In This Issue
From the President’s Desk: A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison | California Win! Breeding Bill AB 702 Update | Most Common Medical Conditions for New Kittens | TICA Welcomes Three New Club into Our Family | Pet Partners Enlists Cats to Helps Kids Tackle Their Summer Reading Lists and Offers the Chance to Win a Kindle | EveryCat Health Foundation July 2021 Update | In Case You Missed It… | TICA May Breed of the Month: Scottish Straight | TICA Regional Updates | TICA Breed of the Month: British Shorthair | TICA Regional Updates
From the President’s Desk:
A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison
With all that has happened in the past year, we were only able to hold a fraction of shows, while some regions were not able to put on any shows. Your Board of Directors has been working hard to make this new show season a successful one. I am hopeful that more clubs will be able to produce shows and we will be able to show our fabulous felines once again everywhere in TICA’s world.
Because of the uncertainty as to when each region will be able to host shows, the Board voted to extend the isolated status rules for the 2021-2022 show season for all regions. What this means for you as a TICA exhibitor is that title requirements for the show season are lower.
For example, to be a champion in non-isolated status, your cat would need 300 points and one final from four different judges. While we are in isolated status your cat would only need 150 points and one final from two judges. Here is the complete breakdown of requirements for titles in isolates areas:
In addition, the requirement for a kitten/cat to show in their home region to be eligible for a regional win has been suspended for the 2021/2022 show season. Board Ballot BB21-11 addresses the aggregate point minimum for regional and international wins for this season. The regional win point minimum is 500 (300 for the international region). International wins and breed wins require a minimum of 1,000 points.
Helpful information for clubs to consider when planning a show:
- BB21-06 allows for flexibility with the number of guest judges, however, the procedure for approval of guest judges has not changed. Each guest judge must be approved by the Judging Committee for every show before their name appears on the show flyer.
- Alternative format shows will be automatically approved by all Regional Directors.
- BB21-07 addresses the guidelines for obtaining a show license and announcing a show. These guidelines have been relaxed while we are in isolated status. It is advisable to follow the guidelines, if possible, but clubs will not be penalized if they are not able to meet the deadlines.
- ALL TICA Clubs are entitled to apply for Club Show Sponsorship through TICA, funded by Dr. Elsey’s Cat Products. All clubs are required to do is complete the Sponsorship Form and submit to In the last seven years no club has been denied. So, wherever you are in TICA’s world, you can take advantage of sponsorship money by filling out the form.
You can find all Board Ballots mentioned above on the TICA website: I know I speak for the entire TICA Board of Directors when I say that our hope is that shows will soon be held in all our regions. With the extension of isolated status, it will be somewhat easier for clubs to produce shows and for exhibitors to show their beautiful cats. I hope to see some of you at those shows! Until then, stay safe and well.
Vicki Jo Harrison
TICA President
California Win! Breeding Bill AB 702 Update
Miguel Santiago recently withdrew California Assembly Bill 702 from consideration. The Bill, first reported in TICA’s March and April 2021 newsletters, would have regulated all breeders in the state, will not be considered this year, but can still be considered next year. TICA will continue to keep our eye on this issue.
Assembly Bill 702 have prohibited any person from establishing or maintaining a cattery or dog kennel for breeding purposes, as specified, without a breeder permit, as defined. The bill would have required an application for a breeder permit to contain specified information requested by the local jurisdiction and would have required a local jurisdiction to issue a breeder permit if the owner provided specified proof that various conditions were met, as specified, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program. The bill would also have authorized the local jurisdiction to assess fees pursuant to these provisions but would have prohibited those fees from exceeding the reasonable costs of administering the provisions.
Pedigree cats are well cared for, highly valued, and the result of careful selection and breeding over multiple generations. These cats rarely end up in shelters or pose a risk to the public or a health issue – the concerns for the bill to resolve. These breeders are not the source of issues, and the bill did not properly target problematic breeders. In fact, the bill would have increased the underground supply of pets, expanded importation from other states and countries (often with lower standards of care), and overall create more problems than it solved.
TICA would like to thank all the members, clubs, and breeders who gave their time to contact the author’s office and committee members during this process. Your efforts made a difference for cats and future breeders! It is only through support and advocacy from members that all of us will become successful in defeating future bills like AB 702.
Most Common Medical Conditions for New Kittens
New kitten owners can expect to be kept busy with lots of learning, playtime, and, of course, visits to the veterinarian. TICA contacted Trupanion, medical insurance for pets, to learn more about some of the most common health claims they receive for young kittens.
