TICA October 2022 Newsletter

TICA October 2022 Newsletter

Science Newsletter

In This Issue

From the President’s DeskTop 5 Science Stories of Summer 2022 | TICA Treasure Named |  TICA 2022 JOY | Judging Announcements | Annual Board Mtg 2022 | COO Update | Marketing Update | Annual Photos | Annual Thank You | Example

tica election cat

From the President’s Desk: A Message from TICA President Vicki Jo Harrison

Dear TICA Friends,

These are exciting times for TICA. Last month marked the one-year anniversary since we launched the TICA Feline Management System (TFMS). The new technology platform provides many TICA services in a self-service format. I know it took us some time to fix the bumps in the road and at first things were a bit uncomfortable with everyone’s learning curve getting familiar with the new system, but we did it! You are proof that growth can only come from change. Thank you for helping us create foundations for the future and your unwavering support of TICA.

The ballot for the TICA election will be sent out on or around October 21, 2022. This year members of seven TICA regions will be holding elections for Regional Directors — Asia EastAsia WestGreat LakesMid AtlanticNorthwestSouth Central, and Europe South. In addition, members will have the opportunity to vote on several proposals. Please read through all the information on the proposals. In addition to an explanation of each, the pros and cons are listed for each proposal. TICA is a member driven association. Please exercise your right to VOTE!

I am happy to report that planning is already underway for, TICA’s 2023 Annual, hosted by SeaCats and TICA Northwest. Sponsored by Dr. Elsey’s, the event titled “In the Hall of the Mountain Cat” will take place September 2-3, 2023, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, Washington State. Additional information on the show, as well as how to enter and a list of judges can be found on the website The event is now open for entries! Stay tuned for information on the hotel block. I hope to see you there!

As always, I wish each of you good health. Please stay safe and hug your kitties tight!

Vicki Jo Harrison TICA President


TICA Welcomes Two New Clubs 

TICA continues to grow with the addition of new clubs to our family. Please help us welcome CATITUDE CAT CLUB (Yuma AZ) to our TICA Southwest Region and Karma Of The Cat Club (Wyomissing, PA) to our Mid Atlantic Region!


Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats Complimentary Clinical Trial at Ohio State Veterinary School

Evidence suggests that aging of the kidney may contribute to the onset and progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Rapamycin is a drug that is a known modulator of the aging process and additionally may decrease the formation of fibrosis (scarring) in the kidney. A feline formulation of the drug is available, and the purpose of this study is to assess the potential benefit of the drug in cats with CKD.

The Ohio State Veterinary School is running a Rapamycin clinical trial and looking for stage 2 CKD cats. Dr. Jessica Quimby is a world leading feline renal researcher and she is the investigator on the study. You can fill out the pre-screening questionnaire or contact Tamra Mathie – mathie.7@osu.edu for further information. All diagnostic tests and treatment are free of charge and there is also a small owner incentive.

Cats should be within a 2-hour radius of Ohio State Veterinary School, unless your cats are good travelers. To participate, cats are required to make four visits to Ohio Veterinary School – the initial screening enrolment and then three rechecks. The cats are given an extremely high standard of care and monitoring.


Pet Night on Capitol Hill Recap

 Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) hosted Pet Night on Capitol Hill for the first time since the pandemic began. The event brought together members of Congress and leaders from the pet community to share programs, policies, and key information about the impact pets have on the mental, physical, and social wellbeing of humans.

There were numerous “celebrity” animals present, including the first Pet Partners cat team to take part in the event as well as the 2022 Westminster Kennel Club Best in Show winner, Trumpet; and the service dog-in-training for the Washington Capitals, Biscuit. In addition, retiring Congressman Kurt Schrader (D-OR), the only veterinarian in Congress, was honored for his years of work advocating for the pet care community.

Pet Night paid special tribute to Congressman Kurt Schrader (OR-5) with the “Human-Animal Bond Lifetime Achievement Award” to recognize his dedication to animal health and the human-animal bond. Throughout his impressive career Congressman Schrader was instrumental in developing legislation to safeguard the integrated health of people and companion animals.

