TICA Science Newsletter – Volume 14 – December 2021

TICA Science Newsletter – Volume 14 – December 2021

Science Newsletter

In This Issue

From the Editor’s Desk: A note from TICA Science Newsletter Editor Anthony HutchersonTop 15 Cat Genetics (and other science) Discoveries/Identifications of 2020-2021 | TICA News Briefs | TICA Updates and Adds Three New Features to TFMS | Pack Your Bags. TICA 2021 Annual Awards Banquet is January 29  |  TICA Represents Pedigree and All Cats at Super Pet Expo | Reflections on 2021 and Holiday Wishes from TICA’s Executives | TICA Regional Directors Wish Members a Happy Holiday! | In Case You Missed It… | TICA December Breed of the Month: Australian Mist

anthony hutcherson and bengal cat

From the Editor’s Desk: A note from TICA Science Newsletter Editor Anthony Hutcherson

Hello TICA Friends,

Happy All-idays to you and yours. Time is of the essence this time of year because there is much to do. Check out our list of the top 15 cat science stories of the past two years. Many breeds are referenced and many of these newly identified genes will be available on commercial genetic tests in 2022 plus sex-linked red/orange, hydrocephalus and more!

Best, Anthony Hutcherson TICA Science Newsletter Editor

Top 15 Cat Genetics (and other science) Discoveries/Identifications of 2020-2021

By Anthony Hutcherson December 2021

Below is a list of some of the most interesting scientific advances made in “cat-dom” in the last two years. These stories relate to how we recognize, categorize, and appreciate the diversity of domestic cats. Several of the studies include recognition and thanks to TICA and specific members of the pedigree cat community. Links directly to the articles are included.

chinese mountain cat

15. FGF5, Fibroblast Growth Factor 5, gene identified as longhair causal variant in Maine Coon Cats

14. New mutation in the MC1R gene leads to unique carnelian color in Kurilian Bobtails


13. Variants in hairless associated with hypotrichia and roaning in the Lykoi Cat Breed

12. Novel variant responsible for Ural Rex curly coat as reported in the journal Animal Genetics

11. Identification of a novel papillomavirus associated with squamous cell carcinoma in a domestic cat

10. Sporothrix brasiliensis emerging as a zoonotic disease in 2020. The CDC issued a special warning about Sporothrix brasiliensis that can spread from cat to human and cat to cat in March 2020. The pandemic dominated the news coverage but be aware as cases have been reported in the US and other parts of the world in cats and people.

9. Donskoy cats as a new model of oculocutaneous albinism with the identification of a splice-site variant in Hermansky–Pudlak Syndrome 5 gene

8. Genetic relationships and inbreeding levels among geographically distant populations of Felis catus from Japan and the United States


7. Ragdoll, Siamese, Russian Blue & Domestic Shorthair among 47 of 1,006 cats with ABCB1 allele variant causing fatal neurologic condition when exposed to macrocyclic lactones (avermectins and milbemycins)

6. Genomic evidence for the Chinese mountain cat as a wildcat conspecific (Felis silvestris bieti) and its introgression to domestic cats

5. Siberian cats help in solving part of the mystery surrounding golden cats (it’s found in Toybobs & Kurilian Bobtails too)

4. TNNT2, newly identified, as cause for HCM in Maine Coons

3. A deleterious mutation in the ALMS1 gene in a naturally occurring model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the Sphynx cat


2. Developmental genetics of color pattern establishment in cats (Ticked Tabby genes – there are 2! And when pattern develops on the feline fetus)

1. New domestic cat genome assembly based on long sequence reads empowers feline genomic medicine and identifies a novel gene for dwarfism


TICA Feline Management System

TICA Updates and Adds Three New Features to TFMS

In TICA’s continuing effort to make TFMS as seamless as possible for members, last month TICA made updates and added three new features to TFMS. Litter Rush Service, Self Service for Pedigrees, and the ability to change the alpha-case of a cattery name have all been updated and added. See the list of current known issues and new features TICA has implemented that will make your experience quicker and more efficient.

If you are experiencing an issue in TFMS please be patient and check our list of updates and new features as we continue to iron out the glitches and implement new features.

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Pack Your Bags. TICA 2021 Annual Awards Banquet is January 29

As the calendar year draws to an end, TICA would like to congratulate all our deserving and diligent 2020-2021 International Award Winners.

“After two long years, I’m so excited to finally be able to invite everyone to celebrate the Bright & Shining Stars of TICA in person,” said TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison. “Join me on January 29, 2022, at the Houston Marriott South in Houston, Texas, USA as we honor and celebrate our fabulous felines face-to-face during TICA’s 2021 Annual Awards Banquet.”

Start making your plans to attend. Visit the official 2021 Annual Awards website to learn all the details about the banquet and reserve your spot today!

Super Pet Expo 22 Edison

TICA Represents Pedigree and All Cats at Super Pet Expo

For the fourth year, TICA and Dr. Elsey’s Cat Products will sponsor the Super Pet Expo at the New Jersey Convention Center in Edison, NJ, January 21-23, 2022.