Since 2000, the Trupanion policy has paid out over $1 billion in invoices to cover claims for their 500,000+ pet members. From their data, Trupanion found that kittens under the age of two incur twice as many claims per pet than adult cats. While we all hope to only visit the vet for routine care, new owners can be better prepared to give their young cats a healthy start by familiarizing themselves with the most common conditions and costs they may encounter.
In 2020 alone, the Trupanion policy paid nearly 3,000 claims for kittens less than one year old. For kittens in this age range, Trupanion’s five most frequent claims and their average cost were as follows:
The upfront costs of adopting a new kitten can be expensive, especially when combined with an unexpected illness or injury. Having pet health insurance lets owners focus on getting the best care possible for their new furry family member instead of worrying about the size of the vet bill.
If you’re a breeder, you are in a unique position to help families understand and prepare for future veterinary costs. That’s why Trupanion designed their Breeder Support Program specifically with breeders like you in mind. The unique program is built to protect your litters when they head to their new home, all while giving you and your buyers peace of mind.
Contact Trupanion to learn more about the benefits of signing up for their free Breeder Support Program!
Terms and conditions do apply. We love informed decisions. See our policy for full coverage details.
Trupanion is a registered trademark owned by Trupanion, Inc. Underwritten in Canada by Omega General Insurance Company and in the United States by American Pet Insurance Company, 6100-4th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108. Please visit to review all available pet health insurance products.
TICA Welcomes New Club into Our Family
Please help us welcome the following clubs into our growing family: Armenian Cat Lovers Club – KIRA!, located in Yerevan, Armenia and is now a part of the TICA Europe South Region; TICATY Boo Cat Club, located in Morpeth, Northunberland England and is now a part of the TICA Europe West Region; and Carnivorous Winos, located in Myerstown, PA and is now a part of the TICA Mid Atlantic Region. Congratulations to all!
Pet Partners Enlists Cats to Helps Kids Tackle Their Summer Reading Lists and Offers the Chance to Win a Kindle
Research shows that students who read over the summer improve their reading skills and are more prepared for next school year. But if you are a parent, you know that getting kids excited to read when school ends is almost impossible.
To help kids get excited about conquering their summer reading list, Pet Partners is enlisting the help of pets and hosting the We Are All Ears reading pledge. Designed to inspire young readers, the pledge encourages kids to read to pets.
Reading to pets is a great way to get kids excited about conquering their summer reading list. Pets are loving, nonjudgmental listeners that help children feel more comfortable while practicing reading.
To kick off the reading fun, Pet Partners is giving away a Kindle to a randomly chosen reader who registers by July 31. To register, click and take the We Are All Ears pledge. Once kids take the pledge, they’ll get access to tons of fun reading resources, including reading bingo, pet-themed bookmarks, and a tip sheet on how to make the most of reading to your pet.
EveryCat Health Foundation
July 2021 Update
Join EveryCat Health Foundation for their July 28 webinar “No Worries- She’s an Indoor Cat” is NOT the Solution for Tick & Heartworm Prevention for Cats.”
The event, led by Craig Prior, B.V.Sc., C.V.J. will review the more common external and internal parasites of cats, including an update on prevalence and parasite forecasts from Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC). A discussion of the risk to indoor cats, and how long acting preventives can increase compliance, as well as how to protect more pets will also be discussed.
The webinar will take place on July 28th, 2021 at 1:00 pm EDT. Click here for more information or to register. Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE) approval is pending.
In Case You Missed It…
Check out TICA’s top social media posts you may have missed…
On TICA’s Instagram:
Tell TICA How Your Cat is Spoiled.
On TICA’s Facebook:
TICA Observes the Healing Powers of Cats.
On TICA’s Twitter:
TICA Talks Pet Insurance and Why You Need it.
TICA July Breed of the Month: Scottish Straight
The Scottish Straight is a fun-loving breed that sometimes can even be described as comical. Sweet and lovable, they get along well with children and other pets. They can be found in both the long and shorthair varieties. They are easy to groom with a comb through weekly. Find out more about TICA’s Breed of the Month and if the Scottish Straight is right for you and your family.
