TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Director, Brenda Russo:

TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Director, Brenda Russo:

Please welcome our new TICA MA region members! 

  • Dot Burkert,Marharyta Chekanova,Brandi Cusack,Mary Farrell,Korrynn Ferguson,Paula Fleming,Amanda Greene,JoJo Johnson,Alena Kaliada,Sheena Minahan,Rebecca Mullen,Travis Newman,Stephanie Pender,Austin Springfield,Nancy Stephen,Donald Ulrich,Kayaa Yushua,Michelle Zambrano

Member Announcements:  Please Vicki White or me know if you know of anyone in the region who is not well or is having other life events so we, as a region can send them our thoughts, prayers and/or best wishes!


2024-2025 Show Season (Thru 2024)

  • June 8-9, 2024: Carnivorous Winos, Lebanon, PA
  • August 31-Sept 1, 2024: Central Jersey Cat Fanciers, Hampton, VA
  • Sept. 21-22, 2024:  Mid Atlantic Region Club, Lebanon PA
  • October 12-13, 2024: Northern Lights, Morgantown, PA
  • October 19-20, 2024: United Cat Club, Fredericksburg, VA
  • November 9-10, 2024: Tabby Tales Cat Club, Pittsburg, PA (Pending)
  • December 14-15, 2024: Carnivorous Winos, Lebanon, PA

Hampton Roads Convention Center
1610 Coliseum Drive
Hampton, Virginia, 23666

  • Volunteers Needed!  Please contact Lisa and Susan to volunteer. 
  • T-Shirts are now available!   https://centraljerseycf.org/t-shirts
  • Two lovely quilts handmade by Sharon Miller (Fate May’s sister) are available for online raffle. Both will also be taken to selected shows for view.            https://centraljerseycf.org/raffles
  • Please keep in mind the show’s raffle table; unique items representing our region for the raffle!  Let’s have the best raffle basket at the annual!!!    Contact Teri Matzkin if you interested in helping with the raffle table.     tmatzkin@gmail.com

MA Regional Date:  SEPT 21 & 22, 2024, Lebanon, PA                         Banquet will be held in another area of the building so your cats can stay in the show hall during the event.  Casual event for all to enjoy!

Attention Club members: 

  • I will be contacting your club president to set up a one-on-one meeting to discuss ideas and/or concerns regarding show production in our region as well as anything specific you may have as a club.  Prior to the meeting, I will be asking the president to contact their members for ideas for discussion.   Any/all club members are welcome to attend.
  • CLERKING SCHOOL to be held at the June Lebanon, PA show. More details to follow.
  •  Interested in Entry Clerking for a future show?  Please contact me and I will arrange a session for all who are interested in learning.  BRussoTICA@gmail.com   

New TICA News:   TICA Member Updates 

  • If you know you will be eligible for an award such as LA/OD/DM, the deadline to submit is MAY 7th, 2023 However, you can submit the paperwork prior to that time and as soon as the final standings are completed, the EO will begin to process. 
  • TICA Feline Management System ( TFMS)  https://tica.org/my-files/  Enhancing your experience as a valued member of the TICA community.   You can now upload important documents directly to your cat’s records in TFMS! This feature, available to TICA members, allows you to conveniently store and organize essential information. 
  • TFMS My Files-TICA member benefits: youtube.com TFMS-My Files.  This video by Dr Liz Brown provides a thorough explanation of how adding and saving data regarding your cat functions. 
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