TICA September 2022 Newsletter

TICA September 2022 Newsletter

Science Newsletter

In This Issue

From the President’s DeskTop 5 Science Stories of Summer 2022 | TICA Treasure Named |  TICA 2022 JOY | Judging Announcements | Annual Board Mtg 2022 | COO Update | Marketing Update | Annual Photos | Annual Thank You | Trupanion Giveaway

tica election cat

From the President’s Desk: A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison

Dear TICA Friends,

September marks the return of TICA’s quarterly feline science newsletter. Our chief Science Editor, Anthony Hutcherson, has picked the top five news breaking stories of the summer that you won’t want to miss reading.

But before we dive into the science, I want to acknowledge the accomplishments of all our deserving and hard-working 2021-2022 International Award winners celebrated this month during TICA’s 41st Annual Awards Banquet. The event, hosted by Showcats Columbus and the TICA Great Lakes Region, took place on September 3-4, 2022, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

During the event, we honored 2022 Judge of the Year, Adriana Kajon (see article on Adriana in this issue) and named Fate Mays our newest TICA Treasure (see article on Fate in this issue). Congratulations Adriana and Fate for this most deserved recognition and your years of service to TICA.

Help me congratulate all our 2022 award recipients. Among them:

2022 International Cat of the Year: IW BW SGC Moulinrouge Striptease, Owned by Steven Corneille. (Europe South Region)

2022 International Kitten of the Year: IW BW Bengallily Jaguar Paw, Owned by Kaylee Baquero (Southeast Region)

2022 International Alter of the Year: LA BW SGCA Tersanctus Be Radiant Of KLM, Owned by Martha Burns/Kris Willison (South Central Region)

2021 International Household Pet of the Year: IW SGM Just A Cat Man Du Of Carolinameows, Owned by Patricia Clarey (Southeast Region)

2021 Best Household Pet Kitten of the Year: IW Shiawasena Jiko, Owned by Jenny Wickle (Mid Atlantic Region)

A big thank you to all those who made this fabulous evening possible. Read more in this issue about those who made this event a memorable evening we will not soon forget.

Before you know it, TICA’s 2023 Annual, hosted by SeaCats and TICA Northwest will be here. Sponsored by Dr. Elsey’s, the event titled “In the Hall of the Mountain Cat” will take place September 2-3, 2023, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, Washington State. Additional information on the show, as well as how to enter and a list of judges can be found on the website The event is now open for entries! Stay tuned for information on the hotel block.

The TICA Board of Directors Annual meeting was very productive. The Board decided to set aside a budget for health benefits for TICA employees. Information about the proposed Burmese/Bombay breed Standard changes were also approved by the Board and now go to the Breed Group for final approval. In this newsletter you can also read about proposals the Board considered and voted on as well as a TFMS update by TICA’s COO, Danny Nevarez, and an update on marketing efforts by TICA Marketing Director Roeann Fulkerson. By the time you read this, the minutes will be posted on the TICA website for you to review. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Regional Director.

As always, I wish each of you good health. Please stay safe and hug your kitties tight!

Vicki Jo Harrison TICA President


Top 5 Summer of Cat Science Stories By Anthony Hutcherson

 Male Cat Seasonal Fertility. Male cats are more fertile and produce more sperm (spermatogenesis) during the reproductive period of February – July in the northern hemisphere. Male cats are less fertile in the non-reproductive period in the northern hemisphere because more naturally die spermatozoa undergo apoptosis, a naturally programmed cell death, during the non- reproductive period, according to a recently published study by Luisa Valentini, Rosa Zupa et. Al. Read more in the August 2022 issue of the journal Veterinary Sciences.

Effects of Owners & Cat Demographics on Cat Personality. Analysis of a survey in the journal Applied Animal Behavior finds greater correlation to the number of cats in home and whether the cats lived primarily indoors or outdoors as key factors affecting personality and activity.