TICA Regional Updates
TICA Great Lakes Regional Update
TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Update
TICA Northwest Regional Update
TICA Southwest Regional Update
TICA Great Lakes Regional Director Liz Brown:
Pictures Needed: Please send a photo of your Top 25 Regional Winning Cat, Kitten, Alter, HHP kitten, HHP, LH Cat or SH Cat, Best of Breed, LA/OD/OS, and any candid shots taken at shows during the season to as soon as possible. If you send a photo to Chris, she will also include your winning cat’s photo in the TICA Yearbook. If your cat is also an International Winner, Chris will also use the pictures in the presentation at the TICA Annual Awards Presentation, which is also currently pending rescheduling. Deadline to be included in the GL region slideshow is August 1, 2021 Important Note: Please send only one photo per email and indicate your cat’s name and award. Please note, the pictures do not have to be professional. You are welcome to take pictures at home and send in as well. Remember that if you do not send a photo, we can use a funny photo instead.
GL Awards Sponsorship Update: Many thanks to our amazing awards sponsor coordinator, Chris Unangst, for working hard to get ALL of our awards sponsored!! And thanks to those who sponsored.
I am thrilled to report the Great Lakes region is reopening with several shows on the horizon.
Join us for our first post-COVID show! July 17-18, 2021, The Buckeye Ohio Rollers Presents “A Midsummer Cat’s Dream” in Wooster, OH.
2020 & 2021 GL Regional Show & Awards will be presented by Showcats! Columbus at the “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” in Zanesville, OH, on Aug 14-15. The show is now open for entries on TOES.
Other upcoming shows include:
September 4-5, 2021, PracTICAl Cats Cat Club (New Club) presents “Cats” in Gray Summit, MO (Purina Farms).
September 18-19, 2021, Cats Rule Cat Club Presents “Feline Groovy” in Racine, WI. Early bird specials if paid by August 15, 2021.
TICA Mid Atlantic Regional Director Brenda Russo:
MA Regional Awards & Banquet Update:
- Please remember to vote for Special Awards here.
- Megan is working extremely hard on our PowerPoint and Awards Booklet. Please email her photos as well as any candid photos!
- Don’t forget to enter the regional show and banquet! It will be here before you know it! Read more information.
MA Regional Safety Precautions:
- Masks are STRONGLY suggested at the TICA MA Regional but are not required. Please respect any exhibitors wishing to wear one. Masks will be available at check in.
- Although handwashing is best, sanitizer will be available all around the hall. Waivers will be required for you to sign.
- Rings will be spread alongside walls. Limited ringside chairs will be provided. For everyone’s comfort, please remember to socially distance at rings and finals!
- As in the past, if you anticipate needing extra space, please purchase a grooming space. If you prefer to be social distanced, please let our entry clerk know and we will provide the extra comfort. We have plenty of space, however, the use of these empty trestles will not be allowed and cannot be used as extra space.
- We are not advertising spectators but will allow a minimum to visit if we have walk ins.
TICA Northwest Regional Director Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz:
The TICA NW Region Needs a Few Good Volunteers: The NW Region needs two volunteers to help with the 2020-2021 regional awards – one to do the regional awards banquet PowerPoint presentation, which requires being the depository for regional winner photos, and one to coordinate the sponsorships of the awards, which requires updating the sponsorship list on the region’s website and tracking payments. If you are interested and able to devote some time over the next few months to either of these tasks, please contact your Regional Director as soon as possible by emailing
TICA NW 2020-2021 Regional Awards Show & Banquet Update: At the recent membership meeting held at the Commencement Cat Club show, we discussed the 2020-2021 Regional Awards Show & Banquet. Those members present at the meeting felt we should put off our awards presentations a few extra months in hopes that the US/Canada border will have been reopened and that Canadian exhibitors will be able to attend the show.
After consulting with The Evergreen Cat Fanciers, the club has agreed to host the 2020-2021 Regional Awards Show & Banquet October 9-10, 2021 in Ferndale, WA. More information will follow.
Upcoming In-Person Cat Shows
July 24-25, 2001, It’s Reigning Cats, in Longview, WA.
August 7-8, 2001, The Maine Event, in Ferndale, WA.
October 9-10, 2001, The Evergreen Cat Fanciers, in Ferndale, WA.
November 6-7, 2001, The Maine Event, in Olympia, WA.
Find more information on these shows here.
TICA Southwest Regional Director Canie Brooks:
The TICA Southwest Regional Banquet Update: The SW Regional Banquet will be held at the Doubletree in Monrovia. Information and Reservations can be found here. Reservations will close July 18, 2021 – Come Celebrate with us!