TICA Northwest Regional Director, Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz:

TICA Northwest Regional Director, Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz:

Regional Awards Show/Banquet set – Thanks to the It’s Reigning Cats (IRC) club, I am happy to report the regional awards banquet and presentations will be held in conjunction with the IRC cat July 27-28, 2024 in Portland, Oregon at the Holiday Inn (Portland airport). More information will be forthcoming directly from the club once they have been able to secure the banquet menu and costs.

Here is the list of shows coming through the end of the calendar year in the Northwest region …

April 20-21              Calgary, Alberta, Canada   Calgary Cat Association

April 26-28              Elma, Washington             And A Mouse Cat Club

May 11-12              Sooke, BC                        Cat Fanciers of BC

June 8-9                 Elma, Washington             And A Mouse Cat Club

July 11-12               CANCELLED                    The Maine Event

(UNABLE TO FIND VENUE)                 

July 27-28               Portland, Oregon               It’s Reigning Cats

August 10-11          Langley, BC, Canada                   Cat Fanciers of BC

October 12-13         Ferndale, Washington        The Evergreen Cat Fanciers

November 16-17     Ferndale, Washington        The Maine Event

December 14-15     Elma, Washington             Commencement Cat Club

Contact NW Regional Director Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz: regional.director.nw@tica.org

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