Temperature Measures on Skin Accurate & Easier than Rear in Cats. When a cat is ill or well, a rectal thermometer can add insult to injury to take a temperature. A study published in the journal Animals by Claudia Giannetto, Giuseppe Acri et.al demonstrated that temperatures taken using cutaneous methods (on the skin) were as accurate and much more agreeable for cats. Your cat really wants to make sure you and your veterinarian read this study.

Gut Environment & Gregariousness in Cats. Cortisol, testosterone and oxytocin have demonstrated a correlation between their presence and level to how well animals get along with one another in an environment. Hikari Koyasu et. al. from Azuba University in Japan measured the fecal levels of these chemicals groups of cats and the results were distinctive from other species. Read the full article in the journal PLOS ONE.

Neonatal Survival, Fertility & Inbreeding. Maggi Casal DVM, PhD of the University of PA Veterinary School explains correlation between genetic heterozygosity, neonatal survival and fertility in pedigreed cats utilizing commercially available genetics tests and records. Meant to inform veterinarians, this article from the August 2022 journal of Feline Medicine & Surgery is a fantastic reference point to read and share with your veterinarian.


TICA Board of Directors Names Fate Mays the Newest TICA Treasure

Last month, the TICA Board of Directors named Fate Mays the newest TICA Treasure during the TICA 2021-2022 Annual Awards Banquet in Chicago, Illinois. From time to time, the TICA Board of Directors select a member to be honored while living with the title “TICA Treasure.” The title is an old Japanese custom of honoring those who have contributed beyond measure to their chosen art, craft, or profession. Fate joins an esteemed group of 14 honorees. See the complete list here.

Fate joined TICA and began exhibiting in 1982. Over the past 40 years, he has served as the President of TICA, the South Central Regional Director, Chair of the Persian Breed Committee, and Vice President of The International Feline Foundation, which funded and researched feline health related issues.

He has shown various breeds including Persian, Abyssinians, an Oriental Shorthair, and Household Pets, including six International Winners: one Abyssinian and five Persians. These six IWs include two second best kittens and one second best cat!

Fate has been a licensed judge since 1991 and has been honored to have judged in every TICA region. He has served as an Allbreed Sponsor to judges in the training program, moderated judging schools, and is licensed as a Ring and School Instructor. In addition to judging, Fate has been a continuously licensed Master Clerk since 1985, worked with Georgia Morgan (founder of TICA) to help establish a TICA presence in Mexico, conducted the first Junior Exhibitor’s rings in the United States and United Kingdom, and was honored to judge the first TICA show held in China (2013).

In 1990, Fate was honored as South Central Member of the Year, and in both 1997 and 2014, he was honored as TICA’s Judge of the Year. Fate is proud to have contributed his time, skills, and efforts to TICA in his over 40 years of TICA membership.

In his non-cat life, Fate has a Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in Criminal Justice, and a Master of Arts in Counseling. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). Currently retired, Fate previously served as the Director of Supervision Services for Nueces County Adult Probation. He also taught at two universities as an Instructor in Criminal Justice and as an Instructor at the Regional Police Academy.


Adriana Kajon Named TICA Judge of the Year

Last month, TICA members voted Approved Allbreed Judge, Adriana Kajon, 2022 TICA Judge of the Year. The honor was bestowed upon her during the TICA 2021-2022 Annual Awards Banquet. This marks the second time Adriana was voted Judge of the Year. In 2013, she was also elected to the honor by TICA members.

“Congratulations to a fabulous person that has always gone out of her way to speak truthfully about her judging while also inspiring our girls with her kindness and guidance,” said United Cat Club President Jessica Petras. “I remember as a new exhibitor appreciating the time Adriana would take to speak to us about using science to improve breeding programs. Still to this day she continues to inspire many.”

According to Adriana, “taking the opportunity to inform and educate while judging can make a big difference. Continuing education in the cat fancy is important.” Structural soundness for full functionality plays a key role in Andriana’s judging decisions, but she also weighs in temperament and personality. “Our ultimate mission as breeders is to provide somebody with a great healthy companion.”