Pet Night on Capitol Hill is an annual event sponsored by the pet care community. For more information, please visit www.petnight.com.


5th Annual Pet Partners ‘World’s Largest Pet Walk’ Raised $91,700 to Support Therapy Pets

Last month, more than 1,660 pet owners in 41 U.S. states and eight other countries came out to walk with their pets in support of Pet Partners ‘World’s Largest Pet Walk’. The event raised more than $91,700 of its $100,000 goal. All proceeds go to support Pet Partner’s Therapy Animal Program. Therapy teams, made up of pets and their humans, visit millions of seniors, patients, veterans, and children in need to spread happiness and joy through the healing power of pets.

Pet Partners ‘World’s Largest Pet Walk’ is an annual fundraiser that brings people and pets together to celebrate the health benefits of staying active. Each September, walkers around the world lace up their walking shoes and grab their leashes to hit the pavement to raise money to support the human-animal bond. Since 2018, the World’s Largest Pet Walk has raised more than $200,000 for therapy animal teams that bring the love of animals to those in need.

TICA partners with Pet Partners to certify TICA Registered cats in the Therapy Cat Program where the cat receives a specific Title added to the cat’s name/Registration and receive recognition at three different levels. Visit TICA Therapy Cat Program for more information how you and your cats can become a “Titled” Therapy Team.

Visit Pet Partners ‘World’s Largest Pet Walk’ page to make a donation to help them reach their $100,000 goal.


Fifth Annual NY Cat Film Festival Returns to a City Near You

Grab your popcorn and head for your local Landmark Theater, the 5th Annual NY Cat Film Festival will return this fall. The event, presented by pet wellness advocate and radio host Tracie Hotchner and sponsored by Dr. Elsey’s, will premiere in New York City on October 23, 2022, and then travel to 18 Landmark Theaters throughout the U.S on November 2, 2022.

This year’s festival will include a collection of 16 films ranging in length from one minute (Cat Fight) to twenty minutes (Cats of Malta) that celebrate the cats who share our world and their relationships with their people. This year’s Festival includes the most international submissions of any year yet, with films from Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Iran, Italy, Kuwait, Malta, Poland, Spain, Taiwan, the UK.

Following the NYC premiere, the festival will travel to the following 18 Landmark Theaters across the country on November 2, 2022, at 7PM:

Albany, NY, Annapolis, DC, Atlanta, GA, Bethesda, MD, Cambridge, MA, Chicago, IL, Coral Gables, FL, Denton, TX, Denver, CO, Highland Park, IL, Indianapolis, IN, Minneapolis, MN, Philadelphia, PA, San Diego, CA, San Francisco, CA, Scottsdale, AZ, Shoreline, WA (Seattle), and on November 5 at Proctors Theater in Schenectady, NY

For more information and tickets, visit www.catfilmfestival.com. A portion of each ticket on the national tour will benefit a local feline rescue.

Purina Logo

The Ins and Outs of Cat Ear Infections with Trupanion

Our cats can’t tell us what’s bothering them or how bad they feel, so many pet parents may not realize their cat is suffering from an ear infection until it’s already become quite severe. The good news is that most feline ear infections can be effectively treated and won’t result in any lasting health repercussions. However, the only way diagnose ear infections in cats accurately and safely is to consult with your pet’s veterinarian.

With this in mind, our partners at Trupanion, medical insurance for the life of your pet, created this guide to help you better understand cat ear problems and know when it’s time to seek veterinary care.

How common are ear infections in cats? Known as “otitis” in the veterinary community, ear infections are generally less prevalent in cats than in dogs (5% of feline veterinary visits versus 15% of canine visits, according to DVM 360). Because they are considered uncommon—and because cats are very good at hiding their symptoms—ear infections in cats may go longer periods before they are recognized.

Trupanion pet insurance data shows that the amount of otitis claims in cats enrolled with Trupanion has decreased over recent years, from .07 claims per 100 cats in 2018 to .04 claims per 100 cats in 2021. However, the average amount paid per claim has increased from $74 in 2018 to $86 in 2021.

