Extension of TICA Isolation Status Rules for Show Season

Extension of TICA Isolation Status Rules for Show Season

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Hello My Fellow TICA Members,

With all that has happened in the past year, we were only able to hold a fraction of shows, while some regions were not able to put on any shows. Your Board of Directors has been working hard to make this new show season a successful one. I am hopeful that more clubs will be able to produce shows and we will be able to show our fabulous felines once again everywhere in TICA’s world.

Because of the uncertainty as to when each region will be able to host shows, the Board voted to extend the isolated status rules for the 2021-2022 show season for all regions. What this means for you as a TICA exhibitor is that title requirements for the show season are lower.

For example, to be a champion in non-isolated status, your cat would need 300 points and one final from four different judges. While we are in isolated status your cat would only need 150 points and one final from two judges. Here is the complete breakdown of requirements for titles in isolates areas:

Vicki Jo 6 16 letter

In addition, the requirement for a kitten/cat to show in their home region to be eligible for a regional win has been suspended for the 2021/2022 show season. Board Ballot BB21-11 addresses the aggregate point minimum for regional and international wins for this season. The regional win point minimum is 500 (300 for the international region). International wins and breed wins require a minimum of 1,000 points.

Helpful information for clubs to consider when planning a show:

    BB21-06 allows for flexibility with the number of guest judges, however, the procedure for approval of guest judges has not changed. Each guest judge must be approved by the Judging Committee for every show before their name appears on the show flyer.

  1. Alternative format shows will be automatically approved by all Regional Directors.
  2. BB21-07 addresses the guidelines for obtaining a show license and announcing a show. These guidelines have been relaxed while we are in isolated status. It is advisable to follow the guidelines, if possible, but clubs will not be penalized if they are not able to meet the deadlines.
  3. ALL TICA Clubs are entitled to apply for Club Show Sponsorship through TICA, funded by Dr. Elsey’s Cat Products. All clubs are required to do is complete the Sponsorship Form and submit to Showsponsorship@tica.org  In the last seven years no club has been denied. So, wherever you are in TICA’s world, you can take advantage of sponsorship money by filling out the form.

You can find all Board Ballots mentioned above on the TICA website: https://tica.org/resources/our-association/ballots-elections#2021-board-ballots

I know I speak for the entire TICA Board of Directors when I say that our hope is that shows will soon be held in all our regions. With the extension of isolated status, it will be somewhat easier for clubs to produce shows and for exhibitors to show their beautiful cats. I hope to see some of you at those shows! Until then, stay safe and well.

Vicki Jo Harrison
TICA President
for the TICA Board of Directors

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