via email. Make sure you check your spam folder!

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TICA Awards Banquet & Presentation Update

The TICA 2019-2020 Awards Banquet & Presentation has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 30, 2021 at the Marriott South Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas. This date was chosen by the TICA Board in hopes that things might be “back to normal” enough for people to travel and attend by early next year.

Please note, TICA’s Annual has not been moved to Houston. This event is not the 2020 Annual that was being organized by Capital Cat Club and the TICA Mid Atlantic Region. As a result to changes being made this year the Mid Atlantic Region Annual will be held September 2024. Europe North will remain the host of the TICA Annual 2021 and the Great Lakes Region will continue to host the TICA 2022 Annual.

The Mid Atlantic Region will have the opportunity to bid on the Annual again in 2024.

Stay tuned for more details coming later this summer.

Please save the date and start making plans to come celebrate our fabulous felines in Houston!


The TICA Board Approves Judges

Please join the TICA Judging Committee in congratulating the following judges that were advanced to Judge Emeritus status by vote of the Board of Directors:

Provisional AB: Charlotte Shea (SC);
Approved AB: Francoise Dubois (ES), Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiczek (EN), Alex Marinets (NW).
Approved Judge Emeritus status: Paul Lahey (retired)

Join TICA in congratulating each of these judges!

Yearbook Survey

Tell TICA What You Think: Take TICA’s Yearbook Survey

To help us serve you better, TICA is seeking your feedback to understand how we can continue to improve our annual Yearbook. Tell us how we are doing and how we can better serve your needs and give you more value in your membership. Click here to complete the survey.

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TICA July Breed of the Month: Minuet

Known for their endearing baby-doll face, the Minuet is TICA’s July Breed of the Month. Learn how this laid-back, playful, and curious breed is connected to emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and if the Minuet is right for you and your family.

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TICA Website Shares HABRI Pets for Healthy Aging Infographic

TICA has long been an advocate of the science supporting the many health benefits pets offer their human companions over a lifetime. As such, tica.org now features an infographic highlighting the science supporting pets for healthy aging created by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI). The Infographic, “Can Pets Help You Live Longer?” is a collection of scientific research findings indicating the benefits of pets for a longer, healthier life.

Among the many benefits, research suggests that pet ownership can facilitate resiliency against cardiovascular disease, reduce obesity and improve physical activity, provide important social support and even reduce overall risk of mortality over the long-term.


In Case You Missed It…

Check out TICA’s top social media posts you may have missed…

On TICA’s Instagram: TICA Celebrated the LaPerm
On TiCA’s Facebook: Sometimes It Takes 9 Lives to Save One.
On TICA’s Twitter: Sharing Your Home With a Kitty Can Improve Heart Health

Courtney Bell July Hero

TICA Hero Spotlight:

TICA Thanks Mid Atlantic Regional Member
Courtney Bell for Her Generous Act of Caring for Those In Need

With great anticipation, Courtney Bell put a deposit on a kitten earlier this year. When the coronavirus hit, she decided to wait on the kitten and was graciously refunded her deposit from the breeder. However, instead of spending her newfound money on herself, Courtney used her funds to start a food pantry to help her neighbors who were in need.

Hearing that demand for food assistance was rising at an extraordinary rate, just as the nation’s food banks were being struck by shortages of both donated food and volunteer workers, a food pantry sounded like the best way to support her community. Many of Courtney’s neighbors in the Richmond, VA area are either elderly and could no longer safely shop at a grocery store, or had lost a portion of their income due to the Covid-19-related closures.

With that in mind, Courtney created the Eastview Food Pantry. She ordered food from Amazon and began gathering non-perishable goods such as canned fruits, vegetables, cereal, soup, peanut butter, and crackers and organized the food on shelves on her front porch. A true grass roots effort, she posted news of the food pantry on her neighborhood Facebook group and other community message boards, along with a sign on her lawn. As people took items she restocked them.

“Once some kids from a block over rang the doorbell and asked if I had ice cream,” said Courtney. “I didn’t but I made sure to have some next time and told them to ring the bell when they came again.”

Courtney ran a total of four food pantries in March and April.  She stocked them all herself and dipped into her savings after she spent more than her kitten refund.  The following week, a deacon from St John’s Church and other neighbors stepped in to offer assistance.  With their support, and $200 of Courtney’s savings, she held her last food pantry on Mother’s Day weekend.  That included deli meat, cheese and fresh fruit.  The church supplied loaves of bread, potatoes, as well as apples and oranges and canned goods.