Cat ear infection symptoms: According to Trupanion veterinarian Dr. Caroline Wilde, cat ear infection signs to watch for include the following:

  • Scratching at the ears
  • Shaking their head
  • Head tilt
  • Odor coming from the ears
  • Ear redness and inflammation; ears may be warm to the touch
  • Discharge visible in and around the ears
  • Ears lowered “at half-mast”
  • Acting in pain when touching around the head or ears

If you notice any of these signs, note that your cat may have an infection in one or both ears. Be sure to observe your pet closely and contact your veterinarian if anything seems out of the ordinary.

What should I do if I think my cat has an ear infection? If you suspect there’s something wrong with your cat’s ears, the first thing you should do is call your veterinarian. They’ll likely ask you to bring your cat in for an official diagnosis—in fact, you shouldn’t attempt any at-home treatments before getting a professional opinion.

“If a cat owner is concerned regarding a possible ear infection, they should seek veterinary care and not try to manage the ear infection on their own without veterinary guidance,” Dr. Wilde says. “Some ear cleaners and medications can be toxic to the ear and can cause deafness, and improper or inappropriate ear cleaning techniques can damage the ear drum.”

Protecting against unexpected vet bills: Whether it’s for otitis or another condition entirely, you never know when you may have to make an unplanned trip to the veterinarian. That’s why Trupanion was created to help you budget for unexpected accidents and illnesses so you can focus on what matters most— the health of your cat.

Trupanion’s Breeder Support Program even lets breeders provide new kitten owners with an exclusive offer of Trupanion insurance coverage that waives all waiting periods. That means coverage goes into effect immediately so that breeders and pet owners can rest easy knowing their cats are protected when they head to their new homes. This program is completely free to join as a breeder, just click here to get started!

Trupanion is a registered trademark owned by Trupanion, Inc. Underwritten in Canada by Omega General Insurance Company and in the United States by American Pet Insurance Company, 6100-4th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108. Please visit AmericanPetInsurance.com to review all available pet health insurance products.

Cat with big eyes

TICA Annual 2022 Board Meeting: Marketing Update

Annual Film Crew: Mongoose Films was present at Annual to shoot promotional clips and live feeds for TICA’s social media accounts. The important difference in this filming verses all previous, is that this is being done under TICA’s direction and being created for TICA. Check out TICA’s Corporate and Group Facebook pages, Instagram, TickTock, and Twitter to see anything you may have missed!

Dr. Elsey Sponsorships: The club sponsorship program has funded 61 shows to date in 2022 within the U.S. and 20 International shows. Several shows have also received additional support for hosting Junior Exhibitors at their shows. The Club Sponsorship Program qualifications and funding is currently being updated and will soon reflect a more simplified Application Form and updated requirements for funding. This important change will be to help TICA support promoting our judges and cats by submission of a brief video for at least one Judges Final from each sponsored show.

The marketing team very recently increased in size from only two people, with the addition of three volunteers we now have six on the team. Each member is not solely dedicated to the Marketing Team; however, we are each assisting with responding to questions posted on public groups and elevating customer service through timely responses, teaching ease of use for the TFMS current and each new launch of more self-service features. We have implemented more uniform notifications to Regional Directors for new features and services being launched within TFMS, to help facilitate more complete sharing of information.

Filming at several TICA shows by Painless Production TV has completed and is currently being edited for NatGeo Wild, with the final version to be available and aired in early 2023.


TICA Annual Photos Posted

Photos from TICA’s 41st Annual Awards Banquet, taken by Larry Johnson and Dianna Starr, are available for purchase online as well as the ability to view the 2021-2022 Awards Booklet online. View formal images, candid shots, and candid presentation photos.


TICA 2022 Annual: Special Thanks

Now that the dust is beginning to settle and marked catalog are at the EO, we wanted to take time to thank the entire team that came together to help with the 2022 TICA Annual. These folks are the ones responsible for the success we experienced, and we owe them all a debt of gratitude. The list is long and strong as this amazing group of individuals worked tirelessly for the past 12+ months to organize the show and banquet.

