TICA Mid Pacific Interim Regional Director, Susanna Shon:

TICA Mid Pacific Interim Regional Director, Susanna Shon:

Hello TICA Mid Pacific Region members!

It has been a “minute” but as we move through the very sad passing of our late Regional Director,  Carol Barton we will hopefully work hard to put the pieces back together.

As you are all now aware, I have been appointed as Interim MP Regional Director by the TICA Board of Directors.   Both Kitti Ruttan and I put in statements to fill this position following Carols passing and we will both continue to promote TICA and our region.   

The first thing I did was ask Jon Paterson to assume the position of Mid Pacific Region Treasurer and he kindly accepted.   We are working to reconcile regional funds and once all the transfers have been made,  a report will be published for members.     Thank you, Jon!

During last weekends show in Arcadia I learned there is a new breeder in Las Vegas and ironically,  literally down the street from me.    I would like to extend a warm welcome to Emily D’Agati.   Emily has joined one of our existing clubs “Cats And Sin City” and appears motivated to learn the ropes and involve herself in club activities. 

I am certain there are other new members but unfortunately having just stepped into this role last Friday,  I was a little unprepared for this so extend a warm welcome to all other new members.

Please reach out with any questions at your convenience.  

Current region clubs are:

East of Eden – a new board has taken over and our intent is to host shows in Carols name.

Cats And Sin City

Sophisticats Cat Club

Wine Country Cat Club



We can always use new clubs and we can certainly use more shows!  

Something to consider – jointly hosted shows????

The more creative we can become to grow our region – the more points we all will accumulate!

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