Even though she closed her food pantry, Courtney still gets knocks on her door for food. When they knock she gives them what she has in her kitchen. Not finished giving, she is saving her money in hopes to hold a Thanksgiving and Christmas pantry.

Courtney is a TICA member in the Mid Atlantic Region. She attended her first cat show in 2016 and has three IWs since joining TICA, IW SGC Purfurvid Pioneer of Rivabell (Exotic), LA SGCA Beauchador Foxy of Rivabell (American Wirehair), and IW SGC Dark Diamond’s Reuben of Rivabell (Exotic).  She bred her first litter last year, which produced RW Rivabell Rejoice.

Join us in thanking Courtney!

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Winn Feline Foundation July 2020 Update:

More from the Winn Feline Foundation’s FIP Symposium

Last November, Winn hosted a successful FIP Symposium: PURRsuing FIP and WINNing at the University of California, Davis.

Read the summary document from the webinar created to help cat advocates everywhere understand that feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is now a treatable disease

Winn is also working with AAFP on FIP Guidelines beginning next month and hopes to have the first piece completed by the end of 2020 and the second part finished by Spring of 2021.

Winn Feline Genetics Webinar Draws Nearly 400 Registrants

Winn held the webinar “From Health and Morphology to Complex Genetic Traits, the Path of Progress in Feline Genetics” on June 11, 2020. The webinar, presented by Leslie Lyons, PhD, and moderated by Anthony Hutcherson, had nearly 400 registered for the event. Dr. Lyons was very gracious in staying on well past the proposed time to ensure everyone’s questions were answered.

Winn recorded this webinar and will send a link to all registrants and post on their website as soon as it is available.

Winn would like to thank Dr. Elsey’s Cat Products and TICA for their continued support of Winn Feline Foundation.

Winn to Host Monthly Webinars

As a result of the great feedback and participation, the Winn Education Committee has decided to continue with monthly webinars through March 2021.

Winn will expand upon the successful platform and audience it developed thanks to support from Dr. Elsey’s Cat Products, TICA, and CFA. The following topics have been identified by the Education Committee:

  • Kittens
  • Pain Management
  • Genetics
  • Stem Cell Therapy
  • Hereditary HCM
  • Behavior
  • Dermatology
  • Vaccinations

Most of these sessions will be RACE approved for continuing education and recorded so they can be viewed on demand. Stay tuned for more information on speakers, dates, and times.

Winn Feline Foundation Announces
New Call for Grant Proposals

Winn Feline Foundation, in a special funding opportunity co-sponsored by Nestlé Purina Petcare and Mars Petcare, is calling for proposals that address the effect that dietary phosphorus and calcium to phosphorus ratio have on renal health in cats.

Approximately $400,000 is available to fund proposals of sufficient scientific merit, relevance and potential to impact feline health. The deadline for receipt of applications is Monday, September 21, 2020 (5pm EDT).

Read more details about the grant and how to apply.

Regional Update

TICA Regional Updates

TICA Great Lakes Region
TICA Mid Atlantic Region
TICA Northeast Region
TICA South Central Region

TICA Great Lakes Regional Update:

TICA GL 2019-2020 Regional Award Banquet Updates – The regional awards show and banquet is currently on hold due to COVID-19. Once plans are finalized, an email will be sent with all of the details.

Tell Us What You Think: Take the TICA GL 2019-2020 Regional Awards Banquet Survey – Please take the time to fill out a quick survey to help the GL Region plan an awards banquet that takes your health and safety concerns into consideration.

The Top 25 Regional Winners and Best of Breed Winners will be presented with awards at the Regional Banquet on the Saturday night of the event. If your cat earned a best of color or second or third of breed, you will be receiving an electronic certificate from TICA.

Pictures Needed! Please send a photo of your Top 25 Regional Winning Cat, Kitten, Alter, HHP kitten, HHP, LH Cat or SH Cat, Best of Breed, LA/OD/OS, In Memory Cats, and any candid shots taken at shows during the season. Please note, pictures do not have to be professional. You are welcome to take pictures at home and remember that if you do not send a photo, we can use a funny photo instead.