Judges: Yvonne Patrick, Hisako Yamada, Edith-Mary Smith, Aline Noel Garel, Fate Mays, Adriana Kajon, Robby Whyte, Toni Jones, Kim Chenault, Steven Corneille, Nikki Crandall-Seibert, Nicki Fenwick-Raven, Johary Gomez, Amy Stadter

Congress Judges: Adriana Kajon, Steven Corneille, Kim Chenault, Debbie Lopeman, Chris Unangst, Edith-Mary Smith & Lynne Sherer

Master Clerks: Vanadis Crawford (Friday-Sunday) & Chris Unangst (Saturday-Sunday)

Ring Clerks: Andre Grenier, Jackie Rose, Lynne Sherer, Donna Maddox, Desiree van Beijnen, Kathy Robinson, Angela Ng, Dawn Dorsey, Robin Higgins, Lorraine Shelton, Brenda Russo, Meg Ridgway, Jonna Inman, Denise Spraker, Jan Poole, Emilie Cherau, Honey Gilmore, Kitti Ruttan, Wayne Pedersen, Ana Maria Sosa, Em Winfield, Ralph Stadter, Dawn Faust

Handlers to help Judges: Teresa Carroll-Childers & Jackie Rose

Vendors: Wild Side’s Fresh, PAWPURRZ, Cateeza, 2nd Star Productions, Bloom Products LLC, B.A.D. Kitty Teasers, Krazy Kat Lady Boutique, RightMeowArt, Happy Cats, Every Cat, Wicked Tease, Paws for a Moment Spa, Monty Wu, Brianna Skinner/Pardisium Publishing, Charlotte Shea/Cougarmoon Jewelry, Shelly Mitchell/Fat Cat Empire

Hospitality: Donna Maddox & Dana Oxner

Board & Judging Committee Set-Up Team: Vicki Jo Harrison, Toni Jones, Frances Cardona, Becky Torres

Chicago Fire Story/History in Catalog: Toni Jones & Debbie Lopeman

Graphics: Tracy Butler

Gate: Mark Pinnick, Matt Pinnick, Aaron Corey

Cages: Aaron Corey

Extra Cages Transportation: Johary Gomez & Cory/Nikki Crandall-Seibert

Ring Set-up Team: Johary Gomez, Carlos Perez, Mark Pinnick, Matt Pinnick, Mary Reiss, Lori Dominick, Gary Dominick, Clint Knapp, Carol Lawson, Steven Lawson

Judging Schedule: Vanadis Crawford

Exhibitor Bags Coordination: Chris Unangst & Vanadis Crawford

Exhibitor Bag Team of Stuffers: Chris Unangst, Vanadis Crawford, Jan Poole, Dawn Faust, Nikki Crandall-Seibert, Mary Hudec

Exhibitor Bag Donors: Showcats, Great Lakes Friends of Felines, Cats Rule, Wisconsin Illinois Cat Fanciers, First in Flight Cat Club, Vision Cat Club, Showcats, Go Cat Feather Toys www.DABird.com, Rene Knapp (Catillac Pet Products)

Judges Books: Vanadis Crawford

Raffle: Pam and Archie Johns

Regions who Organized Baskets: Southeast, South Central, Mid-Pacific, Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, Northwest, Northeast, Europe North, South America

Great Lakes Regional Raffle Item Solicitor (asked local companies for items): Margaret Karpen

Handmade Quilts: Sharon Miller (Fate May’s sister)

Quilt Raffle: Chris Unangst (for the last YEAR) and then Donna Maddox & Rene Knapp (Sunday)

T-Shirt Sales (for the last YEAR): Chris Unangst

Social Media: Lorna Friemoth

Clerking Coordinator: Kathy Robinson

Scoring: Cory Crandall-Seibert

Vendors: Jackie Luebke-Puetz

Webmaster: Diana Starr

Photographers: Diana Starr & Larry Johnson

Cat Litter: Angela & Kim Ng (provided by Dr. Elsey Precious Pet)