Adriana became a TICA Distinguished Judge in 2017 and is currently a TICA Approved Allbreed Judge, Ring Training Instructor, Judging School Instructor, Licensed Genetics Instructor, a member of TICA’s Genetics and Judging Committees, and is the co-creator of ICAT, the International Cat Agility Tournaments. She has been an ambassador for TICA worldwide not only judging but also giving seminars to breeders and peers. This year also marks her 30Th year of service to TICA as a licensed judge.

Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Adriana has an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from the University of Buenos Aires, and two Ph.D. degrees in Virology, the last of which she obtained in Sweden in 1995.  She is currently doing research in viral pathogenesis at Lovelace Biomedical Research Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Although cats had always been part of her life, Adriana started participating actively in the Argentine cat fancy in 1981 after several years of breeding and showing Doberman Pinchers, including the first Doberman ever to win Best in Show in Argentina. In 1988 Adriana became an All-Breed Judge for Federation Internationale Feline (FIFe).  She joined TICA in 1991 and entered the Judging program in 1992. While active in Argentina she served as a member of the Argentine Feline Association’s (AFA) Board of Directors, as editor of AFA’s monthly Bulletin, and as Vice President of the Siamese Cat Club.

Together with her partner and TICA AB judge, Vickie Shields, she has bred Singapuras under the cattery prefix Truecolours for 22 years and is a member and former Chair of TICA’s Singapura Breed Committee.


TICA Annual 2022 Judging Committee and Judging Program Announcements

Judging Administrator, Carlos Lopez announced the following regarding TICA’s Judging Committee and judging program:

  • Patricia Fraboschi was transferred from the Remote program to the Full International program as a LH/SH Trainee.
  • Ana Ferreyra was advanced from Prob SP (SA Only) to Probationary Specially Judge (no restrictions).
  • Veronica Knight was accepted as a transfer judge from SACC as a TICA Approved Specialty Judge.
  • Odette Lamoureux was honored by the Board with Judge Emeritus status. A big thank you goes out to Odette for your many years of dedicated service with TICA and the Cat Fancy.

In addition, the following 2022 Judge Service Awards were bestowed during TICA’s 41st Annual in Chicago:

5 Years Angela Sherzer Hanne Cuyle Olga Dentico Ann-Charlotte Joseph Geraldine Tessens Nicki Fenwick-Raven 10 Years Asa Broing Sharon Kalani Brenda Russo Donna Armel Jim Armel Jamie Christian 15 Years Barbara Kissinger Jean-Marc LaGarde Robert Seliskar Stephanie Smith 20 Years – Judges of Merit Monika Dany Ryoko Doi Francesca Gagern Francine Hicks Toni Jones Nahoko Kaizuka Catherine Bastide-Campala Lisa Dickie Michael Hammond Irene van Belzen 25 Years – Distinguished Judges Robert Whyte Keiko Yokoyama Alexey Shchukin 30 Years Adriana Kajon Connie Webb 35 Years Pamela Barrett


Update from TICA’s 2022 Annual Board Meeting: Rule Proposals 

Amend Board Governance Policy (Gender Neutrality)unanimous consent to accept PASSES

Amend By-Laws 15.5 (Production Companies)approved

Amend By-Laws 114.2, 114.6 and 14.1 (Gender Neutrality)unanimous consent to accept PASSES

Amend Clerking Program Rules (Gender Neutrality)unanimous consent to accept PASSES

Amend Judging Program Article 8 (Instructors)accepted

Amend Show Rule 22.1.1 (Joint Shows)tabled

Amend Show Rule 24.3, 24.4, Standing Rules 1026 (Bad Debts)approved with the amendment to add “withdrawal” of show licenses for future shows.