Deadline: August 1, 2020
Please, send only one photo per e-mail and indicate your cat’s name and award.
Send to: chris.unangst@gmail.com

Added bonus – If you send a photo to Chris, she will also include your winning cat’s photo in the TICA Yearbook. If your cat is also an International Winner, Chris will also use the pictures in the presentation at the TICA Annual Awards Presentation, which is also currently pending rescheduling.

Order Your Yearbook Now – 2019-2020 yearbooks can also be ordered through Chris. The TICA yearbook is a keepsake of the outstanding cats that have won at the Regional and International Level during the 2019-2020 year.

Sponsors Needed! Please consider helping our Region by taking advantage of one of these sponsorship opportunities. Deadline for all sponsorships is August 1, 2020.

  • Sponsor your favorite cat or friend receiving a Regional Award by completing this form.
  • Sponsor TICA GL rosettes and/or award plaque and be listed in the program by contacting Chris Unangst directly at chris.unangst@gmail.com.

Attention All Outstanding Sire, Outstanding Dam, or Lifetime Achievement Recipients – If you have a cat that has earned the OD, OS or LA title, please contact Chris Unangst at chris.unangst@gmail.com by June 15, 2020 with an 8×10 picture, suitable for framing.

Special Awards Voting: Judge, Clerk, Member & Show of the Year

  • Only GL Members as of June 1, 2020, are eligible to vote.
  • Deadline for voting is July 31, 2020.
  • Vote Here

Congratulations to all of the winners! The TICA GL Region looks forward to celebrating with you!

TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Update:

Join the TICA Mid Atlantic Region in thanking Courtney Bell for her selfless efforts to help others during the coronavirus pandemic and for being a true TICA Hero!

TICA Northeast Regional Update:

Membership Report – Despite these unprecedented times, the Northeast region continues to grow! As of April 2020, we are proudly home to 966 members. Can we reach for the stars and get to 1,000 members? A heartfelt thank you to all the current NE members for your continued support.

TICA Northeast Virtual Show – In May 2020, the TICA NE Region hosted its first international virtual show. With over 500 entries from all over the world, the event proved to be a massive success raising more than $4,000 for the NE Regional Fund. A special shout out to Christian Cherau and Amanda Jimmink, who worked tirelessly to deliver an impeccably organized event that was enjoyed by everyone. Thank you to all who participated and/or donated.

We Salute Our Frontline Workers – The NE Region would like to recognize all of its frontline workers and healthcare professionals during this challenging time. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to keeping us safe and well!

Regional Winners & Award Sponsorships – We are in the process of updating our regional website (www.ticane.com), which will showcase our regional winners and host award sponsorships. Stay tuned for more details!

The following regional shows are currently still scheduled to take place in 2020. Please refer to our FB page and/or our regional email list for updates:

  • Nauticats, Oct 3-4 in Sherbrooke, Quebec
  • Nauticats, Oct 17-18 in Quebec City, Quebec
  • Nauticats, Nov 7-8 in Montreal, Quebec
  • Clawsome Cats, November 14-15 in Seekonk, MA

NE Regional Spotlight: Our 2019/2020 Regional Winners – A champagne toast and a big congratulations to our 2019/2020 Regional Winners! Although our Regional Show and Awards Banquet has been postponed, we are planning a virtual celebration which will feature our region’s top felines!  In the meantime, please join us in honoring and congratulating our best in each class:

Best Kitten: IW BW Chemicoons Helium of Concordance

Best Cat: IW BW SGC Anouchka Champagne On Ice

Best Shorthair Cat: IW BW SGC Singville Emerald

Best Longhair Cat: IW, BW, SGC Anouchka Champagne on Ice

Best Alter: IW BW SGC Beauchador Diamonds

Best HHP Kitten: RW Louis Strongarm

Best HHP Adult: RW SGM Orville

TICA South Central Regional Update:

Congratulations Regional Winners – Regional winners lists are out and awards letters are being sent.  Please follow all the directions and send your pictures for the powerpoint presentation.

Notice – The TICA EO is sending out regional breed and color certificates via e-mail. Make sure to check your spam folder!

The South Central Regional Show and Awards Presentation hosted by The Feline Paw Foundation has been rescheduled for the weekend of January 15-17, 2021 in Garland, TX.  Be on the lookout for details.

TICA SC Winners Preview – There will be a preview of all the South Central winners on August 15, 2020. We will have a “virtual presentation” of the South Central awards. Details about this special presentation will be posted soon.

Everyone please stay safe and well!

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