Division of Individual Bags of Litter for Traveling Exhibitors: Kim Ng

Banquet Coordinator: Chris Unangst

Show Sponsor Coordinator: Honey Gilmore

Sponsor Banners: Honey Gilmore

Corporate Sponsor Coordinator: Roeann Fulkerson

Corporate Sponsors: Dr. Elsey Precious Pet, Purina, Zymox

Banquet Decorator Designer: Debbie Lopeman

Banquet Decorators: Debbie Lopeman & Dawn Faust

Banquet Awards: Fate Mays, Vicki Jo Harrison, Luiz Paulo Faccioli, Toni Jones, Lauie Schiff, Becky Torres, Frances Cardona, Christian Cherau, Manuel Cardona, Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz, Nicky Fenwick-Raven, Kim Volckaerts, Johan Reuser

Banquet Bag Stuffers: Roeann Fulkerson, Kathy Tomas, Jackie Ott Jaakola, Vickie Fisher

Banquet Program: Larry Johnson

Banquet Powerpoint Presentation: Chris Unangst

Ring Decorator Designer: Debbie Lopeman

Ring Decorators: Debbie Lopeman, Dawn Faust & Mary Hudec

Ring Signs: Patty Mahany

Junior Exhibitor Coordinator: Jackie Rose

GL Junior Exhibitor Liaison: Sami Kerr

Junior Exhibitor Judge: Vicki Jo Harrison

CEU Coordinators: Laura Cunningham & Judging Committee

CEU Presenters: Nikki Crandall-Seibert, Amy Stadter, Robyn Patterson

On Safari Coordinator: Anthony Hutcherson

On Safari Presenter: Dr. Chris Kaelin

On Safari Saviors: Sophia Yates, Sami Kerr & Irene Belzen

Ragdoll Congress Awards: Amy Stadter/TICACats

Forest Cat Congress Rosettes: Connie Hazel

Forest Cat Congress Rosette Assemblers: Connie Hazel & Shelly Mitchell

Forest Cat Congress Best of the Best Awards: FatPet Awards

Show Teardown: Nikki Crandall-Seibert, Johary Gomez, Mark Pinnick, Matt Pinnick, Cory Crandall-Seibert, Clint Knapp, Toni Jones, Vicki Jo Harrison, Carlos Perez, Jan Poole, Donna Maddox, Danny Nevarez, Elaine Hawksworth Weitz, Roeann Fulkerson

Show Manager Banquet Hair Stylist: Dodie Johnson

Show Manager Cat Groomers: Tereasa Brainerd, Gary Dominick, Mary Reiss

Transportation of ALL of the stuff from Liz’s to the hotel: Frances & Manuel Cardona

Thursday Night Crisis Crew (who worked in the show hall until 2 AM): Chris Unangst, Janet Brown, Jim Kane and Thom Birkenstock

If we have left anyone out, please accept our apologies and gratitude.

Regional updates

Remember to enter September’s TICA x Trupanion giveaway!

As part of our partnership with Trupanion, medical insurance for pets, TICA breeders who sign up for Trupanion’s free Breeder Support Program will receive a gift of 10 cat toys to send home with your next litter and a chance to win a $100 gift card!*

By joining Trupanion’s Breeder Support Program, you’ll gain access to an exclusive offer that gives your buyers the option to enroll in a Trupanion policy with no waiting periods. You’ll also receive materials for your kitten packs, your own dedicated account manager, and access to a private breeder support Facebook group – all at no cost to you!

Get Started. Terms and conditions apply.** For full giveaway rules: click here.

Don’t wait! This offer and giveaway are only valid for breeders who sign up by September 30, 2022!

*$100 USD Chewy gift card for US, $100 CAD Amazon.ca gift card for CAN. Valid only for breeders in the US and Canada. Maximum reward of up to $600 a year for individuals and households in Canada and the US (excluding Washington State). Maximum reward of up to $100 a year for individuals and households in Washington State.

** NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Must be legal resident of Canada (excluding Quebec) or 50 US states and DC (excluding ND and WV), 18+ and at least age of majority. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Enter by: September 30, 2022. Odds of winning depend on the # of entries. Details and rules can be found here. Sponsor: Trupanion Managers USA, Inc.

Trupanion is a registered trademark owned by Trupanion, Inc. Underwritten in Canada by Omega General Insurance Company and in the United States by American Pet Insurance Company, 6100-4th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108. Please visit AmericanPetInsurance.com to review all available pet health insurance products.

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