Amend various Show Rules (Gender Neutrality) unanimous consent to accept PASSES

Amend Registration Rule  (Move Transfer New Breed fee to Standing Rules)unanimous consent to accept PASSES

Add Registration Rule 34.3.1 (Clarify status of new colors)approved with the amendment to add the sentence “One genetic factor that affects multiple different coat colorations shall be considered as a single trait”

Amend various Standing Rules (Gender Neutrality)unanimous consent to accept PASSES

Amend Standing Rule 901.4.3.2 (Shown in Region)approved

Add Standing Rule 1021.3 (Chartering New Clubs)approved with the addition of a timeframe for the regional director to respond to the application

Amend Standing Rule 2011.6 (Electronic Catalogs) not accepted

 An update from various breed representatives include:

  • Aphrodite – PNB
  • Toybob – PNB
  • Highlander – ANB (a Highlander attended the meeting, and the board was receptive to their progress)
  • Serengeti – ANB
  • Tennessee Rex – ANB

Discussion on 500-mile rule – Knapp. This rule will continue as in the past, straight-line radius from point A to point B.

Effective date of registration rules and  This changes the experimental breed from a coined breed name to only letters and numbers, which in principle will eliminate any confusion in the EO.

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TICA Annual 2022 Board Meeting: COO and TFMS Update

Backlog Update: TFMS backlog is almost gone except for the category “other.” The current focus is to reduce this backlog.

Registrations Update: All registrations continue to increase at a higher level than last year.

Goals and Next Steps: Top priorities for TICA going forward include enhancing TICA’s name recognition worldwide, placing a greater focus on customer service, improving accuracy, increasing member participation in TICA, and to attract the younger generation.

Other areas we are seeking to improve include adding value for members to give more information on the litters per cat and show information, e.g., the title points, finals, show history, and earned titles (with an easy link to register the title), and implement functionality to link EMS codes to TICA’s colorations. We are also taking steps to increase our presence on all social media platforms. Stay tuned for a new tool from TICA that will capture information from members, exhibitors, and breeders that allow you to show your breed, judging, and even finals from your club.

Cat with big eyes

TICA Annual 2022 Board Meeting: Marketing Update

Annual Film Crew: Mongoose Films was present at Annual to shoot promotional clips and live feeds for TICA’s social media accounts. The important difference in this filming verses all previous, is that this is being done under TICA’s direction and being created for TICA. Check out TICA’s Corporate and Group Facebook pages, Instagram, TickTock, and Twitter to see anything you may have missed!

Dr. Elsey Sponsorships: The club sponsorship program has funded 61 shows to date in 2022 within the U.S. and 20 International shows. Several shows have also received additional support for hosting Junior Exhibitors at their shows. The Club Sponsorship Program qualifications and funding is currently being updated and will soon reflect a more simplified Application Form and updated requirements for funding. This important change will be to help TICA support promoting our judges and cats by submission of a brief video for at least one Judges Final from each sponsored show.

The marketing team very recently increased in size from only two people, with the addition of three volunteers we now have six on the team. Each member is not solely dedicated to the Marketing Team; however, we are each assisting with responding to questions posted on public groups and elevating customer service through timely responses, teaching ease of use for the TFMS current and each new launch of more self-service features. We have implemented more uniform notifications to Regional Directors for new features and services being launched within TFMS, to help facilitate more complete sharing of information.

Filming at several TICA shows by Painless Production TV has completed and is currently being edited for NatGeo Wild, with the final version to be available and aired in early 2023.


TICA Annual Photos Posted

Photos from TICA’s 41st Annual Awards Banquet, taken by Larry Johnson and Dianna Starr, are available for purchase online as well as the ability to view the 2021-2022 Awards Booklet online. View formal images, candid shots, and candid presentation photos.


TICA 2022 Annual: Special Thanks

Now that the dust is beginning to settle and marked catalog are at the EO, we wanted to take time to thank the entire team that came together to help with the 2022 TICA Annual. These folks are the ones responsible for the success we experienced, and we owe them all a debt of gratitude. The list is long and strong as this amazing group of individuals worked tirelessly for the past 12+ months to organize the show and banquet.