Attracting thousands of pet lovers to each event, Super Pet Expo provides a unique opportunity for TICA to extend the Association’s presence and educate the public about pedigree cats, different breeds and how to care for all cats.

TICA’s United Cat Club will host an Allbreed Championship and Household Pet cat show in conjunction with the Expo. The cat show is open to the public and included with admission to the Super Pet Expo.

Super Pet Expo tickets can be purchased online. Exhibitors interested in showing their cats at the event can submit a summary sheet and enter their cats in TOES (an instructional video on how to use TOES can be found here). Both pedigree and household cats over 4 months of age are welcome!

For more information on the event, go to https://unitedcatclub.com/jan-show-flyer. Additional details on the Super Pet Expo can be found here.

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Reflections on 2021 and Holiday Wishes from TICA’s Executives


TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison: As 2021 comes to an end, I would like to extend holiday greetings to everyone in TICA’s world. I hope this holiday season brings each of you much happiness and peace. And I wish each of you a healthy and Happy New Year! I am optimistic that as the world opens up, we will have the opportunity to travel and be together to share our love for our fabulous felines. Until then, please stay safe and healthy and hug your kitties tight! Vicki Jo Harrison


TICA Chief Operating Officer Danny Nevarez:It’s not uncommon to reminisce at the end of a year and think about what went right, what went wrong, and what you wish you could do again. I find myself feeling proud and humbled by the incredible things we made happen together. Together, with you, we have built on our collective strengths. We created foundations for the future and boosted innovation within TICA.

In the face of change and challenge, I encourage you to see opportunities where others see roadblocks. To be unafraid in trying new things and getting uncomfortable. Growth can only come from change.

Looking ahead, we are excited for another year of continued success and growth while building on the strength of TICA. I am incredibly excited about this journey and honestly believe the best of TICA is yet to come.

My heartfelt gratitude to you and your cats for your unwavering support. Happy holidays to you and yours. May 2022 bring many blessings. Danny Nevarez


TICA Executive Office Frances Cardona: Thank you and your cats for being such an important part of what makes TICA great. The employees of TICA’s Executive Office value every member and client. Our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and believing in us. From our family to yours, wishing you a joyful and warm holiday season and happy and healthy 2022. Frances Cardona


TICA Marketing Director Roeann Fulkerson: To all our wonderful TICA Members, Clients and our entire Cat Fancy, Happy Holidays, and wishing you each a healthy and prosperous 2022. Roeann Fulkerson


TICA Regional Directors Wish Members a Happy Holiday!


TICA Great Lakes Regional Director Liz Brown: Holiday Greetings to all the wonderful members of the TICA Great Lakes Region!

I am so thankful that we’ve been able to have several GL shows this year and I’ve had the opportunity to see so many of your smiling faces and beautiful cats.

I look forward to the rest of our 2021/2022 regional shows and hope you’ll enter the shows in Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. From my house to yours, Happy Holidays! Liz


TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Director Brenda Russo: May lovely happy times decorate your holiday season, may warm special memories brighten your new year and may the wonder of the season be with you always! Warm Regards, Brenda Russo


TICA Northwest Regional Director Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz: As you celebrate this holiday season, make wonderful memories that will linger in your home, make great friendships that will last a lifetime, and may this season be filled with peace and joy. Happy Holidays! Elaine


TICA South America Regional Director Luiz Paulo Faccioli: Agradeço aos membros de SA que me prestigiaram com seu voto e desejo a todos um Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo repleto de boas realizações!

Agradezco a los miembros de SA que me honraron con su voto y les deseo a todos una Feliz Navidad y un Año Nuevo lleno de buenos logros!

I want to thank you for the nice work during the year, wishing you a peaceful Christmas Evening and a Very Happy New Year. Best, Luiz Paulo


TICA Southeast Regional Director Steve Lawson: May the Joy of the Holiday Season be with you and your families. Happy Holidays! Steve


TICA Southwest Regional Director Canie Brooks: I’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! My term is over on December 31. I’ve enjoyed being your Regional Director and I’m sure Laurie will do well as your new RD. Please join us at the Socal Exotica show January 15 & 16 in Arcadia. Happy Holidays! Canie


In Case You Missed It…

Check out TICA’s top social media posts you may have missed…

On TICA’s Instagram:Cat Lovers Connected Through Sharing Instagram Handles

On TICA’s Facebook: TICA Made Numerous Updates to TFMS

On TICA’s Twitter:  The Science of Why Cats Enjoy Catnip


TICA December Breed of the Month: Australian Mist

The easy-going and extremely sociable Australian Mist has been known to make friends wherever they go. Originally called the Spotted Mist, their name was changed in 1998 when breeders began introducing more cats with marbled coats. They can be found in a variety of colors and patterns and are considered loyal and dedicated to their owners. Find out more about this breed and if the Australian Mist is right for you and your family.

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