Judges: Yvonne Patrick, Hisako Yamada, Edith-Mary Smith, Aline Noel Garel, Fate Mays, Adriana Kajon, Robby Whyte, Toni Jones, Kim Chenault, Steven Corneille, Nikki Crandall-Seibert, Nicki Fenwick-Raven, Johary Gomez, Amy Stadter

Congress Judges: Adriana Kajon, Steven Corneille, Kim Chenault, Debbie Lopeman, Chris Unangst, Edith-Mary Smith & Lynne Sherer

Master Clerks: Vanadis Crawford (Friday-Sunday) & Chris Unangst (Saturday-Sunday)

Ring Clerks: Andre Grenier, Jackie Rose, Lynne Sherer, Donna Maddox, Desiree van Beijnen, Kathy Robinson, Angela Ng, Dawn Dorsey, Robin Higgins, Lorraine Shelton, Brenda Russo, Meg Ridgway, Jonna Inman, Denise Spraker, Jan Poole, Emilie Cherau, Honey Gilmore, Kitti Ruttan, Wayne Pedersen, Ana Maria Sosa, Em Winfield, Ralph Stadter, Dawn Faust

Handlers to help Judges: Teresa Carroll-Childers & Jackie Rose

Vendors: Wild Side’s Fresh, PAWPURRZ, Cateeza, 2nd Star Productions, Bloom Products LLC, B.A.D. Kitty Teasers, Krazy Kat Lady Boutique, RightMeowArt, Happy Cats, Every Cat, Wicked Tease, Paws for a Moment Spa, Monty Wu, Brianna Skinner/Pardisium Publishing, Charlotte Shea/Cougarmoon Jewelry, Shelly Mitchell/Fat Cat Empire

Hospitality: Donna Maddox & Dana Oxner

Board & Judging Committee Set-Up Team: Vicki Jo Harrison, Toni Jones, Frances Cardona, Becky Torres

Chicago Fire Story/History in Catalog: Toni Jones & Debbie Lopeman

Graphics: Tracy Butler

Gate: Mark Pinnick, Matt Pinnick, Aaron Corey

Cages: Aaron Corey

Extra Cages Transportation: Johary Gomez & Cory/Nikki Crandall-Seibert

Ring Set-up Team: Johary Gomez, Carlos Perez, Mark Pinnick, Matt Pinnick, Mary Reiss, Lori Dominick, Gary Dominick, Clint Knapp, Carol Lawson, Steven Lawson

Judging Schedule: Vanadis Crawford

Exhibitor Bags Coordination: Chris Unangst & Vanadis Crawford

Exhibitor Bag Team of Stuffers: Chris Unangst, Vanadis Crawford, Jan Poole, Dawn Faust, Nikki Crandall-Seibert, Mary Hudec

Exhibitor Bag Donors: Showcats, Great Lakes Friends of Felines, Cats Rule, Wisconsin Illinois Cat Fanciers, First in Flight Cat Club, Vision Cat Club, Showcats, Go Cat Feather Toys www.DABird.com, Rene Knapp (Catillac Pet Products)

Judges Books: Vanadis Crawford

Raffle: Pam and Archie Johns

Regions who Organized Baskets: Southeast, South Central, Mid-Pacific, Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, Northwest, Northeast, Europe North, South America

Great Lakes Regional Raffle Item Solicitor (asked local companies for items): Margaret Karpen

Handmade Quilts: Sharon Miller (Fate May’s sister)

Quilt Raffle: Chris Unangst (for the last YEAR) and then Donna Maddox & Rene Knapp (Sunday)

T-Shirt Sales (for the last YEAR): Chris Unangst

Social Media: Lorna Friemoth

Clerking Coordinator: Kathy Robinson

Scoring: Cory Crandall-Seibert

Vendors: Jackie Luebke-Puetz

Webmaster: Diana Starr

Photographers: Diana Starr & Larry Johnson

Cat Litter: Angela & Kim Ng (provided by Dr. Elsey Precious Pet)

Division of Individual Bags of Litter for Traveling Exhibitors: Kim Ng

Banquet Coordinator: Chris Unangst

Show Sponsor Coordinator: Honey Gilmore

Sponsor Banners: Honey Gilmore

Corporate Sponsor Coordinator: Roeann Fulkerson

Corporate Sponsors: Dr. Elsey Precious Pet, Purina, Zymox

Banquet Decorator Designer: Debbie Lopeman

Banquet Decorators: Debbie Lopeman & Dawn Faust

Banquet Awards: Fate Mays, Vicki Jo Harrison, Luiz Paulo Faccioli, Toni Jones, Lauie Schiff, Becky Torres, Frances Cardona, Christian Cherau, Manuel Cardona, Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz, Nicky Fenwick-Raven, Kim Volckaerts, Johan Reuser

Banquet Bag Stuffers: Roeann Fulkerson, Kathy Tomas, Jackie Ott Jaakola, Vickie Fisher

Banquet Program: Larry Johnson

Banquet Powerpoint Presentation: Chris Unangst

Ring Decorator Designer: Debbie Lopeman

Ring Decorators: Debbie Lopeman, Dawn Faust & Mary Hudec

Ring Signs: Patty Mahany

Junior Exhibitor Coordinator: Jackie Rose

GL Junior Exhibitor Liaison: Sami Kerr

Junior Exhibitor Judge: Vicki Jo Harrison

CEU Coordinators: Laura Cunningham & Judging Committee

CEU Presenters: Nikki Crandall-Seibert, Amy Stadter, Robyn Patterson

On Safari Coordinator: Anthony Hutcherson

On Safari Presenter: Dr. Chris Kaelin

On Safari Saviors: Sophia Yates, Sami Kerr & Irene Belzen

Ragdoll Congress Awards: Amy Stadter/TICACats

Forest Cat Congress Rosettes: Connie Hazel

Forest Cat Congress Rosette Assemblers: Connie Hazel & Shelly Mitchell

Forest Cat Congress Best of the Best Awards: FatPet Awards

Show Teardown: Nikki Crandall-Seibert, Johary Gomez, Mark Pinnick, Matt Pinnick, Cory Crandall-Seibert, Clint Knapp, Toni Jones, Vicki Jo Harrison, Carlos Perez, Jan Poole, Donna Maddox, Danny Nevarez, Elaine Hawksworth Weitz, Roeann Fulkerson

Show Manager Banquet Hair Stylist: Dodie Johnson

Show Manager Cat Groomers: Tereasa Brainerd, Gary Dominick, Mary Reiss

Transportation of ALL of the stuff from Liz’s to the hotel: Frances & Manuel Cardona

Thursday Night Crisis Crew (who worked in the show hall until 2 AM): Chris Unangst, Janet Brown, Jim Kane and Thom Birkenstock

If we have left anyone out, please accept our apologies and gratitude.

Regional updates

Remember to enter September’s TICA x Trupanion giveaway!

As part of our partnership with Trupanion, medical insurance for pets, TICA breeders who sign up for Trupanion’s free Breeder Support Program will receive a gift of 10 cat toys to send home with your next litter and a chance to win a $100 gift card!*

By joining Trupanion’s Breeder Support Program, you’ll gain access to an exclusive offer that gives your buyers the option to enroll in a Trupanion policy with no waiting periods. You’ll also receive materials for your kitten packs, your own dedicated account manager, and access to a private breeder support Facebook group – all at no cost to you!

Get Started. Terms and conditions apply.** For full giveaway rules: click here.

Don’t wait! This offer and giveaway are only valid for breeders who sign up by September 30, 2022!

*$100 USD Chewy gift card for US, $100 CAD Amazon.ca gift card for CAN. Valid only for breeders in the US and Canada. Maximum reward of up to $600 a year for individuals and households in Canada and the US (excluding Washington State). Maximum reward of up to $100 a year for individuals and households in Washington State.

** NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Must be legal resident of Canada (excluding Quebec) or 50 US states and DC (excluding ND and WV), 18+ and at least age of majority. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Enter by: September 30, 2022. Odds of winning depend on the # of entries. Details and rules can be found here. Sponsor: Trupanion Managers USA, Inc.

Trupanion is a registered trademark owned by Trupanion, Inc. Underwritten in Canada by Omega General Insurance Company and in the United States by American Pet Insurance Company, 6100-4th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108. Please visit AmericanPetInsurance.com to review all available pet health insurance products.

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